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Decision table in Title/Summary



Decision Table Creator is a tool to create/edit/export decision tables. Tables can be checked on consistency and completeness. The resulting table can be copied to the clipboard to incorporate it in Word, Excel or PowerPoint. This page is the default project web page supplied by SourceForge.net.

  • Publisher: Martin Keesen
  • Last updated: August 29th, 2011
Decision Explorer

Decision Explorer

Decision Explorer is a Windows based ideas mapping tool. Decision Explorer helps you to organize your thinking by capturing ideas and relationships between them, making the interdependencies explicit. The use of display colour and font variations allows you to provide emphasis and convey additional meaning.

  • Publisher: Banxia Software Ltd
  • Last updated: December 15th, 2014
Decision Tree

Decision Tree

Learning is the ability to improve one's behaviour based on experience and represents an essential element of computational intelligence. Decision trees are a simple yet successful technique for supervised classification learning. This tool demonstrates how to build a decision tree using a training data set and then use the tree to classify unseen examples in a test data set.

  • Publisher: Kevin O'Neill, Shinjiro Sueda, Wesley Coelho, Oxana Chakoula, Nicole Arksey, Kyle Porter, Byron Knoll
  • Home page: www.aispace.org
  • Last updated: December 27th, 2011

Decision table in Description



4eMka2 is an implementation of the new approach in multiple criteria decision support, combining advantages of rough sets and dominance relation. Main Features : - data validation, - finding the core of criteria and attribute, - finding reducts in the information table, - inducing decision rules using the DOMLEM and ALLRULES algorithms,

  • Publisher: Laboratory of Intelligent Decision Support Systems
  • Last updated: October 31st, 2010


This work is an attempt to overcome the use of greedy heuristics and search the decision tree space in a natural way. More specifically, we make use of genetic algorithms to directly evolve binary decision trees in the conquest for the one that most closely matches the target concept.

  • Publisher: GATree
  • Last updated: October 15th, 2009
MVLsoft Very Good Choice - Add-in for Excel

MVLsoft Very Good Choice - Add-in for Excel

As you know about decision you know that it is not as easy to deal with alternatives, criteria, weight and thresholds in an efficient way to support a sustainable decision. See the decision making process. Very Good Choice tool let you easily compare several alternatives in a single step of the decision process.

  • Publisher: MVLsoft Very Good Choice
  • Last updated: February 27th, 2012
ARM Mortgage Calculator

ARM Mortgage Calculator

This interactive mortgage calculator gives you a thorough estimation of your mortgage costs, including the annual percentage rate. It works with adjustable rate mortgages, as well as fixed rate or interest-only mortgages.

  • Publisher: Borrowisely.com
  • Last updated: April 3rd, 2008
DBRecovery 2010 Suite

DBRecovery 2010 Suite

Data recovery suite for corrupted databases. DBRecovery 2010 Suite integrates multiple database recovery utilities into a convenient setup package. Attractive pricing model makes purchasing suite an easy decision over ordering components separately. The suite contents table to the right shows the programs included in DBRecovery 2010 Suite.

  • Publisher: Recoveronix
  • Last updated: September 12th, 2011

Additional Decision table selection

Partition Table Doctor

Partition Table Doctor

Partition Table Doctor is a powerful yet easy to use data recovery software that allows you to recover your data if the partition table, or boot sector on hard disk is lost or damaged due to a virus attack, software failure, Fdisk or Partition Magic misapplication among other reasons.

  • Publisher: EASEUS
  • Home page: www.ptdd.com
  • Last updated: February 14th, 2008
Table Tennis Pro Lite

Table Tennis Pro Lite

Table Tennis Pro Lite 2.32 is a ping pong game for Windows. Through the Main Menu you will be able to chose the kind of match you want to play. The options are One Player (this is, against the computer), Two players, Multiplayer, League, Tournament, or Practice. The Disks and Blocks modes are locked in the demo version.

PL Table

PL Table

This multifunctional periodic table is an excellent tool for both students and serious researchers. It has over 20 types of data on each element and all known isotopes in customizable, user-expandable tables. All sixteen numeric data types (plus any user-added data) can be corelated in particle or line graphs.

  • Publisher: ChemTable Software
  • Last updated: September 4th, 2010
Decision Analyst STATS

Decision Analyst STATS

Decision Analyst STATS is a free, easy-to-use, Windows-based statistical software program for marketing research that performs multiple functions. Stats 2.0 requires a Windows-based operating system to run. Decision Analyst Stats does not run on MAC computers.

  • Publisher: Decision Analyst, Inc
  • Last updated: March 15th, 2009
Periodic Table

Periodic Table

EniG. Periodic table of the elements can show all the names in one of 7 languages. You should only click the flag in the bottom of the screen to change the language of the entire Periodic Table. In the configuration file you can set any of the languages as a default language of the Periodic Table.

  • Publisher: EniG. Split
  • Last updated: November 21st, 2008
Tournament Indicator

Tournament Indicator

Tournament Indicator is an officially approved Poker Calculator by PokerStars. Works with Bovada/Bodog anonymous tables. Supports more than 300 online poker sites. The indicators used in the software are the same you would use in a real tournament situation, but are quite different from a ring or cash game.

Calculatem Pro

Calculatem Pro

Poker players know first hand how indispensable Calculatem ProTM is to an online bankroll. It automatically reads your cards and table play, breaking down every possible scenario in real-time and instantly giving you exact poker odds to win in every situation.

  • Publisher: Calculatempro.com
  • Last updated: June 17th, 2012


StarsHelper is a fast and powerful poker software for Windows users. The program allows you to see pot odds and necessary outs for call real time during the play, see total pot value in big blinds, which is very convenient for using with 'Chips to BB' feature, compare your bluff size to profitability of this action, see action history and time for decision of all players at the table, and more.

  • Publisher: StarsHelper
  • Home page: starshelper.net
  • Last updated: August 31st, 2016
Table Templates Manager for Word

Table Templates Manager for Word

Table Templates Manager for Word allows you to use a table that you created as many times as you like in any number of Word documents. All the borders, cells, and text will retain their format. This tool helps you to create your own unique table templates collection in Word and save the table, text format, patterns, fonts and alignment of cells.

  • Publisher: AbleBits
  • Home page: www.ablebits.com
  • Last updated: November 18th, 2008
Dhaatu The Periodic Table of Elements

Dhaatu The Periodic Table of Elements

Dhaatu gives you the following information about each of the 116 elements of the modern Periodic Table: - Name - Symbol - Atomic Number - Atomic Weight - 1st Ionization Potential - 2nd Ionization Potential - Electronegativity - Atomic Radius - Boiling Point - Melting Point - Electronic configuration - Density - Name(s) of the discoverer(s) - Year of discovery

  • Publisher: Dhaatu
  • Last updated: December 24th, 2010