Crestron quiz answers in Title/Summary

Crestron SystemBuilder Base Templates (Black-Blue)
These templates are designed to provide great looking GUI and control for a wide range of devices. Integral to Crestron's SystemBuilder programming software, these templates provide a perfect starting point for the generation of intuitive and eye-catching touchpanel or XPanel projects.
- Publisher: Crestron Electronics Inc.
- Last updated: December 3rd, 2013

States' Liberty Quiz
States Liberty Quiz is built on QuizBuild, a text based quiz generator. It is an educational program for learning about the states, with a complete database of state capitols, order of entry into the union, year of statehood, and state bird, flower and tree.
- Publisher: States' Liberty Party
- Last updated: April 22nd, 2008

Mega Quiz
Mega Quiz is a free fun fully configurable Quiz program with downloadable question sets and set editor.Sets contain the questions and answers, music and sound clips, pictures, puzzles, spelling and conundrums. Just add players or teams for a great interactive quiz experience.
- Publisher: Canopus Ware
- Last updated: July 17th, 2008
Crestron quiz answers in Description

Whether you intend to create a test to intellectually challenge your students or you just want to make your classes more captivating, easyQuizzy is the perfect solution. This application will generate a final report containing handy statistics as well as containing all the questions with the correct answers and with the students' answers.
- Publisher: NetCrate Software
- Last updated: March 6th, 2017

Quiz-Tac-Toe is a small game that features a very addictive combination, the classic tic-tac-toe game with trivia questions. As you must surely know, Tic tac toe is a game that needs two players, one using an ‘X’ and the other a circle ‘O’, who will take turns to strategically place their pieces trying to form a straight line.
- Publisher: Generation Stars
- Home page:
- Last updated: April 2nd, 2008

Bible Quiz For Kids
It provides an exciting, interactive way for either an individual or an entire family to learn about the Bible. But it is also a great program that may be used for Home Schooling, Sunday School Classes, Neighborhood Bible Groups, or even by an Entire School
- Publisher: Heavenly Software
- Last updated: March 20th, 2008

Kana no quiz
Kana no Quiz is a little educational tool, simple yet efficient, to memorize shape and pronunciation of the Japanese alphabet (the "kana", divided into hiragana & katakana) in an easy way, and thus accomplish the first step in learning the language, without much pain.
- Publisher: Choplair-network
- Last updated: December 2nd, 2009

Quiz Bowl
Real-time academic competitions! Test prep on the fly! For many years, thousands of teachers at all levels from elementary to adult education have known that "Quiz Bowl" competitions are the ideal way to promote student involvement, better retention of curiculum material, and higher test scores! Now the wireless GeoSafari Quiz
- Publisher: Educational Insights, Inc.
- Last updated: November 23rd, 2011
Additional Crestron quiz answers selection

General Knowledge Quiz
Do you think you know everything? If so, prove it with General Knowledge Quiz. Here you will be able to test your knowledge and get a prize if you pass. General Knowledge Quiz is a fun gradual challenge where you should answer ten questions before moving to the next level, you also have to have seven out of the ten questions right to move on.
- Publisher:
- Last updated: March 6th, 2008

History Quiz
History Quiz is an interesting game that allows players to test their knowledge of history learning something new at the same time. The game is very easy to play, although the questions are not very simple and definitely require some knowledge on the subject. The game will give you 10 questions per round, offering 4 possible answers, but only one is correct.
- Publisher:
- Home page:
- Last updated: September 22nd, 2020

Geography Quiz
Geography Quiz is a interesting game with which you can test you geography knowledge. The game includes 10 questions per round which are about cities and countries from all over the world, together with a few of demography and monuments. Most of them are really challenging, since they are not about well-known aspects, but more specific ones.
- Publisher:
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 9th, 2008

Multiple Choice Quiz Maker Express
Multiple Choice Quiz Maker Express is a program that enables you to create exercises, quizzes and tests. You can integrate your created exercises in a Web page or run them as standalone program in the classroom. It also has support for inserting sounds and images.
- Publisher: TAC-Soft
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 26th, 2013

ExamJet Quiz Maker
ExamJet Quiz Maker is a professional quiz maker software for creating quizzes and tests. In Question Editor you can organize your large database of questions using question banks and question categories. ExamJet Quiz Maker can create any type of questions.
- Publisher: Igneon Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: July 2nd, 2018

Arts & Literature Quiz
Arts & Literature Quiz is an interesting and enjoyable game with which you can test your knowledge of Arts and Literature. The game includes 10 questions per round, but you will only be able to pass to the next one if you answer correctly 7 questions at least. This is not an easy task, considering the fact that the questions are pretty difficult and certainly require some knowledge of the subject.
- Publisher:
- Last updated: March 16th, 2008

My Music Quiz
This program allows you to test how deep your music knowledge is by using your own music collection to solve different quizzes. The program is fun and entertaining. Nevertheless, since it uses your music collection, you need to check that all your songs are perfectly tagged so the program can show the correct answer adequately.
- Publisher: Fishbend Ltd
- Home page:
- Last updated: December 18th, 2010

Geometry Quiz
Longing for a refreshing mathematical challenge? Take the Geometry Quiz now and see how quickly you can get the answers! Your goal in this game is to calculate and solve all given questions as quickly as possible. In each question you will be given a figure, and you need to calculate the angle represented by algebra.
- Publisher: Novel Games Limited
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020

World War 2 Quiz SGF
See if you can solve the enigmatic quiz in this intriguing trivia game. This quiz contains various challenging questions that are all about various general areas. Very Educative QUiz game for the kids and not only. If you answer a question incorrectly you lose one life.
- Publisher: Strategy Games Flash
- Last updated: April 2nd, 2011

Free Quiz Maker
Free Quiz Maker helps you to create any kind of quizzes or surveys. Apart from the actual quiz, users can make the whole process more informative by adding details of the answer. When the answers are revealed, this can be shared with the children or students.
- Publisher: Media Freeware
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 20th, 2017