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Create msi of matlab 2012 in Title/Summary

EMCO MSI Package Builder Enterprise

EMCO MSI Package Builder Enterprise

EMCO MSI Package Builder is a program designed to create MSI packages. You can create MSI packages automatically by using the changes tracking technology, or manually by using the visual editor. It includes a visual editor and a changes monitor. It can be used to create MSI packages manually by means of the editor or automatically with the help of the changes monitor.

  • Publisher: EMCO Software
  • Home page: emcosoftware.com
  • Last updated: February 5th, 2021
MSI Studio

MSI Studio

Create, Edit, Manage and Package MSI Software Installers. Quest Workspace™ MSI Studio reduces the cost of application ownership and software distribution by simplifying the creation, modification and deployment of software installers. MSI Studio empowers administrators to develop, enhance and test Windows MSI Installer packages for pain-free software distribution.

  • Publisher: Dell Inc.
  • Last updated: November 8th, 2012
DRPU MSI to EXE Creator

DRPU MSI to EXE Creator

MSI to EXE Creator is a setup maker utility designed to create setup installation packages from MSI installer files to EXE (executable) file format. The setup creator professionally converts default Microsoft Visual Studio .NET framework MSI installation setup packages to equivalent and similar exe installer format.

  • Publisher: DRPU Software Pvt. Ltd.
  • Home page: www.drpusoftware.com
  • Last updated: December 30th, 2010

Create msi of matlab 2012 in Description

MSI Patch Builder

MSI Patch Builder

MSI Patch Builder compliments Microsoft Visual Studio Setup Projects and Advanced Installer (Free) by providing a quick and simple way to create MSI Patches. No need for Installshield or Wise anymore just to create patches. MSI Patch Builder allows you to simply and easily create 100% MSI Minor UpgradeSmall Update Patches between releases of your MSI based installations.

  • Publisher: MSI Patch Builder
  • Last updated: February 9th, 2010
EMCO MSI Package Builder Starter

EMCO MSI Package Builder Starter

EMCO MSI Package Builder is an installation authoring tool designed to help administrators to create, maintain and distribute Windows Installer packages. It can be used to create MSI packages easily, to modify existing installations and to repackage setups from the EXE to MSI format. Starter Edition features an intuitive visual MSI editor that can be used to build MSI packages easily.

  • Publisher: EMCO Software
  • Home page: www.emco.is
  • Last updated: February 28th, 2012
MSI Generator

MSI Generator

MSI Generator is a Windows Installer (MSI) repackaging software and a smart and reliable way to create MSI transform. MSI Generator keeps included and excluded resources side by side – so you do not have to re-do a setup capture to include back some file.

  • Publisher: Infopulse Ukraine LLC
  • Last updated: October 1st, 2013


WiXEdit is an editor for XML source files for the Windows Installer XML (WiX) toolset to build MSI and MSM setup packages. The program tries to make the editing of WiX XML source files simple and comprehensible for everyone. Without any or little knowledge of WiX or even XML, you can create MSI installer packages for your software.

PowerShell Studio 2017

PowerShell Studio 2017

The premier editor and tool-making environment for Windows PowerShell. Main features: - Visually create PowerShell GUI tools. - Convert scripts into executable (.exe) files. - Create MSI installers. - Create modules from your existing functions or help files. - Create advanced functions using the Function Builder. - Monitor Script Performance and memory usage.

  • Publisher: SAPIEN Technologies, Inc.
  • Home page: www.sapien.com
  • Last updated: March 17th, 2017

Additional Create msi of matlab 2012 selection

Advanced Installer

Advanced Installer

Advanced Installer can be used to create installation packages for your Windows applications. It installs a Visual Studio extension that lets you create packages directly from your projects. Advanced Installer enables packaging and deployment of both desktop applications and web apps.

  • Publisher: Caphyon
  • Last updated: November 18th, 2024
Exe to msi Converter Pro

Exe to msi Converter Pro

Exe to MSI converter enables IT administrators to convert exe installers to the Windows Installer (MSI) packages. You can deploy these msi packages using Active Directory GPO or SCCM. This app provides three different methods of conversion: Repackaging, Unattended installation, and GUI scripting.

  • Publisher: APREL Technologies, LLC.
  • Home page: exetomsi.com
  • Last updated: January 29th, 2016
EMCO MSI Package Builder Professional

EMCO MSI Package Builder Professional

EMCO MSI Package Builder is an installation authoring tool designed to help administrators to create, maintain and distribute Windows Installer packages. It can be used to create MSI packages easily, to modify existing installations and to repackage setups from the EXE to MSI format.

  • Publisher: EMCO Software
  • Home page: www.emco.is
  • Last updated: February 5th, 2021
MSI Factory

MSI Factory

MSI Factory makes the task of creating Microsoft Windows Installer (.MSI) format software installers faster, easier and hassle-free. You aren’t forced to deal with the complexity of MSI database tables, sequences and components (unless you want to – MSI Factory is as flexible as you need it to be).

  • Publisher: Indigo Rose Corporation
  • Last updated: May 26th, 2020
SecureW2 Enterprise Client

SecureW2 Enterprise Client

SecureW2 Enterprise Client offers a comprehensive set of features for customers looking for IEEE 802.1X solution to address their authentication needs. SecureW2 Enterprise client has support for a full range of Extensible Authentication protocols (EAP) and all the UI and deployment features to ensure a quick and successful deployment.

  • Publisher: SecureW2
  • Home page: www.securew2.com
  • Last updated: December 13th, 2016


Quickly learn about the installations created by other authors. Tool options such as Highlighting and GoTo enable you to gain the full knowledge of the installation building blocks and explore installation details in several straightforward steps. Try installations from different sources and you will certainly appreciate Windows Installer concept and performance.

  • Publisher: M.Smelnizky
  • Last updated: April 20th, 2008
SAPIEN PowerShell Studio 2014

SAPIEN PowerShell Studio 2014

PowerShell Studio 2014 is the premier editor and toolmaking environment for PowerShell. It features a robust editor with syntax coloring, bracket matching, collapsible code, bookmarking, and automatic code formatting. The Enhanced Form Designer makes GUI design fast and easy, eliminating the need to manually write hundreds of lines of code.

  • Publisher: SAPIEN Technologies, Inc.
  • Last updated: July 2nd, 2014
Microsoft Surface UEFI Configurator

Microsoft Surface UEFI Configurator

Microsoft Surface UEFI Configurator can be used to create MSI Installer packages to enroll, configure, or unenroll SEMM (Surface Enterprise Management Mode) on a Surface device. These packages contain a configuration file where the settings for UEFI are specified.



Kirin is an application to create MSI based Windows Installers. It is designed to be as simple and flexible as possible and is therefore very suitable to handle install requirements for most software. Features : - Package icon and version can be associated with your application main executable so you don't have to manually specify the product version on each update.

  • Publisher: Pmcc
  • Last updated: January 27th, 2012


MSI is a platform created by Microsoft. MSICreate, MSIService and MSISelfExtract were all applications created to service a need. The need came about because there was no other way to easily create an installation program without either using the included Visual Studio tools or buying something like Installshield.

  • Publisher: Corner House Software
  • Home page: www.cornerhouse.ca
  • Last updated: June 3rd, 2008