Daily planner journal in Title/Summary

Daily Planner Journal
Daily Planner Journal is a software which allows you to organize your stuff. It provides all the necessary tools to enter your daily thoughts, experiences, memories etc. It is designed in such way that the users experiences a simple yet powerful applications.
- Publisher: R. E. G. Software
- Home page: www.reg-software.com
- Last updated: July 24th, 2018

SSuite Office - My Daily Digital Journal
A secure personal journal for everyday inspirational living. Write your daily thoughts, opinions, and life views in your own journal. It also includes a password login dialog box for keeping prying eyes out of your personal business.
- Publisher: SSuite Office Software
- Home page: www.ssuitesoft.com
- Last updated: September 22nd, 2020

Daily Planner Plus
Daily Planner Plus is a capable, multi-module organizer. It includes a daily planner and a to-do list, as well as standard and loan calculators. The program provides you various modules for figuring a home budget, storing passwords and keeping a warranty information database. You can password-protect each of the modules.
- Publisher: R. E. G. Software
- Home page: www.reg-software.com
- Last updated: July 15th, 2014
Daily planner journal in Description

Collegiate Daily Planner
A unique daily planner designed to help today's college students manage their academic workload as well as their daily activities.
- Publisher: Cyberdemics Incorporated
- Last updated: November 3rd, 2008

Blood Pressure Tracker Plus
Program contains a Free Blood Pressure tracker plus other functions in an easy to use program. Included function are Address Book with Viewer, Calendar Maker with import from Daily Planner, Daily Planner function, Home Budget developer, and more.
- Publisher: R. E. G. Software
- Home page: www.reg-software.com
- Last updated: March 3rd, 2014

Session Planner Pro
Session Planner Pro is a daily planner program that helps you increase productivity at work. Instead of managing your tasks, it helps you manage your time directly. It has integrated task manager capabilities as well. It is recommended to use a traditional task manager along with Session Planner Pro.
- Publisher: Limitless OU
- Last updated: April 12th, 2013

My Personal Planner
My Personal Planner is a personal diary and financial manager tool. My Personal Planner features: - Keep a daily journal, or organize your days ahead of time. - Plan for the future with both short-term and long-term plans. - Keep track of your finances and prepare for the future. - Financial calculations are automatic.
- Publisher: Kevin Solway
- Last updated: September 9th, 2021

Employees Payroll Software
Employee attendance application easily manages multiple company records like employee salary, leave details at single place. Staff scheduling software supports password protection feature that prevent unauthorized user to access secure employee data.
- Publisher: Employee salary software
- Home page: www.employeesalarysoftware.com
- Last updated: July 4th, 2011
Additional Daily planner journal selection

NetSupport School
NetSupport School is a classroom management solution with collaboration, monitoring, control, and assessment features. It allows teachers to stream a virtual whiteboard with students' computers for real-time instruction. You can also share the desktop, selected applications, and videos to selected students.
- Publisher: NetSupport Ltd
- Last updated: August 13th, 2013

EfficientPIM is a cross-platform personal information manager. Use it to keep track of contacts, tasks, appointments, to-do lists, birthdays, and more including keeping notes, diaries, and password. And you can sync data across PCs and mobile phones.
- Publisher: Efficient Software
- Home page: efficientpim.com
- Last updated: September 26th, 2016

EfficientPIM Free
EfficientPIM Free is a cross-platform personal information manager. Use it to keep track of contact, tasks, appointments, to-do lists, birthdays, and more including keeping note, diary, and password. And you can sync data across PCs and mobile phone.
- Publisher: Efficient Software
- Home page: www.efficientpim.com
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020

The StarMessage Diary
The StarMessage diary is an excellent way to keep a personal journal of day to day thoughts, goals, feelings, memories, dreams, ideas and important events in your life
- Publisher: StarMessage Software
- Home page: www.screensaver-download.com
- Last updated: April 7th, 2012

You can manage you time WinPIM Calendar. You can also import many different countries holidays or schedules into your Calendar. The calendar provides Month view, Week view, and Day view. And a Time Bar is also provided to let you have a glance of the usage of your time. Of course, the Reminder can remind you every important appointment. And you can print them out if you like.
- Publisher: YQSoft Inc
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

Simply Journal
This is a simple software that helps you keep a diary on your computer. The simplicity of it is pleasant. It makes it easier to focus on the writing itself by not distracting your attention with unnecessary graphics and tools. The journal can be kept private by using a password to encrypt the contents.
- Publisher: Surprise Software
- Last updated: November 20th, 2009

Teacher Day Book
This program is designed to be used as a Day Plan Book by teachers. It is possible to use it as a Daily Planner for non-teachers. After doing a quick annual setup of the School Year and creating a TimeTable the Teacher Day Book is ready to use to keep track of daily lesson plans and assignments.
- Publisher: Robertson Software Solutions
- Last updated: August 6th, 2011

Quickly create printable to do lists. Create a variety of printable to do lists including grocery lists, household chore task lists, or project lists for work. Use your to do lists right on your computer or print them out and take them with you.
- Publisher: Surprise Software
- Home page: www.surprisesoftware.com
- Last updated: August 5th, 2012

Daily Journal
Daily Journal is a handy application that enables you to lock your account with a password, preventing others from accessing your private data. You can use it to write your memories, as well as save important appointments. The main window includes a calendar that can be used to navigate between entries.
- Publisher: VOVSOFT
- Home page: vovsoft.com
- Last updated: September 9th, 2021

The Journal
Use The Journal to track your daily progress on all your projects. The Journal is always available when you need it, and lets you make entries with text, photos, images, and just about anything else. Plus, The Journal’s optional password-protection and encryption ensure that your secrets remain secret.
- Publisher: David Michael
- Home page: www.davidrm.com
- Last updated: June 9th, 2018