Dbartisan xe2 9.0 license in Title/Summary

Embarcadero DBArtisan XE3 gives DBAs the capabilities to maximize availability, performance, and security of their databases by providing a consistent and unified view for all major database platforms in one tool. Comprehensive graphical editors and wizards boost productivity, streamline routine tasks, and reduce errors so DBAs can manage larger, more complex databases.
- Publisher: Embarcadero Technologies, Inc.
- Home page: www.embarcadero.com
- Last updated: October 30th, 2012

XE2 Distiller
The new version of XE2 Distiller has been released. Extras Dialog (tweaks) added. Embarcadero RAD Studio XE2 packages/experts manager, tweaker. A great program with a great and easy to use interface. Don’t create .identcache files option added. Update 1 support added.
- Publisher: Pedro Vugluskra
- Last updated: October 18th, 2011

RadPHP XE2 provides the fastest way to build PHP applications. Embarcadero® RadPHP™ XE2 provides the fastest way to build Web, Facebook®, and mobile applications with the only visual PHP framework and RAD IDE that supports Web and mobile deployment.
- Publisher: Embarcadero Technologies, Inc.
- Home page: www.embarcadero.com
- Last updated: April 10th, 2012
Dbartisan xe2 9.0 license in Description

kbmMW CodeGear Edition
kbmMW CodeGear Edition comes with the following features : - kbmMW CodeGear Edition Delphi XE2 Starter support! (CG) - Delphi XE2 Win32/Win64/MacOS, C++Builder XE2 Win32 support (Pro/Ent) - Message bundling (Ent) - Remote desktop components - make your own webinar or support tool (Ent) - Full native JSON support built in (Pro,Ent) - JSON dataset stream format (Pro/Ent)
- Publisher: Components4Developers
- Last updated: May 23rd, 2012

TeeChart Pro VCL/FMX
100% VCL native Charting component library with optional 100% SourceCode. Support for Delphi, C++Builder, RAD Studio and FireMonkey. It provides entire featureset to create charts, maps and gauges in 2D, 3D and OpenGL.
- Publisher: Steema Software
- Home page: www.steema.com
- Last updated: June 16th, 2023

FastReport VCL - a new generation of reporting tools. FastReport VCL is a report generator for giving your application the ability to generate reports quickly and efficiently. FastReport provides all the tools you need to develop reports.
- Publisher: Fast Reports Inc.
- Last updated: June 10th, 2019

ESB Professional Computation Suite (ESBPCS for VCL) provides a huge collection of Embarcadero (CodeGear) Delphi Routines and Components to make Data Entry and Manipulation easier for Delphi Developers and their end-users. Includes full source.
- Publisher: ESB Consultancy
- Home page: www.esbconsult.com
- Last updated: July 18th, 2023

X-DBGrid Component Standard
TXDBGrid component is a powerful functional extension of standard TDBGrid component. TXDBGrid component looks beautiful and implements many additional features like: fixed columns, fixed styles (flat and 3D), Windows XP themes, many variants of gradient drawing style, enhanced flat and 3D scrollbars, proportional scrolling for any DataSet even filtered, expandable columns and title headers.
- Publisher: X-Files Software by Krzysztof Szyszka
- Home page: www.x-files.pl
- Last updated: December 2nd, 2011
Additional Dbartisan xe2 9.0 license selection

Autodesk Network License Manager
These downloads include the FLEXlm Licensing Server Tools software for use with license servers running on Windows XP, Mac OS X, Linux, IRIX, HPUX or SUN Solaris. For each operating system, the download package contains the following components: - lmgrd - License Server Daemo - sgiawd - License Server Vendor Daemon - lmutil - General Licensing Utility
- Publisher: Autodesk
- Home page: usa.autodesk.com
- Last updated: July 5th, 2022

Bentley IEG License Service
Bentley IEG License Service is the central license service routines used by the Bentley Integrated Engineering products such as STAAD.Pro, RAM Structural System, RAM Concept and AutoPipe.Any Bentley product that requires the use of this service will display this installation as a pre-requsite requirement.
- Publisher: Bentley Systems Inc.
- Last updated: March 31st, 2012

Accelrys License Pack
The Accelrys License Pack is required for most Accelrys products licensed using FLEXlm. The License Pack is shipped and installed with the products and includes complete documentation.This License Pack release is compatible with multiple software releases.It's highly recommend that you use the latest version to have access to the most up-to-date enhancements.
- Publisher: Accelrys Software Inc.
- Last updated: February 3rd, 2015

Acronis License Server
Acronis License Server is a mechanism that tracks licenses of Acronis products. Depending on the country and version of the product, Acronis software is shipped with or without License Server. Acronis License Server tracks the licenses using a MAC address, which is unique for each network interface card (NIC).
- Publisher: Acronis
- Home page: kb.acronis.com
- Last updated: October 29th, 2012

HASP License Manager
HASP License Manager allows you to manage your HASP licenses. The manager application is available as a standalone application or a service application which can run at Windows startup. The application is available for developer use or just for the simple end user.
- Publisher: Aladdin Knowledge Systems Ltd.
- Last updated: September 29th, 2011

Private License Server
Administer license usage on your local network. By setting up a Private License Server, your central server machine can control access to floating licenses by multiple computers on the network. Users on the local network do not need to sign in to their Altium accounts to acquire the seats from the Private License Server.
- Publisher: Altium Limited
- Home page: www.altium.com
- Last updated: December 27th, 2016

Minitab License Manager
Minitab License Manager is required for all multi-user installations. This program ensures that your software is legit and offers you the option to register your application. License Manager is free of charge and has an easy-to-use, user friendly interface.
- Publisher: Minitab, Inc.
- Home page: www.minitab.com
- Last updated: October 29th, 2015

Seagull License Server
Seagull License Server (SLS) is a software utility that monitors and enforces the maximum number of allowable printers used by BarTender on a network. SLS only needs to be installed on one computer on any given LAN or WAN and it runs unattended and invisibly. SLS can be configured to operate as a Windows "service."
- Publisher: Seagull Scientific
- Last updated: January 28th, 2012

Boost Libraries for C++Builder XE2
Boost provides free portable peer-reviewed C++ libraries. The emphasis is on portable libraries which work well with the C++ Standard Library. Boost works on almost any modern operating system, including UNIX and Windows variants. Provides reference implementations so that Boost libraries are suitable for eventual standardization.
- Publisher: Boost Software
- Last updated: September 4th, 2011

Enfocus Local License Manager
The Local License Manager is a small application that allows you to manage the licenses of all your Enfocus products. Main features: - Activate and deactivate the keys for all Enfocus products installed on your computer in one go. - Deactivate licenses for products that are not installed on your computer.
- Publisher: Enfocus
- Last updated: March 3rd, 2014