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Debian wisp howto in Title/Summary

Debian-Installer Loader

Debian-Installer Loader

Win32-loader is a component of the Debian Linux distribution that runs on Windows and has the ability to load the actual Debian installer either from the network (as in the version in an official website) or from CD-ROM media (as in the version included in Squeeze CD images).

  • Publisher: The Debian Project
  • Last updated: October 11th, 2016


WISP is a Debian GNU/Linux LiveCD which allows you to create an image of a working Windows installation. In this sense, the word image refers to a file containing a representation of the Windows install, not (for instance) a file containing a scanned picture or clipart. In essence, you can use WISP to create a snapshot of the condition of your copy of Windows.

  • Publisher: Zachary Palmer
  • Last updated: April 26th, 2010

Debian wisp howto in Description

Pretty Good Solitaire - Halloween Card Set

Pretty Good Solitaire - Halloween Card Set

'Halloween Card Set' is a special card set that can be installed into the 'Pretty Good Solitaire' game. This card set will change the traditional card images with more stylish ones. Magicians, dead people, wolves, charlatans, devils, vampires and many other characters will be added to your 'Pretty Good Solitaire' game once you download and install this card set.

  • Publisher: Goodsol Development
  • Last updated: October 21st, 2009


ExifRename is a program to name the pictures after the date and time the picture was taken. Users can rename and create folders simultaneously. The program works with Linux, Windows and MacOS X. The program is written in C + + and uses Qt4 graphic library. There is a setup program for Slackware GNU / Linux, Ubuntu (Debian) and Windows.

  • Publisher: Stefan Fruhner
  • Last updated: May 24th, 2012
Stellar Phoenix Linux

Stellar Phoenix Linux

Stellar Phoenix Linux - is a fully automatic Linux data recovery software for Ext2 and Ext3 File system volumes. It uses a unique scanning method, which automatically recognizes lost partitions,volumes, files and folders.

Python eGenix mx Base Distribution

Python eGenix mx Base Distribution

The eGenix.com mx Base Distribution contains the Open Source parts of the eGenix.com mx Extension series. The eGenix.com mx Base Distribution is available for all major platforms and written in a highly portable way, to assure its portability and make it stable set of tools for building your application upon. You can use the distribution on our own servers and for client installations.

  • Publisher: Marc-Andre Lemburg
  • Last updated: May 29th, 2016
Nucleus Kernel Linux

Nucleus Kernel Linux

Nucleus Kernel Linux is a software utility developed for data recovery from hard disk and other storage media. Kernel Recovery for Linux fully supports Linux data recovery from Ext2, Ext3 file system based Linux operating systems, such as Red Hat, Mandrake, Turbo, SuSe, Debian, Ubuntu, SCO.

Additional Debian wisp howto selection

LinuxLive USB Creator

LinuxLive USB Creator

LinuxLive USB Creator is a small, neat and handy application that helps you quickly and easily create bootable virtualized USB sticks running Linux. It has a built-in virtualization feature that lets you run your Linux within Windows, with no reboot needed.



Ubuntu on Windows allows one to use Ubuntu Terminal and run Ubuntu command line utilities including bash, ssh, git, apt and many more. To launch, use "ubuntu" on the command-line prompt (cmd.exe), or click on the Ubuntu tile in the Start Menu. To use this feature, one first needs to use "Turn Windows features on or off" and select "Windows Subsystem for Linux".

  • Publisher: Canonical Group Limited
  • Home page: www.ubuntu.com
  • Last updated: December 11th, 2017


It gives you easy access to Outlook settings and data folders and allows you to change settings that are normally only possible through the registry. Main Features: - Displays installation information of your Outlook version. - Easy access to Outlook settings and data folders. - Easy access to troubleshooting tools. - Start Outlook with a startup switch.



It's targeted towards small to medium businesses. More than million of organizations work with 1C:Enterprise while performing their everyday routines.rnrnThe latest 1C:Enterprise version has been fully localized into English language and is available worldwide.

Maemo Flasher

Maemo Flasher

The Maemo Flasher tool is used to flash data to the Maemo device internal 256 MB of NAND, which is where the bootloader, kernel, and rootfs (all of which make up the operating system) are stored. Flasher-3.5 can be used to upgrade the firmware, wipe the Maemo device and start from scratch, flash certain specific components, or change a number of hardware flags.

  • Publisher: Maemo
  • Home page: wiki.maemo.org
  • Last updated: December 11th, 2009


OutlookTempCleaner lets a user open the MS Outlook temporary folder. Outlook stores email attachments in this folder before opening them. The program can also clear the folder at regular intervals or manually. Instead of the GUI, the application also accepts various command line arguments for doing different tasks.

Outlook Tools

Outlook Tools

The program optimizes Outlook for two important requirements: - Versatile functions that make working with Outlook easier. - More importantly: If your Outlook was "tidied up" with Outlook Tools, your mobile phone is able to reliably dial the numbers from your Outlook contacts again after synchronization.

  • Publisher: HowTo-Outlook
  • Last updated: January 29th, 2015
BitRock InstallBuilder Enterprise

BitRock InstallBuilder Enterprise

BitRock InstallBuilder is a development tool for building cross-platform installers for desktop and server software. With InstallBuilder you can quickly create dynamic, professional installers for Windows and other platforms from a single project file and build environment.



This project is essentially a de-branded version of Mozilla Firefox. The purposes of this program is: - backporting of security fixes to declared Debian stable version. - no inclusion of trademarked Mozilla artworkThe program is easy to install and easy to manipulate.

  • Publisher: curriegrad2004
  • Last updated: October 15th, 2008
FSI Server

FSI Server

With FSI Server software you get everything you need to add dynamic single source imaging to your website. With FSI Server you only need to create and maintain a single version of each image. It produces all the right variations including color profiles and formats in real-time. This concept is known as "single source dynamic imaging".