Custom cell rendering javafx in Title/Summary

Quake III Arena Cell Shading
Quake III Arena modification that implements Cell Shading (Cartoon rendering). The goal of this project is to add Cell Shading capabilities to the Quake III engine with Real-time performance. In order to provide such feature they have decided to use Kuwahara filter. Kuwahara filter is a noise-reduction filter that preserves edges.
- Publisher:
- Last updated: October 7th, 2008

JavaFX Demos-JavaFX Pad
A lightweight tool that allows you to interactively create graphical elements using the JavaFX Script programming language. It consists of a code editor and a canvas. Whatever you type into the code editor will be displayed in the canvas. It also demonstrates the benefits of JavaFX Script being a statically-typed programming language.
- Publisher: JavaFXPAD - Arcadeholic
- Last updated: January 18th, 2012

JavaFX Scene Builder
JavaFX Scene Builder enables you to design the UI for your JavaFX application without any coding, just by dragging and dropping UI components to the work area. After you choose and add the UI components to the interface, you can easily change their properties, apply different style sheets, and even integrate the resulting code with the application logic.
- Publisher: Oracle Corporation
- Home page:
- Last updated: October 4th, 2012
Custom cell rendering javafx in Description

Ghost Toast
The Complete Ghost Toast Game Design video training bundle will teach you to: create a windowed or full screen application work with OpenGL to render graphics on the screen use the keyboard and mouse to control game objects develop a scenegraph use lights to change the look and feel of your games work with materials, textures and UV coordinates
- Publisher: Marek A. Krzeminski
- Last updated: February 3rd, 2010

JavaFX Game- Link Up
Liu Xuan has developed another JavaFX game, LinkUp . This is a game of fun, especially for kids, and had been implemented in many languages and platform, such as flash and java. It is simple to play the game: look for two identical images and eliminate them.
- Publisher: LiuXuan620
- Last updated: October 31st, 2011

The TableInsights application displays a table of sales performance data for each month over one-year period for various regions. It uses the UI control ScrollView at the bottom to navigate left and right to view the data table. The regional data for each month is displayed in rows and monthly data for each region is displayed in columns
- Publisher: Oracle Corporation
- Last updated: July 14th, 2011

JavaFX provides a powerful Java-based UI platform capable of handling large-scale data-driven business applications. With JavaFX, developers can preserve existing investments by reusing Java libraries in their applications. JavaFX provides a rich set of UI controls, graphics and media API with high-performance hardware-accelerated graphics and media engines.
- Publisher: Oracle
- Home page:
- Last updated: June 4th, 2013

JavaFXLightBulb 1.0 is a java applet that shows a light bulb that can be turned off or on. It allows the users to configure the power of the light that the light bulb delivers, by using a sliding control that will give more or less power to the bulb.
- Publisher: mark anro silva
- Last updated: November 8th, 2011
Additional Custom cell rendering javafx selection

Thingle is a quick port of the Thinlet single class version to allow rendering and input from Slick 2D. It's licensed under LGPL (since Thinlet is too) which is taken to mean that you can use it as a seperate JAR in your game without having to license your game only LGPL.
- Publisher: Slick 2D

UnlockBase Cell Phone Unlocker
UnlockBase Cell Phone Unlocker is an application that allows you to unlock your cell phone. Once you unlock your phone with this app you can do whatever you like (Upgrade or Downgrade Firmware, or even install custom firmware like Cyanogen or Avatar).
- Publisher: UnlockBase
- Home page:
- Last updated: December 27th, 2016

ATC for Splinter Cell Chaos Theory
The Advanced Tactical Center now comes included in the game. You will be able to design new strategies, discuss them with your team and have them available. Take full advantage of all the tools provided, the strategic areal views will help your team to plan ahead.
- Publisher: Foolish Entertainment AB
- Last updated: March 1st, 2008

JavaFX SDK is a program designed to provide a lightweight, hardware-accelerated Java UI platform for enterprise business applications. With JavaFX, developers can preserve existing investments by reusing Java libraries in their applications and they can even access native system capabilities or seamlessly connect to server-based middleware applications.
- Publisher: Oracle Corporation
- Home page:
- Last updated: June 7th, 2013

Able2Extract PDF Converter
Able2Extract Professional lets Windows, Linux, and Mac users convert data in scanned or native Adobe PDF to Excel, Word, Publisher, PowerPoint, OpenOffice, AutoCad, HTML, CSV and Text. It can also create secured PDFs and edit PDF text and graphics.
- Publisher: Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: April 16th, 2021

V-Ray for SketchUp
V-Ray for Google Sketchup helps engineers and 3d programmers to develop engineering and product designs and also helps in many more applications alike. The tool is full of features which help to take it to the ranking software in this industry. The main feature is the Core Architecture.
- Publisher: Chaos Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: August 19th, 2020

AVS Ringtone Maker
AVS Ringtone Maker is a powerful yet easy to use ringtone composer software that allows you to create your own custom ringtones from any sound, such as your favorite song, a soundtrack from your favorite movie, your friends' voices, your kids laugh, your cat , etc.
- Publisher: Online Media Technologies Ltd., UK
- Last updated: March 1st, 2008

This program allows you to make phone calls directly from your computer. Besides voice calls, you can also transfer fax and data files using the program. It has an intuitive interface, so you will have no problem in using it. Although this type of functions is almost obsolete, if you use a lot of international phone calls, faxes, and data transfers, then you may want to try this program
- Publisher: Selectra Ltd.
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 19th, 2018

Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Chaos Theory
Splinter Cell Chaos Theory is the third game in the Splinter Cell franchise. Picking up where the previous game left off, Chaos Theory takes on the features that made its predecessor a great game. The visuals are stunning for a 2005 game. The lightning effects are probably the best. The game is all about stealth.
- Publisher: Ubisoft Montreal
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 1st, 2008

Custom Shop
Custom Shop is a program that allows you to build your virtual gear collection one piece at a time. The program includes officially authorized models of legendary guitar and bass gear brands and ultra accurate sound emulations with DSM and VRM technologies.
- Publisher: IK Multimedia
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 31st, 2013