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Dazzle painting program in Title/Summary

Discover Painting for Kids

Discover Painting for Kids

Kid Friendly Interface Encourages Exploration and CreativityDiscover Painting's unique interface is a virtual kid's painting studio where everything on the screen can be clicked and used to compose a picture. This studio layout uses brightly colored, rendered images of everyday objects to represent the various painting tools. Many of these easy to use tools are actually sophisticated image processing effects in disguise. Discover Painting features over 30 painting and drawing tools, in addition to a library of 144 stamps, visual special effects, sounds effects, and an expandable set of coloring pages and starter backgrounds. Parent Friendly TooDiscover Painting also includes an option specifically designed to conserve printer ink. Complete instructions are provided in the form of standard help screens and automatically appearing tool tips. The main window always opens full screen to maximize the painting area and to minimize the chance of kids accidentally clicking on something off limits.

  • Publisher: Crescent Vision Interactive, LLC
  • Last updated: May 27th, 2010
McCormick Paints ColorVisualizer - Virtual Painting Software

McCormick Paints ColorVisualizer - Virtual Painting Software

McCormick Paints' online Visualizer program allows you to experiment with paint choices and color schemes before making a final choice. With this virtual painting tool you can select wall, trim, ceiling, and accent colors for interior visualization and siding, trim, door, and shutter colors for exterior visualization.

  • Publisher: mccormickpaints
  • Last updated: September 6th, 2011
Oil Painting Assistant

Oil Painting Assistant

Oil painting assistant is software for helping you to make successful oil paintings from your own digital photos, scanned or downloaded images. With a series of simple steps, you can obtain a printable grided image for transfering it to your canvas. Also, the program yiends a color analysis showhing you how to obtain any of the colors shown in the image.

  • Publisher: Mike Rozak
  • Last updated: March 12th, 2008

Dazzle painting program in Description



Krita is a painting program specifically meant for artistic creation. However, it can also be used by the general public, for photo retouching, mainly. The application has a well-designed interface, which looks similar to those of other programs of the same type. Of course, there is always a working area, but it also has customizable docks and panels.

  • Publisher: Stichting Krita Foundation
  • Home page: krita.org
  • Last updated: November 18th, 2024


Photo Brush is a comprehensive tool designed to help you edit digital photos and enhance images. It acts as a painting program providing a variety of tools for photo retouching and adjusting. The app comes with an optional UI designed for visually impaired users.

RM Colour Magic

RM Colour Magic

RM Colour Magic is the new version of this much loved graphics and painting program. It is now compatible with Windows Vista and Community Connect 4 networks. Colour Magic 3 combines both creativity and versatility. With a range of drawing and special effect tools and a bank containing hundreds of curriculum relevant images, your pupils can really let their imagination run riot!

  • Publisher: Research Machines plc
  • Last updated: October 25th, 2010
VCW VicMan's Photo Editor

VCW VicMan's Photo Editor

VCW VicMan's Photo Editor is a powerful picture and photo editor which enables you to correct your digital photos and draw your own works of art. You can acquire digital photos from file on your computer or directly from a scanner and at once start to work with them.

  • Publisher: VicMan Software
  • Home page: www.vicman.net
  • Last updated: April 29th, 2014
Color Bee

Color Bee

A tool for designers, web developers. Make your own color palettes. Sample colors from the screen, color model, and test colors before you use it. It is a tool for both designer and web developer.

  • Publisher: İZLENİM
  • Last updated: December 16th, 2009

Additional Dazzle painting program selection



ZBrush is a digital sculpting and painting program for the design of 3D images. It gives you all of the tools needed to quickly sketch out a 2D or 3D concept. You can create realistic renders directly in ZBrush with lighting and atmospheric effects. Designed around a principle of circularity, the menus in ZBrush work together in a non-linear and mode-free method.

  • Publisher: Pixologic, Inc.
  • Home page: pixologic.com
  • Last updated: August 1st, 2012


FireAlpaca is a digital painting software that lets you create illustrations using simple tools and controls. Pen, Pencil, AirBrush, and Watercolor are ready to use in the default setting; you can customize your own pen too. It also comes with several comic templates and effect brushes.

  • Publisher: firealpaca.com
  • Home page: firealpaca.com
  • Last updated: November 18th, 2024
MediBang Paint Pro

MediBang Paint Pro

MediBang Paint Pro includes everything you need to illustrate or make comics. It comes with over 50 brushes such as the GPen and Mapping Pen for inking, and the Watercolor brush for coloring. Each brush has various settings that can be customized to your liking.

  • Publisher: MediBang Inc.
  • Home page: medibangpaint.com
  • Last updated: November 18th, 2024


openCanvas is a painting software package with a variety of tools for beginners and advanced users. It features analog-like brush strokes, which enable you to use this tool with touch-screen interfaces. It also comes with more than 150 brush styles, which can be customized.

Artweaver Plus

Artweaver Plus

Artweaver Plus is a painting program which is suitable for beginners but also suitable for advanced users. You can record all your steps and replay them afterwards or provide them to other users. Also there are many tools and features like layers and effect filter in Artweaver Plus.

  • Publisher: Boris Eyrich Software
  • Last updated: April 5th, 2023
Flame Painter

Flame Painter

Flame Painter is a drawing tool developed for people who wish to easily create quality and original artwork on their Windows PCs. The program gives you access to various brush effects which simulate fire flames and can be applied to your personal pictures with minimum effort.



Wizardbrush is a wonderful image editor that allows you to create fantastic drawings in a snap. The application is perfect for kids for the simplicity and ease of use or for beginners who does not need a complex program. The user interface is very attractive and colorful, and offers sound effects to make it even funnier.

  • Publisher: Eusoftware Co., Ltd.
  • Home page: eusoftware.com
  • Last updated: December 20th, 2011


Rebelle is a one-of-a-kind real watercolor and acrylic painting program created by Escape Motions. Its watercolor simulation is based on a real-world color mixing, blending, wet-diffusion, and drying.

Junior Airbrush

Junior Airbrush

You can switch the nozzle shape between round and square. The size and pressure/opacity can also be varied using the sliders provided plus you can change the paint colour. The interface is quite a simple bold children's style layout which I think suits this particular app.

  • Publisher: Cybia
  • Last updated: June 13th, 2010
StPaint Plus

StPaint Plus

StPaint Plus is a painting program that allows you to convert your ordinary 2D images into 3D images and save the results as stereoscopic 3D images. By using various kinds of Depth Pens you can perform extremely smooth and natural 3D conversion. StPaint Plus supports Anaglyph display, so you can create 3D images by checking the 3D effect in real time with any ordinary 2D color display.

  • Publisher: Texnai Inc.
  • Home page: texnai.co.jp
  • Last updated: August 18th, 2012