Dds plugin sketchup in Title/Summary

This is a plugin for GIMP. It allows you to load and save images in the Direct Draw Surface (DDS) format. Load/save DDS files, optionally using DirectX texture compression (DXT) . Optional automatic mipmap generation when saving. Load cube map faces and volume map slices into separate layers.
- Publisher: skirst
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 11th, 2011

SketchUp Advanced Camera Tools plugin
The Advanced Camera Tools (ACT) are designed for people in the film and television industry who use SketchUp pro to create storyboards, design sets, visualize scenes, and plan locations. Use ACT to place real-world cameras in your SketchUp models and preview real camera shots.
- Publisher: Trimble Navigation Limited
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 14th, 2016

LTplus SketchUP Plugin
This plug-in lets you import DXF files into Google Sketch-up. It is available as freeware and used it accordingly. Features: -DXF/3DS/VRML/STL-Plugin for the free Google-3D-Modeller -converts SketchUP.SKP to DXF- or STL-Format and using the -LTplus OpenFX 3D-Modeller as well to 3DS/VRML-Format
- Publisher: ArchitektenInitiative e.V.
- Home page:
- Last updated: February 22nd, 2012
Dds plugin sketchup in Description

SimLab Sketchup Importer for 3ds Max
SketchUp importer for 3ds Max plugin enables users to add SketchUp import capability to Autodesk 3ds. It allows 3ds Max users to import SketchUp files and edit them inside 3ds. Use SimLab SketchUp Importer for 3ds Max, to add artistic touch to your SketchUp models in 3DS Max powerful environment. Assign advanced materials, add 3DS objects, and Create high quality renders.
- Publisher: SimLab Soft
- Home page:
- Last updated: February 12th, 2018

SimLab SKP Exporter for Revit
SimLab SketchUp exporter for Revit plugin, enables users to export Revit models as SketchUp files (*.skp) readable by SketchUp 2013 and SketchUp 8. From Revit 2014, SimLab SketchUp exporter supports exporting textures created inside Revit. After installing the plugin, it automatically registers itself in Autodesk Revit, and adds a new SimLabSkp Exporter Riboon Tab to Rivet.
- Publisher: SimLab Soft
- Home page:
- Last updated: August 10th, 2015

SimLab Sketchup Exporter for Max x64
SketchUp exporter for 3ds Max plugin enables users to export 3ds Max models as sketchUp files (*.skp) readable by SketchUp 7and 8. 3ds Max designers can now make their designs viewable on the Mac operating system by exporting their models into SketchUp.
- Publisher: SimLab Soft
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 13th, 2015

SimLab SketchUp exporter for 3ds Max
SimLab SketchUp exporter for 3ds Max is a plugin that allows users to export 3ds Max models as SketchUp files (*.skp) readable by SketchUp 7and 8. 3ds Max designers can now make their desings viewable by exporting their models into SketchUp. The plugin is supported on 3ds Max / 3ds Max Design 2010-2013 (32 and 64bit), and on 3ds Max / 3ds Max Design 2014, 2015, and 2016 (64bit).
- Publisher: SimLab Soft
- Home page:
- Last updated: February 21st, 2016

SimLab OBJ Importer for SketchUp
SimLab OBJ importer for SketchUp is a program that enables you to import OBJ files into Google SketchUp. The plugin imports geometries, colors, normals, textures, and texture coordinates. It is supported on SketchUp 2015, SketchUp 2014, SketchUp 2013, and SketchUp 8.
- Publisher: SimLab Soft
- Home page:
- Last updated: February 18th, 2015
Additional Dds plugin sketchup selection

SU Podium Plus
SU Podium Plus is a program that allows you to make beautiful, photo-realistic rendering of your SketchUp model. It uses SketchUp features such as materials and shadows to achieve impressive results. It also uses ray tracing and global illumination to create photo-realistic images.
- Publisher: Cadalog Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: July 19th, 2014

Brighter3D allows you to create photorealistic renders from your SketchUp scenes. It provides over 100 different real life measured materials, and allow you to create millions of them, combining reflectance/refractance/index of refraction Fresnel term.
- Publisher: Brighter3D Software Development Ltd.
- Home page:
- Last updated: July 18th, 2016

Tgi3D SU Amorph Training Edition
Tgi3D SU Amorph Training Edition is a tool for creating realistic 3D models from photographs by extending the matched-photo interface of SketchUp. Also you can create 3D models with free-form surfaces by supplying various utilities for creating smooth meshes.
- Publisher: OCALI Inc.
- Last updated: February 14th, 2017

Sketchup Sculpteo Tools
Sketchup Sculpteo Tools is a module that lets you upload a 3D file to from SketchUp seamlessly, using a new “Sculpteo” button and an additional menu item. You can easily load the model to your project and transform the design to your preferences.
- Publisher: Sculpteo
- Last updated: July 10th, 2015

DWF Exporter for SketchUp
DWF exporter for SketchUp plugin enables SketchUp users to export their 3D models in *.dwf file format. DWF is a secure file format developed by Autodesk for the efficient distribution and communication of rich design data. DWF files are highly compressed.
- Publisher: SimLab Soft
- Home page:
- Last updated: February 11th, 2016

LightUp is a plugin for SketchUp that adds realtime lighting of your model inside the SketchUp window. You can add light sources to your model, backdrops, reflections, and immediately see the results without exiting SketchUp. When its done, you can export your lit model to a compressed file.
- Publisher: Adam Billyard
- Last updated: February 10th, 2015

IESVE SketchUp Plug-in
IESVE plug-in for SketchUp is a program that enables the direct transition of models for performance analysis within any of our tools: VE-Ware, VE-Toolkits VE-Gaia, VE-Pro. The plugin offers users a wide range of model building tools designed to make creating 'best practice' geometry for performance analysis effortless.
- Publisher: Integrated Environmental Solutions Limited
- Last updated: May 12th, 2014

SketchUp STL addin
This extension provides import/export functionality for STL files to and from SketchUp, so you can easily export SketchUp groups to STL, or import an STL design and manipulate it within SketchUp. With this plugin, you’ll find STL as a supported format within SketchUp’s Import command. STL files will be imported to SketchUp as a group.
- Publisher: SketchUp
- Home page:
- Last updated: August 13th, 2015

NVIDIA Photoshop Plug-ins
The NVIDIA DDS plug-in supports the DXTC texture compression format and allows you to open and save .dds files in RGB format. It reads and writes .dds files in compressed or uncompressed forms, provides support for per-MIP color fading, MIP-corrected normal mapping, and more.
- Publisher: NVIDIA Corporation

SketchUp Import 2016-2017
SketchUp Import 2016-2017 is an AutoCAD plugin that allows you to import SKP files into your AutoCAD drawings. You will use the IMPORTSKP command to convert a SketchUp file, stored in a local or shared folder, and insert the model into the current drawing.
- Publisher: Autodesk, Inc.
- Last updated: April 7th, 2022