Cute ftp pro 9 serial in Title/Summary

Cute FTP Pro
Cute FTP Pro is a great program that offers comprehensive protocol options, including FTP/S (SSL), HTTP/S (SSL), Secure Shell (SSH). Also the program supports OpenPGP encryption, one time password authentication protocol, and provides a password manager. Moreover the tool enables you with fully-automated transfers, safely backup or synchronize your sites, and more.
- Publisher: GlobalSCAPE
- Last updated: March 19th, 2021

Cute-Timer Pro
Cute-Timer allows you to set up a countdown timer on your desktop down to the minute and second you want. It's an easy way to keep track of your tasks and scheduling.
- Publisher: iWiiBoard
- Last updated: January 30th, 2014

Core FTP Pro
Core FTP Pro can help you transfer data between your computer and FTP servers in a secure way, which comes in particularly handy when you need to update the contents of a remote website. The product is intuitive so you do not need to be an expert to use. However, I do recommend reading the documentation to get the most of its features.
- Publisher:
- Home page:
- Last updated: February 16th, 2021
Cute ftp pro 9 serial in Description

Speedy Gonzales
To get files from ftp-sites via webpages, can often be a pretty time consuming and boring procedure. This little program will make your life a little easier! Just right-click and copy (COPY SHORTCUT) on a ftp-link in your browser and Speedy Gonzales will automatically launch your FTP client and fill in the correct information. Supports:WS FTP Pro, Cute FTP, NextFTP, FTP Explorer, LeechFTP.
- Publisher: GameFabrique
- Last updated: January 3rd, 2010

CuteFTP Lite
Cute FTP Lite is an easy to use application for the file transfers between the local user PC and web sites. The program includes a handy Connection Wizard (tutorial) for making easier the connection process. It guides user step by step to locate and connect to an FTP site, the Host Address, etc. The application includes information for connecting to over 30 types of non-standard FTP servers.
- Publisher: GlobalSCAPE
- Last updated: June 13th, 2010

Asterisk Recovery Genie
Asterisk Recovery Genie is a password recovery tool for windows. Asterisk Recovery Genie reveals passwords hidden by asterkis (***) in all windows version (including 98, 2000 and XP).
- Publisher: Lenosoft, Inc.
- Last updated: August 16th, 2022

Efficient Password Manager Pro
Efficient Password Manager Pro is a cross-platform password management application. She can help you remember generic passwords, software registration codes, e-mail account passwords, etc. You can sync data across PCs and mobile phones.
- Publisher: Efficient Software
- Last updated: September 21st, 2016

Portable Efficient Password Manager Pro
Efficient Password Manager Pro is a cross-platform password management application. She can help you remember generic passwords, software registration codes, e-mail account passwords, etc. You can sync data across PCs and mobile phones.
- Publisher: Efficient Software
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020
Additional Cute ftp pro 9 serial selection

CuteFTP helps you automate file transfer and synchronization operations using scripts. You can write scripts to regularly back up or synchronize your sites, and monitor local folders for changes. You can also do file transfers manually by simply dragging and dropping to its interface.
- Publisher: GlobalSCAPE, Inc.
- Last updated: August 15th, 2018

CuteFTP Home
If you need to transfer files from your computer to the Internet or vice versa, then you need a good, efficient File Transfer Protocol or FTP Client and CuteFTP Home 8.3 could be just the proogram you're looking for. With this program you can transfer files of any type or size including your web pages and any multi-media files to, from, and across the Internet.
- Publisher: GlobalSCAPE, Inc
- Last updated: August 27th, 2019

TurboFTP is a powerful FTP client that includes all basic uploading and downloading features plus a number of additional functions like support for secure connections, folder monitoring, file synchronization among others. It allows you to resume downloads and uploads, and filter and transfer files of more then 4GB as well
- Publisher: TurboSoft
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

WS_FTP Professional is a complete FTP client for Windows. This is perhaps one of the most complete FTP client suites around and is specially useful for corporate environments. Of course, this application has all the main features of an FTP client - you can connect to FTP sites, create, delete, modify, rename and copy directories and files, and more.
- Publisher: Ipswitch, Inc
- Last updated: March 26th, 2010

BackupXpress Pro
File backup or COMPRESSED backup in zip-file Complex include and exclude filter Perform backup at SYSTEM SHUTDOWN BACKUP AUTOMATION for removable mediums (ZIP-Drive) REMOTE BACKUPS to Ftp or Email Integrated ZIP-EXTRACTOR and lots of other great features.
- Publisher: Xpert-Design Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: September 22nd, 2020

N-Button Pro
N-Button Pro creates widgets that float on your desktop to control external devices, send specified data, run applications, send HTTP requests or send data lists. It supports Serial Port/USB and Network connection between PC and devices. It allows you to access and control the widgets remotely.
- Publisher: Serial Port Tool
- Last updated: July 29th, 2020

AutoFtp Pro
Automated ftp client with flexible scheduler. Features: Complex Scheduler - auto, recurring transfers for any future date/time. Transfer Manager. Auto dial, connect. Windows File Explorer like user interface. Popup menus. Drag and drop. Activity log....
- Publisher: PRIMASOFT PC, INC.
- Home page:
- Last updated: August 27th, 2008

CuteFTP is an application for FTP sites in MS Windows based systems. The application includes a useful Connection Wizard to help user to set a new FTP connection, by guiding him (her) by means of a Connection Wizard Dialog. Once the connection settings are complete, the program will establish the connection with the new site and it will save it in the Site Manager.
- Publisher: GlobalSCAPE Texas, LP.
- Last updated: December 16th, 2009

Award winning FTP Client featuring simultaneous FTP / FXP sessions sessions with SSL support. Its main features are to be easy to use and intuitive when used by novice, but powerful and fully configurable in the hand of experienced users.
- Publisher: IFTPSoft
- Last updated: November 14th, 2009

Forgotten FTP Password
Recover forgotten FTP passwords stored in any FTP client program. Forgotten FTP Password emulates FTP server and captures the password, which then is displayed to the user. The program supports any client FTP software: CuteFTP, WS FTP, etc.
- Publisher: ZZEE
- Last updated: December 19th, 2010