Create applications programs in Title/Summary

MDR Applications Bundle
MDR Applications Bundle - MDR Apps is a suite of 8 individual windows programs all packaged together in one product group. Includes file utilities, image viewers, and more. The applications include a music player, a picture slide show viewer, a file renaming utility, a video clip player and a file attribute program.
- Publisher: MDR Applications
- Last updated: June 30th, 2011

Remove Startup Programs Buddy
You can check the installed programs by browsing through the three different categories available - General Startup, Winlogon, and Custom Startup. It can also back up your current settings in case you would like to revert back to the original status. It does not require any advanced knowledge of computer settings, and the removal process from start-up can be managed in couple of minutes.
- Publisher: Scorpio Software
- Last updated: March 31st, 2008

Uninstall Multiple Programs At Once Software
This software offers a solution to users who want to uninstall multiple applications at once. The user simply puts a checkbox in the Add or Remove Programs entries to be removed and clicks 'Uninstall' to begin.
- Publisher: Sobolsoft
- Home page:
- Last updated: July 2nd, 2014
Create applications programs in Description

IceProjector creates Rich Intenet Desktop Applications. It simply makes the rectangle windows disappeared so that Flash movies animate in transparent background (windowless) style. The result movies, featured with anti-alias edge support for Win2000/XP and the unique Clean Edge technology from Flashants, guarantee the best animation quality and playback performance.
- Publisher: Flashants Inc.
- Last updated: March 15th, 2010

Client/Server Communications Library for C/C++/C#
Client/server component C++ and .NET library for TCP/IP UDP sockets to communicate across a network. Allows multiple servers and clients simultaneously. Create proxy, chat, file transfer, HTTP, SMTP, POP3, FTP and DNS client programs. Win32/Win64.
- Publisher: MarshallSoft Computing
- Home page:
- Last updated: June 16th, 2015

Microsoft Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition
Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition: a free software development environment that uses the facilities of the Visual Basic language along with the included facilities for developing Microsoft.NET applicationes as well as stand alone software. Easy to learn and to use, step by step guides the developers to create tested, compiled and debuged applications for Windows and Windows.NET environments.
- Publisher: Microsoft
- Home page:
- Last updated: February 27th, 2008

FTP Client Engine for FoxPro
FTP client FoxPro component that provides direct and simple control of the FTP protocol from any 32-bit Visual FoxPro application program. Transfer, rename, delete, list, and append files. Create and remove server directories. Royalty free.
- Publisher: MarshallSoft Computing
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020

NiceLabel PowerForms Multi-user
PowerForms is a graphical Rapid Application Development (RAD) environment which lets you quickly create windows applications for label printing. You can easily add touchscreen functions and integrate your programs with production systems. The RAD model makes it possible to create applications faster than traditional programming.
- Publisher: Euro Plus d.o.o.
- Home page:
- Last updated: April 13th, 2018
Additional Create applications programs selection

mIRC is a full-featured Internet Relay Chat client for Windows that can be used to communicate, share, play or work with others on IRC networks around the world, either in multi-user group conferences or in one-to-one private discussions. this app has a powerful scripting language that can be used both to automate mIRC and to create applications.
- Publisher: mIRC Co. Ltd.
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 10th, 2025

Java 3D
Java 3D 1.5 is used to create and manipulate high quality 3-Dimensional graphics and geometry for applications and applets based on Java technology. This rich, platform-independent and scalable graphics can be incorporated within Java based applications and applets. It runs on JDK v1.5 and higher and is also supported by other operating environments like; Windows, Linux, Solaris and MacOS X.
- Publisher: Oracle
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 5th, 2008

AutoPlay Media Studio
AutoPlay Media Studio is a program that lets you create software applications easily and fast, even if you don't know a word of programming. It has an extensive template menu from where you can choose the type of project you need to create. The main disadvantage I found is the program's cost. This can be a limiting factor for many users.
- Publisher: Indigo Rose Software
- Last updated: December 25th, 2016

Keil µVision
The µVision IDE from Keil combines project management, make facilities, source code editing, program debugging, and complete simulation in one powerful environment. The platform for µVision it simple and easy to use and helps you create embedded programs that work.
- Publisher: ARM Ltd and ARM Germany GmbH.
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 9th, 2016

Microsoft Visual Studio Professional Edition
It enables you to develop applications for Windows, the cloud, phones, Microsoft Office, and Microsoft SharePoint with the same development environment. Plus, you can automatically adapt web applications to target mobile devices with enhanced ASP.NET support for mobile browsers.
- Publisher: Microsoft Corporation
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

Comic Life
This program allows you to create comic books for different purposes by using your own photos. This way, you can take a number of photos about a subject and arrange them in a way that tell a story or teach a subject. The program is really easy to use and also very affordable.
- Publisher: plasq LLC
- Home page:
- Last updated: October 27th, 2022
- Publisher: HalfBaked
- Last updated: December 14th, 2012

NeoBook is a program that allows you to create and publish your own Windows applications. You can quickly combine text, pictures, sound, video, Flash animation, HTML content, Internet links, databases, special effects and other elements to create interactive programs.
- Publisher: NeoSoft Corp.
- Last updated: July 3rd, 2014

AVR Toolchain
AVR Toolchain is a set of programs used to create applications for AVR microcontrollers. The tools include compiler, assembler, linker and debugger.The AVR Toolchain is included with AVR Studio 5.Only users who wish to run the AVR Toolchain as standalone tools from the command line need download and install this package.
- Publisher: Atmel
- Last updated: October 21st, 2012

Bonjour SDK
Bonjour is Apple’s multi-platform, industry-standard, Zero-Configuration Networking solution. Bonjour lets you create an instant network of computers and smart devices just by getting them connected to each other. With Bonjour for Windows, you can enable Windows applications to discover Bonjour-enabled services on the network, such as web servers and network printers.
- Publisher: Apple Computer, Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 9th, 2011