Delphi list odbc databases in Title/Summary

Icarus - Uses List Analyzer for Delphi
ICARUS is a program that parses Delphi or Borland Pascal source code and generates a Uses Report. This report will help you remove unneeded units from your uses lists. You will also know which units that can be moved from the interface uses list to the implementation uses list.
- Publisher: Peganza
- Last updated: February 28th, 2012

Rapaport price list convertor
For those who are subscribed to Rapaport price lists in electronic format, DBFCONV program (Rapaport price list converter) provides an easy opportunity to always have an up-to-date price data in DiamCalc. DBFCONV can be downloaded free of charge. It requires that ODBC is installed on the computer together with Microsoft dBase ODBC driver
- Publisher: OctoNus Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: October 14th, 2011

4D ODBC Driver
4D is a development environment for database application design. 4D ODBC driver allows any application that support ODBC connectivity access the data in your 4D databases. This makes it easy to produce graphs and reports using your data with Crystal Reports or Microsoft Excel.
- Publisher: 4D SAS
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 24th, 2015
Delphi list odbc databases in Description

Database Fishing Tool
Database Fishing Tool is a frontend to any database that can be connected via ODBC. It provides list views of tables and columns, table view of data, SQL editor, CSV,HTML,SyLK,XLS data format export, and functions for copying data between two ODBC databases.
- Publisher: Jelco Huijser
- Last updated: April 13th, 2011

AnyForm form software - creates new forms and fills out paper, preprinted and even PDF forms on PC easily - either manually or by data import from ODBC- databases. Convert paper forms into electronic forms Turn original paper forms into ready-fillable electronic forms by scanning them in or by importing jpg-, gif-, pga- or bmp-files of original forms
- Publisher: Smartform GmbH
- Last updated: April 11th, 2008

AnyForm Form Software
filling out paper forms on PC manually or by ODBC data import - free ready to use AnyForm template of original export forms, transport forms, tax forms, insurance forms, health care forms, converts paper forms into electronic forms
- Publisher: Smartform GmbH
- Last updated: April 29th, 2015

PEKI dictionary
This is a dictionary that that basically uses the binary databases available for bilingual dictionaries, and makes them available for the user in a simple graphical user interface. PEKI Dictionary comes free and databases of online dictionaries can also be available for free. This is a novel concept as the user interface and the database are independent of each other.
- Publisher: Pavel Ponec
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 13th, 2008

GFI Network Server Monitor
Checks your network & servers for failures and fixes them automatically, before your network users notice them! Alerts can be sent by email, pager or SMS. You can reboot a machine, restart a service or run a script, batch job or executable.
- Publisher: GFi Software
- Last updated: March 27th, 2008
Additional Delphi list odbc databases selection

Project Viewer 2013
Project Viewer 2013 is a program that allows you to view, print or share any Microsoft Project file. The program can be used for viewing Gantt Charts, Tracking Gantt, Network Diagrams, Task Usage, Resource Graphs, Resource Sheets, Resource Usage, Custom Views, Subprojects and ODBC Databases.
- Publisher: Viewer Central Inc.
- Last updated: June 24th, 2014

Altova DatabaseSpy
Altova DatabaseSpy 2008 is the unique multi-database query and design tool from the creators of XMLSpy. It connects to all major databases and eases SQL editing and database design for a fraction of the cost of single-database solutions.
- Publisher: Altova, Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: December 12th, 2018
- Publisher: Informatik Inc
- Last updated: June 19th, 2012

Import Wizard
Import Wizard is a program that enables you to easily import text based report files into MS-Access, MS-Excel, MySQL, SQL-Server, MSDE, Oracle, Interbase, Firebird and ODBC databases. It allows you to import standard and non-standard text files, delimited and fixed width files, HTML tables from web pages, XML files and Excel files.
- Publisher: Beside Company Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

DB Elephant SQLite Converter
This program helps you to make your work with databases more efficient. DB Elephant SQLite Converter converts SQLite tables to dbf, xml, csv, txt, and sql. This program will connect to SQLite and make a report for you in pdf, doc, xls, or html. After you choose your server the list of databases is displayed.
- Publisher: DB Elephant, Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

DB Elephant Interbase Converter
The program is very easy-to-use. After you choose your server the list of databases is displayed. Select the database you want to work with and then check the tables and views you want to convert to another format. That's it. No additional stupid options that one will never use.
- Publisher: DB Elephant, Inc.
- Last updated: August 2nd, 2010

MCL-Collection’s main development environment — MCL-Designer — creates intelligent, multimodal applications that run on mobile computers and barcode printers. Designed to create robust, industrial use applications, MCL-Designer is a rapid application development tool for making data capture applications in a very short time.
- Publisher: MCL-Technologies
- Home page:
- Last updated: September 21st, 2010

Marshal Editor
Marshal is a software suite for model driven data migration and exporting. You can use Marshal with any ODBC compliant database. It brings simplicity and clarity to the troublesome task of extracting and compiling data from many sources. It helps you analyze your databases, import data definitions and to create the rules governing export, storage and import of your database information.
- Publisher: RISE To Bloome Software
- Last updated: December 3rd, 2020

Marshal SQLUtility
The Marshal SQLUtility is a Free simple to use generic utility for ODBC databases. It allows you to test ODBC connections, execute single statements or batches of statements and discover tables and columns. All you need to do is to enter the connection string to your database.
- Publisher: RISE To Bloome Software
- Last updated: December 3rd, 2020

PTS TracerPlus Connect
TracerPlus Connect is a tool for your organizations data sharing needs. Developed to enable TracerPlus users to quickly map and sync their data without programming, Connect has enabled thousands of users to access mission critical data. Organizations of any size can now share data between their mobile workforces and office based systems without changing their workflows.
- Publisher: Portable Technology Solutions
- Last updated: August 19th, 2013