Delphi xe2 find replace selection in Title/Summary

Simpli-File Find, Replace and Insert
Need to organize files? Do you have files that you need to Find, Replace or Insert text into easily? This might be the perfect program for you. Simpli-File Find, Replace and Insert is the easiest way to change text in multiple files! It's easy!
- Publisher: Batch Technologies
- Last updated: March 28th, 2008

Find & Replace It!
Find & Replace It! is a powerful search and replace utility. It allows performing very complex batch-replacement inside text files of any size. It supports regular expression syntax and dozens of encodings.
- Publisher: DProg
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020

Batch Word Find Replace
Advance Word Find & Replace software is an useful tool to FIND and REPLACE multiple words & Phrases in multiple MS Word 2000, 2003, 2007, 2010 doc/docx/rtf files, you can also format backcolor, forecolor, bold, italic, underline and strikethrough, Double Strikethrough, Subscript, Superscript, All Caps, Small Caps, Hide, Headers & Footersany.
- Publisher: TechnoCom
- Last updated: April 6th, 2012
Delphi xe2 find replace selection in Description

X-DBGrid Component Standard
TXDBGrid component is a powerful functional extension of standard TDBGrid component. TXDBGrid component looks beautiful and implements many additional features like: fixed columns, fixed styles (flat and 3D), Windows XP themes, many variants of gradient drawing style, enhanced flat and 3D scrollbars, proportional scrolling for any DataSet even filtered, expandable columns and title headers.
- Publisher: X-Files Software by Krzysztof Szyszka
- Home page:
- Last updated: December 2nd, 2011

kbmMW CodeGear Edition
kbmMW CodeGear Edition comes with the following features : - kbmMW CodeGear Edition Delphi XE2 Starter support! (CG) - Delphi XE2 Win32/Win64/MacOS, C++Builder XE2 Win32 support (Pro/Ent) - Message bundling (Ent) - Remote desktop components - make your own webinar or support tool (Ent) - Full native JSON support built in (Pro,Ent) - JSON dataset stream format (Pro/Ent)
- Publisher: Components4Developers
- Last updated: May 23rd, 2012

All File Renamer
All File Renamer is a free and powerful utility capable of adding, deleting, and replacing any character or string of characters in the names and extensions of your files and folders. It includes specific features that will help you rename and organize your MP3 files using the information stored in their ID3 tags. The changes applied are immediate, visible, and permanent.
- Publisher: Aleksey Taranov
- Last updated: July 27th, 2009

Word Find and Replace Professional
Find & replace multiple phrases and words in multiple word documents through this professional software. It also allows various sorts of formatting like adding Super & Subscript,changing back and forecolor,adjusting upper and lowercase,bold,italic.
- Publisher: Window India
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 14th, 2016

Word Find and Replace Standard
Word Find and Replace is smart tool for finding and replacing the particular word or phrase using accurate search criteria. It works on user requirement specification. Its batch find replace mode used for finding and replacing using word list.
- Publisher: WindowIndia
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020
Additional Delphi xe2 find replace selection selection

Multi Find Replace Buddy
Multi Find Replace Buddy will scan specified files for specified text and replace it with new text. Up to 20000 Find and Replace values can be stored in the software. Simple Click replace and scans the specified files and makes copies of them and puts the new copies into an output directory. It will also print files as it runs.
- Publisher: vsisystems
- Last updated: January 5th, 2010

ISM Office
ISM Office is the perfect multilingual office automation solution for Indian language word processing and data processing, on-line communication. Main Features: -Macros for Open Office, Libreoffice and MS-Word like find-replace, keyboard shortcut, converter, spellchecker, synonym dictionary, official language dictionary, mail merge now also available in UNICODE
- Publisher: Centre for Development of Advanced Computing
- Last updated: August 9th, 2023

Imtech Find & Replace Live Writer Plugin
The Find & Replace Plugin supports plain search as well as Regular Expressions. Furthermore you can do a replace on the Preview (F11 View) or the Source (SHIFT+F11 View). Build your SharePoint structure online Visualize and deploy in minutes. Increase SharePoint Performance and Cut Costs by Optimizing Storage.
- Publisher: Waldek Mastykarz
- Last updated: May 10th, 2008

Advance Word Find & Replace
Advance Word Find & Replace software is a useful tool to FIND and REPLACE multiple words & Phrases in multiple MS Word 2000, 2003, 2007, 2010 doc/docx/rtf files, you can also format backcolor, forecolor, bold, italic, underline and strikethrough, Double Strikethrough, Subscript, Superscript, All Caps.
- Publisher: TechnoCom Solutions
- Home page:

MIDE-51 is freeware Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for MCS-51 microcontroller. The full package already comes with: Assembler, SDCC: Small Device C Compiler, TS Controls 8051 Emulator, JSIM-51 Simulator. SDCC is a freeware, retargettable, optimizing ANSI - C compiler that targets the Intel 8051, Maxim 80DS390, Zilog Z80 and the Motorola 68HC08 based MCUs.
- Publisher: OpCUBE
- Home page:
- Last updated: August 2nd, 2011

TextCrawler is a fantastic tool for anyone who works with text files. This utility enables you to instantly find and replace words and phrases across multiple files and folders. It utilises a powerful Regular Expression engine to enable you to create sophisticated searches, preview replace, perform batch operations, extract text from files, etc.
- Publisher: DigitalVolcano Software Ltd.
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 20th, 2022

Advanced Find and Replace
Advanced Find and Replace performs search of local files with smart queries as with Google. It allows replacing of simple or multiline text in multiple files. With batch replace operation you can easily replace or update hundreds of different links in several files. It saves results in XML and other formats and works with command line params.
- Publisher: Abacre, SARL.
- Home page:
- Last updated: February 5th, 2021

LopeEdit is a powerful programmer's editor and a replacement of Windows Notepad. It features tabs to select between open files, syntax highlighting, UNICODE and UTF-8 support, automatic highlighting of brackets/braces as typing or positioning occurs, multiple tabs for an open file, built-in file browser, bookmarks support, and more.
- Publisher: LopeSoft
- Home page:
- Last updated: June 2nd, 2021

Actual Search & Replace
The program is an advanced tool to perform search and replace operations across multiple text files. The preliminary search, ability to undo changes and the backup feature help the user easily control the process of modifying files.
- Publisher: DivlocSoft
- Home page:
- Last updated: July 9th, 2024

Change Folder Icons
It changes the icon of a folder simply and quickly by pressing the right mouse button on it and selecting pop-up menu item "Change Folder Icon"; It searches for icons on your computer files starting with the selected folder (Drag&Drop and advanced search options are supported); It extracts icons from any type of file (.exe, .dll, .lib, .icl, etc.);
- Publisher: NeSoft Inc.
- Last updated: January 13th, 2012