Crystal report client run time in Title/Summary

DB2 Run-Time Client Lite
The DB2 Run-Time Client Lite is a smaller footprint version of the DB2 Run-Time Client, and contains support necessary for JDBC, SQLJ, ODBC, CLI, OLE DB and .NET. The software is shipped as a single executable, making it easy to redistribute and deploy. It is only available for the Windows® operating system, and supports only the TCP/IP and Named Pipes communication protocols.
- Publisher: IBM
- Last updated: September 16th, 2011

Crystal Report 2008 Runtime SP5
Crystal Report 2008 Runtime SP5 is used to fix and enhance the main software. In order to access the file package you will need to use your credentials when you registered for the Crystal Reports package. The setup installs itself without the need to interact with the options.
- Publisher: SAP AG
- Home page:
- Last updated: July 31st, 2012

NI LabVIEW Run-Time Engine
Ni LabVIEW Run-Time Engine is a free program that offers you full support for executables. The Ni LabVIEW Run-Time Engine allows your browser to display VIs embedded in Web pages. The program permits you to run executables that you build with the Application Builder in LabVIEW 2013.
- Publisher: National Instruments Corporation
- Last updated: October 31st, 2013
Crystal report client run time in Description

CRD Starter Edition
The Starter Edition of the award-winning Crystal Reports Scheduler, CRD, from ChristianSteven. Schedule single or batches of Crystal Reports. Multiple formats & destinations. Reliable, intuitive and great value for money.
- Publisher: ChristianSteven Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020

CRD® is a Crystal Reports Scheduler, Business Intelligence (BI) and Business Process management (BPM) that saves time and money by making it easy to automate Crystal reports. Crystal Reports distribution is easy. Just define single or packages of Crystal Reports®, schedule and run them automatically, and send the reports to print, fax, disk, ftp, sms or email in a number of standard formats.
- Publisher: ChristianSteven Software Ltd
- Home page:
- Last updated: April 11th, 2013

CRD Crystal Reports Scheduler
CRD is a Crystal Reports Scheduler that saves time and money by making it easy to schedule & automate Crystal Reports to print, fax, folder, FTP, SMS, DropBox, Sharepoint & email.
- Publisher: ChristianSteven Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020

CRD Standard
Schedule and email Crystal Reports daily, weekly, monthly etc. A single report in an e-mail, or a batch of reports in an email. Output to a folder, ftp, fax or a printer. Choose from Word, Excel, HTML, Acrobat (PDF), RTF and more. Easy to use.
- Publisher: ChristianSteven Software Ltd
- Home page:
- Last updated: September 12th, 2011

SSW Access Reporter
Get your Access reports on the web with SSW Access Reporter. The SSW Access Reporter utility is comprised of two primary components: the Report Server and the Report Client. The Report Server can run on any machine and receives requests from the Report Client.
- Publisher: Superior Software for Windows
- Home page:
- Last updated: June 28th, 2012
Additional Crystal report client run time selection

Vulkan Run Time Libraries
The SDK provides the development and runtime components for building, running, and debugging Vulkan applications. This comprehensive SDK includes the Vulkan loader, Vulkan layers, debugging tools, SPIR‐V tools, the Vulkan run time installer, documentation, samples, and demos.
- Publisher: LunarG, Inc
- Home page:
- Last updated: October 11th, 2017

Crystal Reports
SAP Crystal Reports software enables you to easily design interactive reports and connect them to virtually any data source. Your users can benefit from on-report sorting and filtering – giving them the power to execute decisions instantly. And with SAP Crystal Reports Dashboard Design package, you can gain even more functionality for compelling reports.
- Publisher: SAP Crystal Solutions(R)
- Last updated: November 28th, 2011

Adobe Shockwave Player
You can now add several exciting effects, such as Convolution filter, Adjust Color filter, Depth of Field, Bloom Effect, Night Vision, etc., to visually enhance movies. Make your Director movies a visual treat by taking advantage of the exciting new textures, such as PerlinNoise Texture, CubeMap Render Texture, and shaders, such as Fresnel Shader.
- Publisher: Adobe Systems Incorporated
- Last updated: June 11th, 2020

Vulkan Run
The SDK provides the development and runtime components for building, running, and debugging Vulkan applications. This comprehensive SDK includes the Vulkan loader, Vulkan layers, debugging tools, SPIR‐V tools, the Vulkan run time installer, documentation, samples, and demos.
- Publisher: LunarG, Inc
- Home page:
- Last updated: June 19th, 2020

SCORM 2004 4th Edition Sample Run-Time Environment
SCORM 2004 4th Edition Sample Run-Time Environment provides an example implementation of the concepts described in SCORM. Specifically, it provides an example of the SCORM Run-Time Environment (Application Programming Interface (API) and Data Model) and SCORM Sequencing and Navigation as they might be applied in a learning management system (LMS) environment.
- Publisher: Advanced Distributed Learning (ADL)
- Last updated: January 24th, 2010

SCORM 2004 3rd Edition Sample Run-Time Environment
Robust exception and error handling has not been included in this sample code, nor have performance optimizations been considered. Specifically, it was developed in order to provide an example of the SCORM Run-Time Environment (Application Programming Interface (API) and Data Model) and SCORM Sequencing and Navigation as they might be applied in a Learning Management System (LMS) environment.
- Publisher: Advanced Distributed Learning (ADL)
- Last updated: July 3rd, 2008

Microsoft Visual Basic
Visual Studio is extensible by nature, ultimately consisting of a core "shell" that implements all commands, windows, editors, project types, languages, and other features through dynamically loadable modules called "packages".[19][20] Microsoft encourages and fosters third party partners to create modules for Visual Studio via the free VSIP program. However, according to Dan Fernandez, Microsoft "made a business decision to not allow 3rd party extensibility in Express".
- Publisher: Microsoft
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 22nd, 2023

Snapshot Viewer for Microsoft Access
The Snapshot Viewer enables you to view a report snapshot without having the standard or run-time versions of Microsoft Access 97 through Access 2007. Works with Microsoft Office Access 2007, Microsoft Office Access 2003, Microsoft Access 2002, Microsoft Access 2000, Microsoft Access 97.
- Publisher: Microsoft Corporation
- Last updated: April 1st, 2008

Lightspeed Systems User Agent
User Agents efficiently accomplish the singular task of reporting the user/machine information of the client to the TTC Security Server. This information allows for: more accurate application of content filtering policies and more defined traffic reporting.
- Publisher: Lightspeed Systems
- Last updated: September 9th, 2014

ToolTipFixer is a program to fix the nagging bug of showing tooltips behind the taskbar in all Microsoft Windows versions, starting from 95 and till XP. The program doesn't require the .NET framework to be installed. It can be set to run as a system service or as a regular application.
- Publisher: NeoSmart Technologies
- Home page:
- Last updated: October 20th, 2008