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Delphi dhcp server in Title/Summary

Alax.Info DHCP Server

Alax.Info DHCP Server

DHCP is a standardized protocol that enables clients to be dynamically assigned with various configuration parameters, such as an IP address, subnet mask, default gateway, and other critical network configuration information.DHCP server services are provided with Microsoft server operating systems, however due to availability of various network devices, such as, for example etc.

  • Publisher: Alax.Info
  • Home page: alax.info
  • Last updated: May 26th, 2020
DHCP Server

DHCP Server

This is a very simple and easy to use implementation of a DHCP Server for Windows based systems supporting all Windows operating systems from Windows 98 to Windows 7.A DHCP Server assigns IP addresses to client computers. This is very often used in enterprise networks to reduce configuration efforts. All IP addresses of all computers are stored in a database that resides on a server machine.

  • Publisher: Dr. Hanewinkel
  • Last updated: May 23rd, 2012
haneWIN DHCP Server

haneWIN DHCP Server

Besides the standard dynamic IP address assignment for clients, the software supports the assignment of predefined profiles and static IP addresses to known hardware addresses or identifiers. The server includes a multithreaded TFTP server for secure and reliable downloads.

  • Publisher: Dr. Hanewinkel
  • Home page: www.hanewin.net
  • Last updated: April 30th, 2015

Delphi dhcp server in Description

Open DHCP Server

Open DHCP Server

Open DHCP Server is an open source MultiSubnet and MultiDomain DHCP Server. It includes features such as: - Dynamic and Static Leases - Up to 125 DHCP Ranges and Upto 125 Listening Interfaces - Relay Agents, BOOTP and PXE Boot - Automated, sophisticated DHCP Range Selection - DHCP Range Filters.

  • Publisher: Achal Dhir
  • Last updated: August 30th, 2022
NVR Search

NVR Search

NVR Search utility helps users connect to NVR video recorder if the device is placed in a network with a DHCP server. If the NVR is placed in a corporate network or a local area network where a DHCP server is already presented, use this utility from a computer that is on the same network and locate the NVR with its IP address that is assigned by the top-level DHCP server.

  • Publisher: AirLive
  • Last updated: July 11th, 2012
PresenTense Time Client

PresenTense Time Client

PresenTense Time Client is a time client for all versions of Windows. It synchronizes your PC system clock to a GPS or network time server. Supports e-mail and syslog alarm redundancy and can be centrally managed and configured by LanTime Analyzer.

  • Publisher: Bytefusion Ltd.
  • Home page: www.bytefusion.com
  • Last updated: January 8th, 2024
Anybus IPconfig

Anybus IPconfig

Anybus IPconfig is a free program designed for the TCP/IP module configuration. You can scan your computer in order to detect the Ethernet Serial Gateway device. When the device is detected it displays information such as IP address, MAC address, DHCP data, the type and the version number. It also allows you to enable/disable the DHCP server.

  • Publisher: HMS
  • Last updated: June 22nd, 2015


TekRADIUS is a RADIUS server for Windows with built-in DHCP server. This program has two editions; TekRADIUS (First edition; supports Microsoft SQL Server) and TekRADIUS LT (Second edition; supports SQLite). It supports features described in RFC 2865 and RFC 2866 (RADIUS protocol). You can easily create SQL database and tables through TRManager GUI.

Additional Delphi dhcp server selection

BootP-DHCP Server

BootP-DHCP Server

If you do not have a large computer which can act as a boot server, download our DHCP/BOOTP software so you can use a PC as a DHCP/BOOTP server. With this software, you do not have to hardcode IP addresses into your ladder logic programs. This is a Windows application used to assign IP addresses to EtherNet/IP devices via BOOTP or DHCP. The recommended install location is the default location.

  • Publisher: Rockwell Automation, Inc
  • Home page: www.ab.com
  • Last updated: March 5th, 2008
Antamedia DHCP Server

Antamedia DHCP Server

Assigning IP addresses without a DHCP server can create havoc, as can moving hardware across networks. Now all of your DHCP configuration and administrative tasks can be handled easily and automatically with our FREEWARE DHCP Server. Antamedia’s free DHCP client and server system controls 65.000 computers without any licensing costs!

  • Publisher: Antamedia
  • Home page: www.antamedia.com
  • Last updated: September 24th, 2011
Vicomsoft DHCP Server

Vicomsoft DHCP Server

Benefits of DHCP ServerIP Distribution DHCP Server can support up to 1024 clients at any one time. This is suitable for a network of any size. Configuration DHCP Server is easy to set up and configure, and can be administered with minimal effort.

  • Publisher: Vicomsoft
  • Home page: www.vicomsoft.com
  • Last updated: September 27th, 2012


BGInfo has the power to scan the workstation and provide a bunch of details but, as compared to the rest of the applications supposed to do that, it does the whole thing in a more innovative way. The programs shows all the data right on the desktop, applying the text straight over the wallpaper, so it won't bother you at all.

DHCP Turbo

DHCP Turbo

DHCP Turbo puts you instantly in control of the devices on your network, providing a powerful and intuitive interface for managing all of your connected devices. This tool automatically detects devices and classifies them using your own criteria. The unified interface lets you easily manage all regional DHCP servers from a central location.



EurekaLog is a complete bug resolution tool for Delphi and C++ Builder developers. This application provides detailed bug report about each exception, leak or hang. The report includes call stack with unit names, class names, routine names, and line numbers.



NxFilter is a free DNS filter designed for enterprise environment. Deploying this application is quite easy; you just need to setup your DHCP server using NxFilter as the DNS server for your network. Then your users will use NxFilter as their DNS server and they will be under filtering. Forcing filtering to users is also possible.

  • Publisher: NxFilter
  • Home page: nxfilter.org
  • Last updated: November 18th, 2024


Built-in DHCP server deployment is optional. Built-in DHCP server will assign an IP address from its IP pool to the client on the private network (Either wireless or wired). Assigned IP subnet mask will be the same with the Private Interface of the ARPMiner installed machine. DNS server and gateway IP address will be assigned as the Private Network IP address of the ARPMiner running machine.

MagikDHCP Server

MagikDHCP Server

MagikDHCP is a customizable DHCP server for Windows platforms. With this program, you can simplify your networking infrastructure by keeping a central point of control of your network's IP addresses. It support many features including IP address reservations, customized responses, relay agent services to manage multiple subnets from one server and more.

  • Publisher: MagikInfo Inc.
  • Last updated: February 8th, 2012
VPN Console

VPN Console

VPN Console reads and analyzes Microsoft IAS Server log and DHCP Server log and also converts them into readable forms. In addition it also displays brief system details. It also provides facility of exporting various tables and reports into different formats like TXT, CSV, HTML etc.

  • Publisher: DVS Informatics Pvt. Ltd.
  • Home page: www.dvsinfo.com
  • Last updated: November 26th, 2010