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Crystal report rtf table in Title/Summary

Crystal Report 2008 Runtime SP5

Crystal Report 2008 Runtime SP5

Crystal Report 2008 Runtime SP5 is used to fix and enhance the main software. In order to access the file package you will need to use your credentials when you registered for the Crystal Reports package. The setup installs itself without the need to interact with the options.

  • Publisher: SAP AG
  • Last updated: July 31st, 2012
Advanced Excel To RTF Table Converter

Advanced Excel To RTF Table Converter

A utility that allows execution of SQL (Structured Query Language) statements on Microsoft Excel 97, 2000, 2003, 2007 and 2010 spreadsheets. The results returned by the selected queries are automatically exported into RTF (Rich Text Format) files to a directory of your choice.

Advanced CSV To RTF Table Converter

Advanced CSV To RTF Table Converter

RTF files can be further modified with Microsoft Word and other word processing software. Advanced CSV To RTF Table Converter provides user interface to define RTF table column headers, RTF document page size, RTF document page orientation, RTF table font type and RTF table font size.

Crystal report rtf table in Description

CRD Starter Edition

CRD Starter Edition

The Starter Edition of the award-winning Crystal Reports Scheduler, CRD, from ChristianSteven. Schedule single or batches of Crystal Reports. Multiple formats & destinations. Reliable, intuitive and great value for money.



CRD® is a Crystal Reports Scheduler, Business Intelligence (BI) and Business Process management (BPM) that saves time and money by making it easy to automate Crystal reports. Crystal Reports distribution is easy. Just define single or packages of Crystal Reports®, schedule and run them automatically, and send the reports to print, fax, disk, ftp, sms or email in a number of standard formats.

RptDiff VSS Add-in

RptDiff VSS Add-in

The Report Miner RptDiff VSS Add-in for Crystal Reports is the first add-in product for Microsoft Visual SourceSafe (VSS) 2005 to support Crystal Reports files. Microsoft’s Visual SourceSafe is a source code control system that allows users to manage report files through a check-in and check-out process.

  • Publisher: Retsel Group
  • Last updated: August 29th, 2011
Report Miner

Report Miner

The Report Miner Suite is a single application which contains 4 utilities that each provide unique functionality for documenting Crystal Report files. It generates configurable professional-quality report definition documentation for Crystal Report files.

  • Publisher: Retsel Gruop
  • Last updated: October 6th, 2012
BLOB Statistics

BLOB Statistics

BLOB Statistics is a tool for collecting, viewing and analyzing information about stored BLOB data. You can use BLOB Statistics to find out how much BLOB data is stored in the database, the size of the stored data and the data formats being used

  • Publisher: UnifiedDBTools Software
  • Last updated: March 17th, 2010

Additional Crystal report rtf table selection

Crystal Reports

Crystal Reports

SAP Crystal Reports software enables you to easily design interactive reports and connect them to virtually any data source. Your users can benefit from on-report sorting and filtering – giving them the power to execute decisions instantly. And with SAP Crystal Reports Dashboard Design package, you can gain even more functionality for compelling reports.

  • Publisher: SAP Crystal Solutions(R)
  • Last updated: November 28th, 2011
Advanced SQL To RTF Table Converter

Advanced SQL To RTF Table Converter

A relational database client utility that allows execution of SQL (Structured Query Language) statements on Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL and Oracle databases. The result sets returned by the selected queries are automatically exported as RTF (Rich Text Format) files to a directory of your choice. RTF files can be further modified with Microsoft Word and other word processors.

  • Publisher: Advanced Reliable Software, Inc.
  • Last updated: January 18th, 2021
The Report Viewer

The Report Viewer

The Report Viewer allows you to open, view, manage, run, refresh, print, email, and export your Crystal Reports (RPT, RPTR) files. This application can be installed on your office computers and configure them to restrict access only to a predefined list of reports.

  • Publisher: Report Viewer Limited
  • Last updated: May 27th, 2020
The Report Viewer Pro

The Report Viewer Pro

The program can be used to view crystal report files (RPT). When paired with SAP Crystal Reports, it provides a complete and affordable reporting solution. You can export your files to many different formats, including XLSX and XLS (Excel), PDF, and DOC (Word).

  • Publisher: Report Viewer Limited
  • Last updated: July 24th, 2014
AAA EasyGrid ActiveX

AAA EasyGrid ActiveX

Use this OCX to design your powerful spreadsheet/grid/print/preview/excel-like application.

  • Publisher: AAA-Soft Inc.
  • Home page: www.share2.com
  • Last updated: April 22nd, 2008


The Integral Scientist Periodic Table for Windows is the most comprehensive and complete periodic table available. ISPT offers six styles of periodic table display, five element information screens with 98 data fields, 32 of which present multiple values.

  • Publisher: Qivx Inc
  • Home page: www.qivx.com
  • Last updated: May 15th, 2008
WJ III Compuscore and Profiles Program

WJ III Compuscore and Profiles Program

Program quickly converts raw scores to derived scores to meet all basic scoring and reporting needs. With this program, you enter the raw scores, and the software quickly and accurately provides all derived scores for tests and clusters and eliminates hand-scoring errors.



Pathviewer is a downloadable pathology report-viewing software application, available for registered medical doctors. Pathviewer provides cumulative pathology reports with excel-like freeze frames; faster table access and updates; patient archiving facilities and a downloadable report scheduler.

  • Publisher: Lancet Laboratories
  • Last updated: May 23rd, 2012
Technisoft Report Manager

Technisoft Report Manager

Create a Crystal Report and then with Report Manager, create a professional user interface. If you do not have the time or the expertise in your company to build Crystal Reports (or even if you do and simply wish to deploy reports for other users), then let your Sage Accpac Solution Provider do the hard work and build the custom report and user interface for you.

  • Publisher: Technisoft Pty Ltd
SWB Paradox Table Structure Printer

SWB Paradox Table Structure Printer

SWB Paradox Table Structure Printer allows you to print the record structure of a Paradox database table. Multiple tables may be selected at one time, and the entire report can be printed to a selected printer or previewed on the screen. Information on the report includes:- Table Properties: Table Level, Block Size, Language Driver, Record Size, Record Count