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Cypher bot gui in Title/Summary

Cypher Bot 2011

Cypher Bot 2011

Cypher Bot 2011 brings the word cipher to a whole new level. You can now easily open, save, print, and send ciphers. Make a short message or completly encrypt a document. The cipher is impossible to figure out unless you have the keyword and algorithm to solve it.

  • Publisher: iRare Media Corporation
  • Last updated: November 9th, 2011


The GUI Bot software is designed to allow easy control and programming of a BASIC Stamp 2 microcontroller based robot through a simple set of actions that can be arranged into a list. The current GUI Bot software is designed for use with Boe-Bot robotic hardware. The GUI Bot software supports the two types of sensors on the Boe-Bot robot: Infrared and Whisker.

  • Publisher: Parallax, Inc.
  • Last updated: April 22nd, 2008
Cypher Instruments CypherGraph

Cypher Instruments CypherGraph

CypherGraph is an easy to use software specially designed to work wit the C60 hardware. Main features: -Measure the frequency response (amplitude and phase) of electronic, electrical, electro-acoustic and other networks - Impedance measurement of two terminal networks (including phase) - Design and production testing of electro-acoustic transducers

Cypher bot gui in Description



General description: - The PikkuBot can e.g. work as a model in your shops (catwalk) -You can use it as a Security System (with waypoints) - You can use it for your automatic Group Invitor System -The PikkuBot can follow and listen to the master in many ways -You can use it to show customers something - You can use it as a Camping Bot - You can drive cars or fly helicopters

  • Publisher: EVES
  • Home page: www.pikkubot.de
  • Last updated: March 29th, 2009
Crossword Twist

Crossword Twist

This game features three variations of the classic crossword puzzle. In the first one, you need to enter the listed words in the appropriate columns and rows. The second variation asks you to solve a word-based jigsaw puzzle, and in the last one, you need to uncover the key to decipher a hidden message.

  • Publisher: Kristanix Games
  • Home page: www.kristanix.com
  • Last updated: May 27th, 2020
Bot Suite

Bot Suite

Bot Suite consists of three applications i.e. Bot Studio, MyWebAssembly and MyMessenger. Bot Studio is used to create chat bots. MyWebAssembly executes the bot and MyMessenger makes the communication possible b/w the created bot and any other messenger.

  • Publisher: Mansoor Sarfraz
  • Last updated: May 26th, 2020


JsiBitBot is a tool designed to automate sites that pay out bitcoins for doing different tasks. You can enter captchas by yourself, but you will need an account at De-captcher to make this bot work without your constant input. There is a watch dog that should stop a bot if it misbehaves, it has some trouble detecting a bot that gets in to a loop though.

  • Publisher: Johan Idstam
  • Last updated: May 15th, 2014
Bf Bot Manager

Bf Bot Manager

Bf Bot Manager is a bot management system for Betfair. Bf Bot Manager software is official solution for Betfair NG-API, Betdaq API and Matchbook API. This app allows you to run unlimited number of strategies at same time. If that is not enough then you can always order custom bot that will work exactly by your specification.

  • Publisher: Sodens Limited
  • Last updated: October 19th, 2015

Additional Cypher bot gui selection

TibiaTek Bot

TibiaTek Bot

TibiaTek Bot is an application of the TibiaTek Projects family that makes playing Tibia® easier. It contains features such as: macros (auto eat, spell caster, fishing, cavebot), informative tools, fun tools, and a lot more. Main Features : - Fastest Auto Looter (8 items looted in 1 second) - Scripting (VB .NET) - Regular Expression Builder for Trade Channel Watcher

  • Publisher: TibiaTek Bot Development Team
  • Last updated: March 3rd, 2008
GUI for dvdauthor

GUI for dvdauthor

GUI for dvdauthor enables you to get captured television broadcasts comfortably into a DVD conform format. Naturally you can use the program also for MPG videos of other origins.

  • Publisher: Boraxsoft
  • Last updated: October 26th, 2011
DVD slideshow GUI

DVD slideshow GUI

DVD slideshow GUI is a nice application that allows you to create your own slide shows. This version ( is the newest version of DVD slideshow GUI. The application is constantly actualized and comes with new features each time it comes out. All you have to do to get your slide shows created is import image files you want to work with and then set the order.

Minecraft GUI

Minecraft GUI

Minecraft GUI is a plugin that allows you to communicate with the server without being in game. It allows you to get some basic information (Server OS, IP, Uptime, Game Port, Version, Online player (count), number of players in Whitelist, time (Day/Night)), and to chat (from GUI to game and from game to GUI).

  • Publisher: Mika56
  • Last updated: November 30th, 2011
Microsoft Robocopy GUI

Microsoft Robocopy GUI

Microsoft Robocopy GUI 3.1.1

  • Publisher: Microsoft
  • Last updated: June 20th, 2023
GUI Design Studio Pro

GUI Design Studio Pro

GUI Design Studio is a code-free, drag and drop user interface design and prototyping tool for creators of web, desktop, mobile, and embedded software applications. You can use this program to design mock-ups and create project proposals. It comes with more than 120 design elements to help you speed-up your projects.

  • Publisher: Caretta Software Ltd.
  • Last updated: April 21st, 2021
Transmission Remote GUI

Transmission Remote GUI

Transmission Remote GUI is a feature rich cross platform front-end to remotely control a Transmission Bit-Torrent client daemon via its RPC protocol. Transmission Remote GUI features: renaming of existing torrents, files and folders; display files list as a tree in the Files tab; import trackers from a duplicate torrent, etc.

  • Publisher: Yury Sidorov
  • Last updated: May 26th, 2020


My MP4Box GUI is a Graphical User Interface for the well-known command line tool mp4box. My MP4Box GUI makes using mp4box a whole lot easier. Instead of having to type out all the commands that you want mp4box to do, My MP4Box GUI does all this for you.

  • Publisher: Matt Bodin
  • Last updated: March 18th, 2013


OpenVPN is a full-featured SSL VPN solution which can accomodate a wide range of configurations, including remote access, site-to-site VPNs, WiFi security, and enterprise-scale remote access solutions with load balancing, failover, and fine-grained access-controls.

  • Publisher: Mathias Sundman
  • Last updated: August 4th, 2011
Facebook Account Creator Bot

Facebook Account Creator Bot

Facebook Account creator bot is a free tool that allows you to create Facebook accounts. It comes with optimized scripted patches so that everything will work smoothly. It features a really snappy, fast and clean user interface and no hidden features or costs.