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Crawler smileys in Title/Summary

Crawler Smileys

Crawler Smileys

Crawler Smileys is an easy to use and free program to add funny emoticons right into your massages and send eCards when chatting with your friends or sending them e-mails. Crawler Smileys works with ICQ, MSN Messenger, Windows Live Messenger, etc. and with many webmail applications.

  • Publisher: Crawler, LLC
  • Last updated: October 10th, 2008
EZ Smileys for AIM

EZ Smileys for AIM

EZ Smileys powers up your AOL Instant Messenger with 200 extra Smileys! These free smileys are completely new to AIM and are compatible with most AOL Instant Messenger versions (Including 5.5 and 5.9). EZ Smileys is easy to use and completely free!

  • Publisher: Adroz.com
  • Last updated: February 4th, 2010
i2Symbol Emoticons Smileys Symbols

i2Symbol Emoticons Smileys Symbols

i2Symbol Emoticons Smileys Symbols is a browser extension that provides various emoticons, smileys, symbols, and stylish text for social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and Google Plus. It comes with an Emoticon Editor that lets you create custom emoticons or edit existing ones and share them to i2Symbol community.

  • Publisher: i2Symbol
  • Home page: www.i2symbol.com
  • Last updated: September 15th, 2016

Crawler smileys in Description



Using the freeware program Schmaili you can insert just with a mouse click of 145 animated smileys into your e-mails. That makes your e-mails alive!

  • Publisher: Waesche Software Designing
  • Home page: www.schmaili.com
  • Last updated: March 1st, 2008


You'll always see them strolling around Smileyville in pairs. You probably didn't know this, but smileys also like to be unique. They simply can't stand it when another smiley looks or dresses like them!Smileys can only be happy in company that looks completely different!

  • Publisher: InterAction studios
  • Last updated: November 21st, 2009
Fun Ball

Fun Ball

Crawler Fun Ball is a desktop toy that will let you make a ball bounce on your screen. You can choose to toss any of four balls, making them bounce against the boundaries of the screen, hearing a sound each time it hits the borders of the screen. You will be able to choose the settings for this program if you right click on the ball, once it has stopped bouncing.

  • Publisher: Crawler, LLC
  • Last updated: October 23rd, 2009


Yellow Pages Crawler is a tool that captures contact information such business name, address, phone number from online Yellow Pages searching sites into your database. By using Yellow Pages Crawler you can capture sales leads and business contacts into your contact management software. Yellow Pages Crawler also provides you a simple contact management functionality.

  • Publisher: XShan
  • Home page: www.xshan.com
  • Last updated: July 20th, 2012
Crawler Desktop Notes

Crawler Desktop Notes

Let Crawler Desktop Notes 4.5 organize and remember your important events, meetings and memos and you'll get the credit of being punctual. Make your lifestyle convenient with this useful tool that will make you punctual. This amazing application will synchronize you desktop with all the important notes you have fed online so that you are reminded of important events wherever you are.

  • Publisher: Crawler, LLC
  • Last updated: March 5th, 2008

Additional Crawler smileys selection

Crawler Toolbar

Crawler Toolbar

Crawler Toolbar is a handy browser tool which gives you direct access to dozens of useful websites, whether you intend to play a game, listen to your favorite song or look for what's new on the Internet. The toolbar does display one noticeable restriction, though, namely the fact that it is only compatible with Mozilla Firefox and Internet Explorer.

  • Publisher: Crawler, com.
  • Last updated: July 11th, 2012
Win Web Crawler

Win Web Crawler

It is a powerful web crawler utility to extract: URL, meta tag (title, description, keyword), plain text between to tag, page size, last modified date value from Web Site, Web Directories, Search Results, List of URLs from file. High speed, multi-threaded, accurate extraction - directly saves data to disk file.

  • Publisher: Win Web Crawler.
  • Last updated: November 15th, 2008
Manga Crawler

Manga Crawler

Manga Crawler is an open source program that allows you to download books or chapters from various websites. The currently supported sites by this program are: Manga Reader, Manga Run, Manga Volume, Otakuworks, Our Manga, Spectrum Nexus, Stop Tazmo, Unix Manga, Anime Source, Animea, Manga Access, Manga Here, Manga Share, Manga Fox.

  • Publisher: Tomanu
  • Last updated: August 2nd, 2014
WTM Crawler

WTM Crawler

This is an automatic search bot for websites with an own script language. This powerful and fast tool have a lot of different functions. You can use filters, code your own script to scan the internet, find powerfull information and content for marketing, scan changed websites to check news, other firms, find e-mail addresses and more.

  • Publisher: Hanspeter Imp
  • Last updated: January 14th, 2013
License Crawler

License Crawler

License Crawler is the perfect partner for system backup, migration projects and system recovery. Instead of searching for the keys in your e-mails, manuals and recipes you could use another approach. License Crawler is a sweet little application that scans the Windows Registry for Windows product keys and other serial numbers and licenses.

  • Publisher: Martin Klinzmann
  • Home page: www.klinzmann.name
  • Last updated: October 18th, 2017
Image Crawler

Image Crawler

This project was registered on SourceForge.net on Nov 28, 2010, and is described by the project team as follows: The image crawler application is used to collect a multitude of images from websites. The images can be viewed as thumbnails or saved to a given folder for enhanced processing. (Html and XML report are generated)

  • Publisher: Danny Kunz
  • Last updated: July 12th, 2011
Advanced Site Crawler 2003

Advanced Site Crawler 2003

Advanced Site Crawler 2003 is a Windows-based shareware that has two main functions. The first one is to search inside a website that you will choose and will follow one link after the other to search for information. The second function allows you to search a website and download images, videos, documents, sounds and much more! You can download files into separate categories or create a duplicate of the original website.

  • Publisher: Innovative Technologies
  • Last updated: March 10th, 2008
Keyword Crawler

Keyword Crawler

Online website optimization tools: explore and see your site like webengines. Count and display broken and internals links. Get Google pagerank for each file and generate a SiteMaps file in XML format. KWC observes the directives of the robots.txt.

Music Crawler

Music Crawler

Music Crawler is a parallel shoutcast-search engine for searching and streaming the music pieces you'd like to have home from your specified radio streams.

  • Publisher: innoQ Deutschland GmbH
  • Home page: github.com
  • Last updated: March 11th, 2012
Orchid Box Crawler

Orchid Box Crawler

Mining deep into your chosen site's html, this Orchid Box tool can save you hours and hours of painstaking and repetitive effort and help you collect what you need. HTML Data Extraction need never be a trial again. Try our free Data Mining Tool to try it out and then purchase the full version for bargain one-off $100 fee, allowing you to crawl unlimited pages for the HTML data you want.

  • Publisher: Orchid Box Limited
  • Last updated: January 4th, 2010