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Default desktop color code in Title/Summary

R Color Code

R Color Code

Decrypt the color code of fixed resistors. The marking starts with the band nearest to one end of the resistor. A wider band is always the last one. Encoded are the resistance in Ohm, indicated by 2 or 3 bands and the multiplier, the tolerance in % and in certain cases the temperature coefficient. The temperature coefficient is the last wider band in the 6 band code. It's given in ppm/K.

  • Publisher: DL5SWB
  • Home page: www.dl5swb.de
  • Last updated: May 19th, 2008
Color Code

Color Code

Color code is a logic game you can enjoy in your Opera browser. If the ball is in the correct place, you see check mark on that ball, if code doesn't have ball's color, ball has X, otherways two-directional arrow. You can move the ball and change its color.When all balls have correct colors and places, you win. When you lost all tries, you lose the game.

Resistor Color Code Calculator

Resistor Color Code Calculator

Resistor Color Code Calculator is a helpful little utility that allows you to find the value of a standard resistor without memorizing the color codes. Resistor Color Code Calculator also includes an Ohm Law calculator and a resistor color code quiz that it is under development at this time

  • Publisher: Daniel Crowe
  • Last updated: May 20th, 2014

Default desktop color code in Description



Use the free, tiny and portable LoneColor app to set any solid color you like as your Desktop wallpaper, or let it surprise you with a randomly generated color wallpaper. It has a minimal design and it is very easy to use directly from your Desktop.

Color Scheme Editor

Color Scheme Editor

With this program you can easily change the color of the maps on Tom Tom Navigator. It provides a number of colors and allows you to use them to change the color of each object on the maps and edit the schemes. Every color has an RGB color code. You can choose a color or a respective RGB code to select any particular color.

  • Publisher: Post Productions
  • Last updated: March 8th, 2008


ColorMania is a color picking utility designed for Windows PCs. It might prove to be of good use to graphic designers or developers who are looking for a quick and easy way to determine color codes on their computers. ColorMania lives on your System Tray from where you can access its main screen and settings.

Amicus Attorney 2008 SFE

Amicus Attorney 2008 SFE

Entries for one or more items without having to open the detail dialog - open the detail dialog of each selected item - better manage your time by optionally ignoring the selected item so the Time Entry icon will no longer appear in list views - assign selected item(s) to a file - print selected item(s)

  • Publisher: Gavel & Gown Software Inc.
  • Last updated: February 25th, 2010
System Monitor II

System Monitor II

Though many users are satisfied with the information and statistics provided by Windows’ Task Manager, others might find its overall values not accurate enough. System Monitor II is a free Windows desktop gadget that provides you with highly accurate real-time data of your system’s overall memory, RAM memory, and PageFile usage, as well as the CPU usage and temperature broken down per core.

  • Publisher: Igor "Igogo" Bushin
  • Last updated: September 21st, 2016

Additional Default desktop color code selection

Folder Colorizer

Folder Colorizer

Folder Colorizer 2 is a tiny, Windows-based utility for colorizing folders on your PC. Originally launched in 2011, it received over 5 000 000 downloads since. Folder Colorizer 2 goes above and beyond with its new, re-imagined user interface. It features a built-in color editor with support for HEX color codes.

  • Publisher: Softorino
  • Home page: softorino.com
  • Last updated: November 18th, 2024
Desktop Color Finder

Desktop Color Finder

Desktop Color Search is an Adobe AIR app that runs on your desktop and allows you to search the entire COLOURlovers database for colors, palettes and patterns. You'll need to download the Adobe AIR runtime in order to run Desktop Color Search, you can use the link below to install AIR. (It works in both Windows and on Mac OS X)

  • Publisher: CHROMAom
  • Last updated: June 5th, 2008
Orion File Recovery Software

Orion File Recovery Software

Whether you need a simple and effective tool to recover accidentally lost and deleted files or to shred confidential data permanently, Orion File Recovery Software provides you with everything you need to perform these two apparently contradictory tasks in an efficient way. Thanks to its wizard-like approach, anyone can benefit from these two essential file management functions.

Wise Data Recovery

Wise Data Recovery

After a severe data loss or an involuntary deletion of sensitive files, counting with a free tool such as Wise Data Recovery does make a difference. This utility offers quick and deep scan processes to recover recently erased files and others that may have already been rewritten, respectively. It can recover all types of files from all kinds of drives and devices, including SD cards and phones.

Color Cop

Color Cop

Color Cop is a very useful color selector that allows you to get the right color code, the corresponding color code (HTML, RGB, C++, Visual Basic, etc) of any color you see in your screen. With Color Cop you can also increase up to 16 times any area of the screen since it has an incorporated zoom tool, so you will not miss any detail in a graphic no matter its size.

  • Publisher: Jay Prall
  • Home page: colorcop.net
  • Last updated: March 13th, 2023
Resistor Color Coder

Resistor Color Coder

Resistor Color Coder is a utility designed to help Electrical engineers in deciphering the color codes on four- or five-band leaded-type resistors, as well as the markings on SM resistors. The utility will display the resistor values and tolerances, depending on the selected code.

  • Publisher: Schematica Software
  • Last updated: May 19th, 2010
TK8 StickyNotes

TK8 StickyNotes

As its name implies, this program is an electronic version of the popular Post-It sheets that many of us use to take notes and write reminders. The application is light and simple to use. The free version of the program has some limitations. If you want to get rid of them, you can purchase the Pro version at the developer's site.

  • Publisher: TK8 Software
  • Last updated: October 22nd, 2013
Instant Eyedropper

Instant Eyedropper

Instant Eyedropper is a utility designed to help you identify color codes with minimum effort. The application supports various color code formats, takes a small amount of time to detect and offer you the information you need, and automatically copies shade details to your clipboard.

Awesome Color Picker

Awesome Color Picker

Awesome Color Picker is a simple extension for Google Chrome created to allow you to quickly obtain the color code for any color on the screen. It’s a color picker that lets you retrieve color codes using a handy magnifying loupe that amplifies any area of the screen.

  • Publisher: Benjamin Thomas
  • Home page: bentomas.com
  • Last updated: February 21st, 2015
Online Bible

Online Bible

Online Bible is a powerful, comprehensive Bible research software. Multiple translations, commentaries and more to aid you in studying the scriptures. Unicode support added for displaying foreign languages. You can quickly locate a word or phrase in any material using the built–in search feature.

  • Publisher: Larry Pierce
  • Last updated: July 7th, 2015