Dce color color in Title/Summary

DCE Tools
DCE Tools Essentials bundle is a series of seven professional Photoshop plugins for correcting, enhancing and fixing the most troublesome problems with today digital photography. DCE Tools is set of seven clean plug-ins, each perfectly tweaked for only a specific task.
- Publisher: Mediachance
- Last updated: March 2nd, 2008

DCE AutoEnhance
DCE AutoEnhace is a software that eases the tiresome work of adjusting and enhancing the quality of the pictures. The software utilizes the Exif Metadata information that was stored in the digital camera while taking the picture and uses it to process the image. The software erases blue cast and hot pixels, adjusts mid-tones and automatic balance, and enhances the color effect and minute details.
- Publisher: Mediachance Corp.
- Last updated: March 3rd, 2008

Color Wheel Pro
Color Wheel Pro is a powerful yet easy to use application that allows you to you create harmonious color schemes based on color theory. Unlike other color utilities, this application allows you preview your color schemes on real examples such websites, logos, product packages, and not just on a row of ordinary color boxes.
- Publisher: QSX Software Group
- Last updated: March 1st, 2008
Dce color color in Description

Color Archiver
Color Archiver is a simple free tool originally designed to help Web developers to have a comprehensive yet easy-to-use archiving tool to keep their custom colors organized. Besides, this tiny application lets you grab, in the most intuitive way, any color present in a given website. This color can be “edited” to fit your preferences and stored in the program’s database for later use.
- Publisher: Priya Ranjan
- Home page: ranjan.0fees.net
- Last updated: August 27th, 2019

Kolorgenerator (colors generator) is a tool designed especially for people working with colors. Can be usefull for programmers and webmasters as well as "usual" people wanting to choose right color for desktop :). It has simply interface and user friendly tooltips system, you must spend only a few minutes to discover all functions.
- Publisher: Adam Godula
- Home page: www.kolorgenerator.godula.com
- Last updated: March 18th, 2008

ACA Color Picker
There are many times when you need to know the precise color code of any part of an image, photo, or program displayed on your screen, in order to export it to your designing software. Well, ACA Color Picker is the program that can help you in this simple task. With this application, you can pick a color of any part of your screen easily, and export it to different format codes.
- Publisher: ACA Systems
- Home page: www.acasystems.com
- Last updated: April 6th, 2008

AV Bros. Page Curl Pro
This multi-purpose Adobe Photoshop and compatible hosts plug-in has the ALL NEW and unrivalled engine that lets you not only bend the image, using two type of bending (curling and folding), but also texturize it (using the bump maps), orient it in 3D space (including the perspective distortions) and obtain total control over the process of lighting the image (including the option of dropping inner shadows. List of Features: The ability to create both the turning page effect (Page Curl) and the folding page effect (Page Fold) (collectively â bends). The Multi-bend option: the ability to create several bends within the single session of the plug-in. The ability to orient the page in 3D space. The ability to specify the desired level of the perspective while orienting in 3D space. The ability to work with arbitrarily-shaped images (non-rectangular, with full or partial transparent areas, etc.) The total control over the process of creating the surface for a curled or a folded page by adjusting the following parameters of the surface: - Angle, Level, Radius, Obliquity, Torsion, Direction and the Limit of the turn (for page curling). - Angle, Level, Folding Angle and Direction (for page folding). Switching the direction (Upward or Downward) of page curling or folding. Adjusting the opacity of the whole page. Adjusting the cross-opacity of the page. The ability to specify various contents for either side of the page: - Content from the active layer. - Solid color (custom color, host's foreground or background colors). - Image from the file, which may be either tiled or resized to fit. - Content from any layer of the current document (This feature is available only for Adobe Photoshop 7.0 and higher.) The ability to flip the content of either side of the page. Swapping the content of the page's sides. The ability to choose between two lighting modes: the Simple and Advanced modes. Adjusting the level of the shading in the Simple Lighting mode. The total control over the process of lighting the page in the Advanced Lighting mode. This process includes: - Adding up to 25 light sources (Direct light sources.) for lighting both sides of the page. - Specifying the direction of either light source. - Specifying the parameters of the Diffuse Reflection of either light source, including the Color and Intensity of the Diffuse Reflection and the fact of its presence for either side of the page. - Specifying the parameters of the Specular Reflection of either light source, including the Color, Intensity and the Specular Exponent of the Specular Reflection and the fact of its presence for either side of the page. - Specifying the parameters of the Ambient Light, including its Color and Intensity for either side of the page. - Rendering Inner Shadows with adjustable Opacity and Size. (Inner Shadows are dropped by any existed Light Source upon your choice.) The ability to texturize either side of the page by using the grayscale images (called Bump Maps). As a Bump Map you can use either your document's channels or any file. The ability to adjust the existed Bump Map inside the plug-in. The following adjustments are available: Blur, Level, Flip Vertical and Horizontal. And you can also Invert (black to white and vice-versa) the existing Bump Map. The ability to make the bent part of the page to be outside the page's initial boundary. The ability to make the bent part of the page to be cut into the remaining part of the page. The ability to create the "non-complete" page curling effect by adjusting the turn Limit. The presence of a transparent area under the curled or folded part of the page. Multi-level Undo option. Supporting images in RGB, CMYK and Grayscale color modes. Specifying the quality of the surface rendering, including the Auto Mode. Exporting the result of the render as a PSD file. (Including current Color Profile provided by the host.) Fast and high-quality preview. Using various backdrops for the Main Preview area: - The standard checkerboard. - The custom solid color. - The content of the active layer of the current document. - The content of any layer of the current document. (This feature is available only for Adobe Photoshop 7.0 and higher.) Saving and loading settings of the plug-in. The ability to record scripting parameters and be automated by them (Scripting-aware).
- Publisher: AV Bros
- Home page: www.avbros.com
- Last updated: March 12th, 2008

