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Database connection utility in Title/Summary

Data Quik - The Database Copy Utility

Data Quik - The Database Copy Utility

Data Quik is a multipurpose Database Copy Utility. The Database File Copier will Copy data from selected fields and records between DBase, Paradox, Access, and Excel Files. There are Database File Utilities such as Create, Design, Browse, Delete, Copy, Save and Send over the Internet.

Access Database Recovery Utility

Access Database Recovery Utility

Recover Data for Access is an outstanding software to conquer factors that creates data loss or data corruption situations. This mdb file recovery tool helps to obtain files deleted accidentally or by technical errors.

  • Publisher: Recover Data
  • Last updated: July 16th, 2013
MusicLab MIDI Connection Center

MusicLab MIDI Connection Center

Simple MIDI Connection Center Utility makes MIDI THRU connections without any additional sequencer software like CakeWalk, Cubase, etc. having Thru built-in features. Using the utility you could play MIDI keyboard connected to your PC via MIDI IN port through internal synthesizers or external tone generators connected via MIDI OUT ports.

  • Publisher: MusicLab, Inc.
  • Last updated: September 14th, 2008

Database connection utility in Description



Ventuz is a professional tool for high-end 3D multimedia presentations. It is the perfect solution for presentations given in a business or event surrounding, where every aspect, from location over decoration to catering, has been arranged by specialists.

  • Publisher: Ventuz Technology
  • Last updated: August 13th, 2012
ERCreator Database Edition Demo

ERCreator Database Edition Demo

ERCreator Database Edition is a price-competitive and productive ER-Diagram tool for data modeling and database design. t lets you design and document your datamodel in a database diagram (ERD) in an easy-learned diagram tool. You can print reports and database diagrams and even check the datamodel for consistency.

  • Publisher: ModelCreator Software
  • Last updated: April 20th, 2010
SiteMechanics Database Manager

SiteMechanics Database Manager

SiteMech Database Manager is a part of SiteMech Web Development Framework. This is a small and useful tool for backup and exchange data between Microsoft SQL Server and MySQL databases. It allows to export entire database or particular tables to XML file. Later you can import saved file to a local or remote database. The software allows direct data transfer between MSSQL and MySQL databases.

DB Extract for InterBase/Firebird

DB Extract for InterBase/Firebird

EMS DB Extract for InterBase/Firebird is an impressive and easy-to-use tool for creating InterBase/Firebird database backups in a form of SQL scripts. This database script utility allows you to save metadata of all InterBase/Firebird database objects as well as InterBase/Firebird table data as database snapshot.

  • Publisher: EMS
  • Last updated: April 21st, 2021


Flashpaste lets you define text templates so that you can quickly paste them on browsers, word processors, code editors, and other Windows programs. Support for rich text allows you to create template texts using styles, bold or italic fonts, colors, bullet lists, etc.

  • Publisher: Softvoile Flashpaste Speed Typing
  • Home page: flashpaste.com
  • Last updated: January 23rd, 2018

Additional Database connection utility selection

Intel PROSetWireless WiMAX Software

Intel PROSetWireless WiMAX Software

The Intel PROSet/Wireless WiMAX Connection Utility lets you easily manage your laptop connections to WiMAX networks. Connecting to WiMAX is simple, and the utility keeps track of available networks and can connect to them automatically. The WiMAX adapter and connection can be easily turned off whenever necessary.

  • Publisher: Intel Corporation
  • Last updated: April 18th, 2014
MySQL Connector/ODBC

MySQL Connector/ODBC

MySQL Connector/ODBC provides both driver-manager based and native interfaces to the MySQL database with full support for MySQL functionality, including stored procedures, transactions, and with Connector/ODBC 5.1 and higher, full Unicode compliance.

  • Publisher: Oracle Corporation
  • Last updated: January 17th, 2024


Openfire works as a server that supports messaging services based on the XMPP protocol. Most administrative tasks are carried out via the server’s web interface, which means it is possible to configure the services from a remote machine. As with most servers, using this program requires advanced knowledge of databases and networks.



Though designed to integrate seamlessly with GoDEX printers, GoLabel can actually be used to design, save, and print all kinds of labels, tickets, address tags, passes, etc. It supports nearly all known 1D and 2D labels, and the fact that you can add graphics and text to your barcodes, QR codes, maxicodes, or DataMatrix codes (among others) makes it suitable for a wider range of applications.

  • Publisher: GoDEX International Co., Ltd.
  • Home page: www.godexintl.com
  • Last updated: January 30th, 2013
Reportizer Viewer

Reportizer Viewer

Reportizer Viewer is especially useful on the client side. It can open either dynamic reports, which require a database connection, or static reports, which have been generated on the computer with the database connection and sent to the client, for example, by email. In the second case, there is no need to have the database connection on the client side to view and print such reports.

  • Publisher: Vitaliy Levchenko
  • Last updated: February 2nd, 2023
Stinger Desktop

Stinger Desktop

Stinger Desktop is a free-to-use application that allows you to update Stinger Card device firmware. Main features: - Automatically most recent database. - Automatically check for latest updates. - Check for updates when USB key is connected. - You can choose from: kilometers or miles.

  • Publisher: Stinger
  • Last updated: November 30th, 2015
ArcGIS Explorer Desktop Data Access Expansion Pack

ArcGIS Explorer Desktop Data Access Expansion Pack

ArcGIS Explorer Desktop Data Access Expansion Pack is a program that expands the geodatabase functionality by allowing direct connections to multi-user geodatabases. The application is an add-on for the ArcGIS Explorer Desktop that is why it requires the previous installation of this program.

  • Publisher: Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc.
  • Home page: resources.arcgis.com
  • Last updated: December 17th, 2011
Web Chart Creator

Web Chart Creator

Web Chart Creator is your tool for fast creation of dynamic 3D charts for the Internet/Intranet projects using databases of any type.

  • Publisher: Ankord Development Group
  • Last updated: November 18th, 2009
Altova DatabaseSpy

Altova DatabaseSpy

Altova DatabaseSpy 2008 is the unique multi-database query and design tool from the creators of XMLSpy. It connects to all major databases and eases SQL editing and database design for a fraction of the cost of single-database solutions.

  • Publisher: Altova, Inc.
  • Home page: www.altova.com
  • Last updated: December 12th, 2018
PlanetGIS Professional

PlanetGIS Professional

lanetGIS is a Geographic Information System (GIS) software suite that improves on mainstream GIS software. PlanetGIS focuses on decision support and asset management systems. Basic GIS functions are easy and efficient. PlanetGIS is a complete relational database platform combined with the power of spatial modelling (maps).