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Delphi excel localized date format in Title/Summary

Number Date Format

Number Date Format

Excel Number Date Format is a simple excel add-in to format phone numbers and date. You can easily format your data with the help of this add-in. You can format your phone number column with dash "-", bracket "(" separated and date column with long/short with time or without time format.

  • Publisher: TechnoCom
Excel Date Format Converter

Excel Date Format Converter

Date Format Converter is a handy and useful addin for Microsoft® Excel® 2010 or 2007, which helps you convert the text format cells to date&time format cells.With the Excel Date Format Converter, common short date string or long date string which is applied in America, Britain, France, Russia, Germany, Japan and China can be converted to local date and time.

  • Publisher: DT Office Addin
  • Last updated: April 27th, 2010
Excel Phone Number Format Software

Excel Phone Number Format Software

Convert phone numbers to a consistent format in MS Excel. Format with dashes, parentheses, slashes, dots or remove formatting completely. Change multiple phone numbers to meet a specific style. Excel 2000 or higher required.

Delphi excel localized date format in Description

Excel Number Format

Excel Number Format

Is a simple excel addin to format phone numbers and date.You can easily format your data with the help of this addin.You can format your phone number column with dash"-", Bracket"(" seperated and date column with long/short with time or without time format.It is useful if you want to make your data perfect.

SysInfoTools Excel to vCard Converter

SysInfoTools Excel to vCard Converter

Convert Excel to vCard format using advanced Excel to vCard Converter tool. Excel to VCF Converter can convert your Excel files to VCF format without causing any changes or damage. Try free demo version of this tool first.



WinCalendarTime is a freeware clock application that replaces the standard Windows clock on your screen with an enhanced clock that displays a calendar when clicked. Moreover, you can customize the calendar so that together with time a current date will be displayed. WinCalendarTime allows you to choose date and time format.

  • Publisher: Marco Barisione
  • Last updated: March 2nd, 2008
PC Invoice

PC Invoice

PC Invoice Software PRO Edition, is more than just another piece of invoice software but a complete invoicing software package with you in mind whether you are looking for billing software, inventory software or a complete invoicing software solution PC Invoice is your right choice.

  • Publisher: PC Invoice
  • Last updated: January 24th, 2009


CSV2QBO can convert CSV, TXT, and Excel files to QuickBooks QBO format. After loading the data file, you can select the required rows and change the currency, encoding, account type, end balance, Band ID, branch ID, date format, and other details before saving as QBO.

Additional Delphi excel localized date format selection

Convert XLS

Convert XLS

Convert XLS can perform file conversion of MS Excel, TXT, HTML, XML, and CSV file formats. It features an intuitive interface where you can specify the list of source files, sheets to convert, range to convert, etc. This program can also merge data from multiple sheets/workbooks during conversion.



SymmTime is a desktop clock that does a bit more than just show you the time. It also allows you to synchronize the system clock over the Internet with via the NTP servers, as well as set up alarms and customize its look. The app allows you to view the time in any timezone and it can be set to display multiple clocks, each synchronized individually with time servers of your choice.

  • Publisher: Symmetricom, Inc.
  • Last updated: July 31st, 2012
Examine32 Text Search

Examine32 Text Search

Examine32 Text Search is a fast and versatile text search utility for Windows. You can search Microsoft Word, Excel, rich text format (RTF), WordPerfect, PDF (Acrobat files), HTML (web pages), XML, StarOffice, OpenOffice and Lotus Symphony files, search files within ZIP archives and return a list of findings with file details, the selection highlighted in context, and line number.

  • Publisher: Aquila Software
  • Last updated: August 30th, 2013
mini PDF to Excel Converter

mini PDF to Excel Converter

mini PDF to Excel Converter is a simple program that can convert PDF files to Excel in a snap. You simply have to select the PDF document or documents you wish you convert and then customize some options that you will find on the right side of the screen. These are output options (one sheet per pages and all pages, one sheet per page, or a sheet that contains all PDF pages).

  • Publisher: MiniPDF.com Company
  • Home page: www.minipdf.com
  • Last updated: July 30th, 2010


Windographer is the industry leading software for the analysis of wind resource data measured by met tower, SoDAR, and LiDAR. The program quickly imports data from almost any format and automatically determines the data structure. So you can get straight to analyzing your data, rather than spending your time specifying details such as the time step or the date format.

Convert XLS to XLSX

Convert XLS to XLSX

Convert XLS to XLSX is a program that can batch convert XLS to XLSX, and XLS to XLSM and XLSB format. the application is able to convert XLS (Excel 1997-2003 Format) to XLSX (Excel 2007) easily. In addition, it converts XLS to XLSM and XLSB format or XLSX to XLSM and XLSB format.

  • Publisher: Excel-Tool, Inc.
  • Last updated: July 19th, 2010


ExpressProfiler is a simple and fast replacement for SQL Server Profiler with basic GUI and integration with Red Gate Ecosystem project. The program features: tracing of basic set of events, filters on most data columns, ability to export data in Excel's clipboard format, and more.

  • Publisher: SQL Code Guard team
  • Last updated: July 26th, 2022
Domain Name Analyzer

Domain Name Analyzer

Domain Name Analyzer is a domain name checking utility. Its interface is very similar to the Office suite. If you need to check a large number of domains, then this tool is for you; and it can also be of help if what you have is just some ideas of what kind of domain name you would like to get - so you can specify a list of words and the program will search for suitable domain names.



WakeMeUp! is a very original and complete alarm clock that allows you to create a list of different alarms (one-time and recurring ones) in a few simple steps. The application features a very attractive and user-friendly interface that keeps everything at hand.

  • Publisher: Highspheres
  • Last updated: March 22nd, 2008
Circutor PowerStudio

Circutor PowerStudio

Power Studio is powerful, simple software with a friendly environment that can be used for energy studies at a high level. With this program, you can complete energy supervision of power analyzers and the complete control of different magnitudes in the industrial process field. You can display all electrical parameters or process signals in real time, display energy graphs, and more.

  • Publisher: Circutor
  • Home page: www.circutor.com
  • Last updated: January 13th, 2012