LCD monitors may develop scratches or other defects that may end up in dead or locked pixels that are not easy to spot at first sight. InjuredPixels gives you the tools you need to detect pixels that don’t behave as they should in a simple and straightforward way. You can use it to check your monitors at home and to test second-hand and new monitors in a store before purchase.
- Publisher: Aurelitec
- Home page: www.aurelitec.com
- Last updated: March 13th, 2017
Additional Dce color color selection

Peacock Color Picker
Peacock Color Picker allows you to retrieve the color of any pixel on your screen. It is the perfect color picking solution for professional graphic designers, webmasters and home users. Thanks to the revolutionary fade-out user interface you will be presented with an unobstructed view of your screen, and you can immediately start picking & mixing the color scheme of your choice.
- Publisher: Reohix
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

True Launch Bar Select Color plugin
True Launch Bar Select Color plugin allows the user to copy any color they want and paste it in any color editor plugin. The user will run the program and create his own color from a large RGB palette, when he is done with the creating process the user will copy the color to the clipboard and then use it in any color editor.
- Publisher: Tordex
- Home page: www.truelaunchbar.com
- Last updated: March 28th, 2013

Absolute Color Picker
Absolute Color Picker is a powerful yet easy to use application for webmasters and web-designers that allows you to select and pick colors by means of various color models and convert them into HTML-based hexadecimal representation. This incredible program is based on Absolute Color Picker ActiveX Control and in a a great compact color designer.
- Publisher: Eltima Soft
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

Color Wheel Expert
Color Wheel Expert is an easy-to-use professional color utility application. It is designed for Web designers, artists, or anyone who works with color. The program helps you create a custom color palette so that you can save your working colors. You also can use several predefined useful color palettes, such as a 216-color Web safe palette.
- Publisher: Abitom Software
- Last updated: February 18th, 2009

Instant Color Picker
YS Instant Color Picker is a tool to quickly capture and copy colors. Just press the hotkey while mouse pointer is over a color, Instant Color Picker will copy its color code. It can also copy colors as color swatches. It stores last captured colors. It is has a magnifier too.
- Publisher: Young Smart Software
- Home page: www.youngsmarts.com
- Last updated: October 13th, 2009

LittleRGB Color Picker
LittleRGB Color Picker is designed to get the RGB and alpha values of every pixel in a given image. Get RGB and hex color values off your screen with a click. Saves it to clipboard. Freeware. No restrictions on use. Its a great program and its worth having on your computer.
- Publisher: HighDesert Software Co.
- Last updated: November 16th, 2008

Alamoon Color Enhancer
Whether you want to have the digital images corrected on your own or have them corrected automatically your search for such an efficient utility just might end with Alamoon Color Enhancer. The software is capable of making quality corrections at the highest level. With the software it's easy to essentially improve your photos.
- Publisher: Alamoon
- Home page: alamoon.com
- Last updated: July 2nd, 2018

Color Efex Pro Complete
Color Efex Pro Complete is a plug-in for image editing applications. The program is compatible with such applications as Photoshop, Lightroom, Aperture and Capture NX 2. It is a full-featured editor that allows you to enhance your digital photos, correct colors, retouch, apply various effects and many others.
- Publisher: Nik Software, Inc.
- Last updated: February 14th, 2010

Never be curious about any color you see on your screen. With Pixeur you can easily view the color, RGB, Hex, and Long value of any color you see. Pixeur will also keep a history of all colors you have selected, so going back is as simple as choosing the color from the Color History list. The new Color Selector, Color Scheme, Advanced Color History tools, makes Pixeur a top in its class.
- Publisher: Veign
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

Bullseye Color Picker
Bullseye Color Picker was made by a computer programmer and webmaster for computer programmers and webmasters. The result: a functional program that is easy to use and absolutely free!Main features:- Select colors from your screen or from a palette - Return color codes: RGB, HSL, Long, HTML Hex, Visual Basic Hex, Delphi Hex, & C++ Hex - Hide color code values you don't need etc.
- Publisher: Magnonic Software
- Last updated: March 31st, 2010