Delux dlv b705 in Title/Summary

Lux Delux
Lux Delux is a game of strategy and domination inspired by the board game Risk. Control your armies to conquer and hold strategic countries on the map. The object of the game is simple: take over the entire world. Play on historical, geometric, geographic, and fantasy settings. Create your own maps too.
- Publisher: Sillysoft Games
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020

Converts most Basic dialects up to VB7. Forms and controls, code modules and class modules are translated. As with all the translators, recoding is not "hard-wired" but can be controlled by macros.Forms and controls, their properties, events and methods are mapped into Delphi equivalents wherever possible, under the control of a database which may be edited or extended to meet new situations.
- Publisher: Delux Software
- Last updated: April 5th, 2010

Midnight Mysteries Haunted Houdini Delux
When Houdini?s promises of contact from beyond go unkept, his wife comes to you in a final plea to unravel his mysterious passing in Midnight Mysteries: Haunted Houdini Deluxe!
- Publisher:
- Last updated: July 26th, 2013