Decompile .ade file in Title/Summary

Decompile Video Master
Decompile Video Master is a user-friendly and intuitive piece of software developed to offer you a quick means of extracting elements from a movie, be they in the form of images, sounds or even other videos.
- Publisher: AuDane
- Last updated: February 24th, 2014

Klima ADE
Klima ADE is a selection software utility for air distribution units. The program allows you to select the appropriate diffuser for certain room conditions, calculate the exact angles according to the installation height of the diffuser, calculate the supplied air quantity and the temperature difference between supplied and room temperature, and more.
- Publisher: Lindab IMP Klima
- Last updated: March 26th, 2017

Decompile Flash
Decompile Flash Free Version is an outstanding SWF decompiling tool which allows you to convert flash between SWF and FLA format. Decompile Flash offers the powerful function of editing dynamic texts of flash movie and replacing images as your own easily and watch the edited result immediately. The easy-to-use interface helps you catch on to the system quickly.
- Publisher: ExtraSolution Software Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: February 9th, 2011
Decompile .ade file in Description

Arbitron Data Express
Arbitron Data Express (ADE) is Arbitron's solution to secure delivery of market and survey data to developer clients via the Internet. ADE allows clients to transfer survey data from Arbitron's server directly to the client's computer. Clients must register and have a valid user ID and password in order to use ADE.
- Publisher: Arbitron
- Last updated: October 17th, 2009

Video File Master
Using Video Converter and Video Decompiler, you can convert video files to other video formats, choose frame rate, video bit rate, audio bit rate, convert audio with output file resolution adjustment and setting conversion limit, use batch conversion facility, decompile the video files and so on.
- Publisher:
- Last updated: April 24th, 2008

Flash Decompile Master
McFunSoft Flash Decompile Master is a tool that extracts the script from Adobe Flash animations and is capable of converting the file between Flash formats. With it any content of a SWF file, like sound, shapes, frames, buttons, and others can be extracted. Depending on the objects users will be able to save them as images, or audio.
- Publisher: McFunSoft Inc.
- Last updated: October 17th, 2009

Unlock Access MDE Design
Unlock Access MDE Design unlocks MS Access MDE, ADE and ACCDE forms and reports for editing. The software securely unlocks the MDE applications allowing you to edit forms and reports in MS Access.There will be no damages to the MDE application; the original file is not written to.
- Publisher: Dombaj Soft
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

Sothink SWF Decompiler
This program can help you decompile SWF files. Additionally, you can use it to modify existing SFW files, export them to other formats or extract resources. The application has a nicely designed interface, with a tabbed ribbon that automatically adapts to the current task, in the style of Office 97. It can be useful mostly to web designers and also to apprentices.
- Publisher: SourceTec Software Co., LTD
- Home page:
- Last updated: August 9th, 2012
Additional Decompile .ade file selection

ChmDecompiler is a decompiler for .CHM file. With ChmDecompiler, you can convert any .CHM files to .htm easily, and you can extract any/all source files from the .CHM, even the .HHP project file can be recreated perfectly. Extract all source files from a Chm file or ebook, then you can edit and recompile those source files, that's all.
- Publisher: GuohuaSoft
- Last updated: March 19th, 2021

Switch Audio File Converter
Switch Plus is a sound file converter for Windows. It can convert mp3, wav or wma format and more to the format of your choice.
- Publisher: NCH Software
- Last updated: December 27th, 2024

Microsoft Office File Validation Add-In
Office File Validation is used to validate that Binary File Format files conform to the Microsoft Office File Format. Office File Validation verifies that a particular binary file complies with the application’s expectations. Office File Validation can help prevent unknown binary file format attacks against Microsoft Office 97-2003 file formats.
- Publisher: Microsoft Corporation
- Last updated: July 21st, 2014

Active@ File Recovery
Active@ File Recovery is a powerful data recovery tool allowing you to recover files from formatted disks or those which have already been emptied from the Recycle Bin.
- Publisher: LSoft Technologies Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: February 25th, 2024

File Sanitizer For HP ProtectTools
File Sanitizer For HP ProtectTools provides the ability to shred system operational information, browser information, files, and folders in a near permanent manner. In addition, previously-used areas of the system hard drive can be "bleached" to enhance the inability to recover deleted information or information for previous operations.
- Publisher: Hewlett-Packard
- Last updated: December 1st, 2015

Express Zip File Compression
With Express Zip File Compression Software you can shrink your huge files in the blink of an eye. This handy tool is wonderfully straightforward: just drag your files or folders into the program, click a button, and there you go. All your data is neatly packed away in a compressed ZIP file.
- Publisher: NCH Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: February 28th, 2025

PC Inspector File Recovery
PC INSPECTOR™ File Recovery 4.x is a data recovery program that supports the FAT 12/16/32 and NTFS file systems. Finds partitions automatically, even if the boot sector or FAT has been erased or damaged. PC INSPECTOR™ File Recovery 4.x is so-called FREEWARE. This means that the software does not cost you a single penny.
- Publisher: home
- Home page:
- Last updated: September 14th, 2011

File Scavenger
File Scavenger is a data recovery utility tool for Windows operative systems. Get back those files accidentally erased from Windows, the Recycle Bin, the command line window (DOS) or a network share; they can be recovered along with the original folder name and dates even if overwritten by new data.
- Publisher: QueTek・Consulting Corporation
- Last updated: September 9th, 2021

AusLogics Duplicate File Finder
Duplicate File Finder can help you locate and remove files with same data. It uses intelligent algorithms to compare not only the file names, but also contents to ensure no false search results. You can easily customize the file-type (photos, videos, documents, programs, and archives) from its interface before scanning.
- Publisher: Auslogics Labs Pty. Ltd.
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

Orion File Recovery Software
Whether you need a simple and effective tool to recover accidentally lost and deleted files or to shred confidential data permanently, Orion File Recovery Software provides you with everything you need to perform these two apparently contradictory tasks in an efficient way. Thanks to its wizard-like approach, anyone can benefit from these two essential file management functions.
- Publisher: NCH Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 23rd, 2014