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Delphi shell running file close in Title/Summary

File Case Shell Extension

File Case Shell Extension

Entries The Synesis Software File Case Shell Extension allows the user to alter the case of selected file item(s). It provides the three context-menu options for files in the Explorer shell of Convert to lower case, Convert to upper case and Capitalise, as shown in the accompanying graphic below.

Close All

Close All

Close All is a neat, free program that lets you close all running applications with just a single click. If you want to prevent certain applications from being closed by Close All, you can create a simple exclusion list to the CloseAll.exe command line.

  • Publisher: NTWind Software
  • Home page: www.ntwind.com
  • Last updated: January 30th, 2014
Trivia Quiz Shell

Trivia Quiz Shell

Trivia Quiz Shell (TQS) is an application that provides a rich platform for running custom applications. TQS, with its built-in support for trivia questions, hangman, menus, and HTML, is an excellent tool for teachers, students, or anyone to use in f...

Delphi shell running file close in Description

SMTP/POP3/IMAP Email Engine for Delphi

SMTP/POP3/IMAP Email Engine for Delphi

SMTP/POP3/IMAP Delphi email component uses a simple interface to send, receive and parse mail, including HTML and MIME Base64 and quoted-printable encoded attachments. Supports SMTP & POP3 authentication, SSL/TLS, ISO-8859 and UTF-8 messages.

Shell Extensions

Shell Extensions

Windows shell extensions do exactly what they claim, they extend the Windows shell (the user interface that is based around Explorer), by providing additional property pages or additional context-menu options for a shell item (file, folder, drive, printer, etc.).

  • Publisher: Synesis Software
  • Last updated: March 3rd, 2008
Dinner Timer Lite

Dinner Timer Lite

Dinner Timer Lite is a handy virtual chronometer to time your cooking or other time-based activity. It can display the running time in a big format which is easily readable from a considerable distance. It allows you to select from various notification methods to warn you once your programmed time is complete, and it allows you to know the exact amount of time you exceeded it, too.



TCPView is a Windows program that will show you detailed listings of all TCP and UDP endpoints on your system, including the local and remote addresses and state of TCP connections. On Windows Server 2008, Vista, and XP, TCPView also reports the name of the process that owns the endpoint

  • Publisher: Mark Russinovich
  • Last updated: November 18th, 2024
DNS Firewall

DNS Firewall

This easy to use DNS Firewall has flexible rules for domain name blocking. It has DNS activity log for DNS traffic monitoring. It maintains it own DNS cache for faster web browsing. It has Exclusive DNS cache mode for using only local DNS cache.

  • Publisher: Verigio Communications
  • Home page: www.verigio.com
  • Last updated: May 27th, 2020

Additional Delphi shell running file close selection

Link Shell Extension Configuration

Link Shell Extension Configuration

Link Shell Extension (LSE) provides for the creation of Hardlinks , Junctions , Volume Mountpoints , and Windows7/8's Symbolic Links, (herein referred to collectively as Links) a folder cloning process that utilises Hardlinks or Symbolic Links and a copy process taking care of Junctions, Symbolic Links, and Hardlinks.

  • Publisher: Hermann Schinagl
  • Home page: schinagl.priv.at
  • Last updated: July 22nd, 2016
Compare It!

Compare It!

This application is designed to detect and highlight differences between two text files in various formats. It supports documents that contain code written in programming languages like C++, Java, C#, Delphi, HTML, etc. This tool is useful for programmers and software testers, as it will help them easily find syntax errors and bugs in their code.

  • Publisher: Grig Software
  • Home page: www.grigsoft.com
  • Last updated: May 26th, 2020


FolderBox displays additional folders in the lower part of Explorer, which enables your to display the contents of two folders at once. Additional drives and folders are now just a mouse click away.You can set-up and configure up to five FolderBoxes over the tab sheets of the FolderBox extension

  • Publisher: BAxBEx Software
  • Last updated: September 22nd, 2020
7-Zip Anniversary Edition

7-Zip Anniversary Edition

Known Issues: Inbuilt 7-Zip Association should be enabled manually by the tools menu 7-Zip is a file archiver for Windows NT / 2000 / 2003 / 2008 / XP / Vista / 7 / 8 / 10. 7-Zip 2015 Anniversary Edition Copyright (C) 2015 P9 Technologies

  • Publisher: P9 Technologies
  • Last updated: March 24th, 2014
ApacheConf PRO

ApacheConf PRO

ApacheConf is a shell for configuring Apache web servers. It also comes with a simple GUI that lists all of the server's directives grouped by category; these groups are represented as a tree. Also, the server logs, .htaccess files, password files of your users, etc. are available only by one mouse click.

  • Publisher: Apache GUI
  • Last updated: October 5th, 2015
AMG Attendance System

AMG Attendance System

AMG Time and Attendance Professional Software brings efficiency and flexibility to administrators and managers of growing businesses. With 2 administrative users and 50 Employee Limit, you can take advantage of several built-in modules such as one screen easy scheduling, bell scheduling, shift differential and punch analysis.

  • Publisher: AMGtime
  • Home page: amgtime.com
  • Last updated: January 18th, 2021


CodeHealer is an efficient and powerful source code analysis and verification tool that will help find and fix a significant number of programming bugs, mistakes and inconsistencies in Delphi programs before they are released. The information provided by CodeHealer will also help developers understand and improve existing code that they have not written.

  • Publisher: Code Healer Group, LLC.
  • Home page: www.socksoftware.com
  • Last updated: January 28th, 2016
File Hash Shell

File Hash Shell

File hashes are used to verify the authenticity and integrity of files - especially those transmitted over the internet. When downloading a file from MSDN for instance, you are presented with the SHA-1 Hash - a list of seemingly random characters and numbers that are generated using the SHA-1 encryption algorithm to uniquely identify that file.

EaseFilter File System Filter Driver SDK

EaseFilter File System Filter Driver SDK

Monitor the file system I/O activities on the fly. Control file system I/O,allow, denied or modify file system call.Transparent file system filter driver encryption, encrypt or decrypt file on the fly.

  • Publisher: EaseFilter Inc.
  • Last updated: February 12th, 2025


This tool is a set of 22 components that can make your life much easier if you develop programs that works with disks like Hard, Floppy, CD, RAM, Network, shell and file system. The DiskControls pack contains: two advanced search engines, which will find any file or folder by specified criterias, the FolderListView, the FolderMonitor, the VirtualDrives engine and the File Tail utility.

  • Publisher: Aleksey Kuznetsov & UtilMind Solutions
  • Last updated: May 22nd, 2012