Custom icons in lync in Title/Summary

Microsoft Lync 2010 Attendee (RC)
Microsoft Lync 2010 Attendee is a conferencing client that allows users without Microsoft Lync 2010 installed, to participate in online meetings. A user with an administrator account on the computer can install Lync 2010 Attendee so that users of the computer can join Microsoft Lync Server 2010-hosted meetings.
- Publisher: Microsoft Corporation
- Last updated: September 22nd, 2010

Microsoft Lync 2010 Attendant
Microsoft® Lync™ 2010 Attendant is an integrated call management application that enables you to effectively manage many conversations at once by quickly handling and routing phone calls and instant messages. Features such as integrated caller history and caller notes provide a context to callers as they appear on your screen
- Publisher: Microsoft Corporation
- Last updated: July 18th, 2012

Microsoft Lync 2010 Conversation Translator
Once installed you can find Conversation Translator on the More options >> menu in a Lync conversation. Be sure to enable Microsoft Lync 2010 Conversation Translator before you need it. For privacy reasons Microsoft Lync 2010 Conversation Translator cannot access messages that you received prior to it being started.
- Publisher: Microsoft
- Last updated: June 29th, 2012
Custom icons in lync in Description

Grid Cartographer
Grid Cartographer 4 is an intuitive map creation tool. Use it to quickly craft table-top dungeon encounters, block-out computer game environments or as the perfect companion for classic role-playing games. A full set of tools are included to make tasks simple including cut&paste, moving and rotating map areas and a wide range of built-in icons and terrains.
- Publisher: David Walters
- Last updated: May 8th, 2018

Yet Another PSP Toolkit
This application allows users to pull off tasks such as ISO compression, PSX compression (with full XMB preview), and XMB customization (e.g. custom icons and stuff). As for the application's latest changelog: Added huge text for 3.10OE users that the custom icons won't work
- Publisher: Caputo Media, LLC
- Last updated: June 9th, 2008

Crystal Desktop
Virtual desktop managers have become very popular on most operating systems, for users who want to keep multiple projects open at once. Crystal Desktop makes grouping open applications more convenient for the user: one virtual desktop can hold web browser windows, another virtual desktop a music player, and another one a movie.
- Publisher: Brightek Software
- Last updated: September 3rd, 2010

HomeGate Demo
Clipsal HomeGate Software provides a powerful and simple to use interface to C-Bus via a standard PC, with the ability to tailor the appearance and operation of the user interface to a client’s requirements. HomeGate provides control and monitoring of a domestic C-Bus system from a PC running the Microsoft Windows operating system.
- Publisher: Clipsal Integrated Systems
- Last updated: November 9th, 2011

OfficeMDI Tabs
OfficeMDI Tabs enables you to quickly implement tabbed MDI interfaces in your VB applications. Supported styles include .NET, Office 2003, OneNote, and more. No coding is required, and it is very lightweight (70kb).
- Publisher: Teebo Software Solutions
- Home page:
- Last updated: April 9th, 2008
Additional Custom icons in lync selection

Install Creator
Install Creator a very easy to use and professional tool to create software installations.
- Publisher: Clickteam
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

IconCool Studio Pro
IconCool Studio is a complete solution for 32 bit icon editing and creation. The program includes all standard image editing tools, as well as a variety of filters and effects that can be used to enhance your icon designs. The included Mixer enables you to create custom icons from scratch, using multiple layers and a variety of ready-to-use design elements.
- Publisher: Newera Software Technology Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 30th, 2022

Syncfusion Metro Studio
Syncfusion Metro Studio is a collection of over 7,000 flat and wireframe icon templates that can be easily customized to create thousands of unique icons. It also supports creating custom icon font packages from selected sets of icons. Metro Studio includes a powerful icon editor that lets you quickly find and customize all the icons that you need in only a few minutes.
- Publisher: Syncfusion, Inc.
- Last updated: January 27th, 2021

Icon Converter Plus
Icon Converter Plus is a powerful package for icon creation, conversion, edit and modification. Make capture from your screen or applications and save into icon or image. Ability to BATCH conversion of Icon to Image and Image to Icon with many filtering effects.
- Publisher: Program4Pc
- Last updated: November 18th, 2009

The Sonork client merges all messaging and information transfer functions with easy access to digital forms, internal web applications and work-group collaboration tools. The drag and drop environment stores searchable message histories for each contact and offers advanced presence management. The messenger is incredibly light (only 830kb), yet rich in features.
- Publisher: Sonork SRL
- Home page:
- Last updated: June 15th, 2008

Jobulator is a program that provides automatic notification and easy acceptance of jobs in Aesop - right from your computer. You can view half day, full day, multi-day and custom icons on the jobs screen, view absence notes from the teacher, receive links to lesson plan attachments and receive Aesop web alerts and notifications.
- Publisher: Frontline Placement Technologies, Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: April 6th, 2014

Ice Age Continental Drift Theme
Ice Age: Continental Drift Theme contain 20 high resolution wallpaper with 3 custom icons, all new logon screen and screensaver for Windows 7. ExpoThemes have packed some awesome wallpapers based on this movie into this theme so you can enjoy them on your Windows 7 desktop.
- Publisher: ExpoThemes
- Home page:
- Last updated: July 30th, 2012

The Dark Knight Rises Theme
It is a pack of wallpapers based on the movie Batman: The Dark Knight Rises. The Dark Knight Rises Theme includes 20 selected wallpapers based on this movie. All wallpapers are in high resolution i.e. 1920×1200 pixel, 4 custom built icons for most important shortcuts like My Computer and My Documents, and 5 images to replace default logon screen.
- Publisher: ExpoThemes
- Home page:
- Last updated: September 20th, 2012

An easy-to-use utility for customizing Windows icons and managing icon collections.CustomIcons can customize the icons on you desktop, in Windows Start menu and many other locations. Using CustomIcons you can easily replace default Windows icons with ones of your choosing, mark folders and customize a wide variety of desktop attributes.
- Publisher: IconEmpire
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 11th, 2012

Features: - Create a new library with any folder(s) inside. - Change library's icon. - Rename library. - Change content type of new or current library. - Change "default save location" option. - Change "Show in Navigation Pane" option. - Show library as XML. - Since 2.0 you will able add several folders by one action to library.
- Publisher: Sergey Tkachenko
- Home page:
- Last updated: October 8th, 2020