Density functional theory scilab in Title/Summary

Amsterdam Density Functional (ADF) Program
ADF has a 30-year track record as a premium-quality quantum chemistry software package based on Density Functional Theory (DFT). Main features: - the molecular DFT program ADF - the periodic DFT program BAND - the post-ADF COSMO-RS program for thermodynamics of liquids - The ReaxFF program for modeling chemical reactions
- Publisher: Scientific Computing & Modeling
- Last updated: April 29th, 2013

Dacapo is a total energy program based on density functional theory. It uses a plane wave basis for the valence electronic states and describes the core-electron interactions with Vanderbilt ultrasoft pseudo-potentials. For an overview see the Pseudopotential_Library page.Calculations using dacapo are done using the Atomic Simulation Environment (ASE).
- Publisher: FEV Motorentechnik GmbH
- Last updated: October 14th, 2011

Scilab is a mathematical computing program similar to MATLAB. It includes a graphical circuit designer and simulation tool called Xcos - this is similar to Simulink in MATLAB, but with less features. Scilab is an excellent tool for anyone to solve optimization problems. You can download additional toolboxes from the developer site.
- Publisher: Scilab Enterprises S.A.S
- Last updated: August 2nd, 2021
Density functional theory scilab in Description

GAMESS for Microsoft Windows 32-Bit
GAMESS is a General Atomic and Molecular Electronic Structure System written and maintaned by the Gordon research group a Iowa State University. GAMESS is a program for ab initio molecular quantum chemistry. Calculates RHF, UHF, ROHF, GVB, or MCSCF selfconsistent field molecular wavefunctions.
- Publisher: Iowa State University
- Last updated: October 13th, 2011

SciLab CAPE-OPEN Unit Operation
The SciLab CAPE-OPEN Unit Operation is a unit operation implementation for which the calculations can be entered in SciLab. To get started with the SciLab CAPE-OPEN unit operation, start your CAPE-OPEN capable simulation environment and insert a SciLab CAPE-OPEN unit operation. Edit a unit operation.
- Publisher: AmsterCHEM
- Home page:
- Last updated: October 6th, 2015

FFTW Library for scilab-5.1.1
FFTW Library for scilab-5.1.1 provides a set of fftw functions. This is a scilab interface for fftw library v.3. It provides a set of fftw functions. Both source and pre-compiled library of interface are provided (linux and windows). Scilab documentation is also provided. FFTW is a GPL software, developed by Matteo Frigo and Steven G. Johnson.
- Publisher: Matteo Frigo
- Last updated: March 22nd, 2012

SciLab CAPE-OPEN Thermo Import
This SciLab package allows for importing CAPE-OPEN thermodynamic and physical Property Packages into SciLab. A command driven package allows for selecting a CAPE-OPEN Property Package, and then perform thermodynamic and physical property calculations as well as thermodynamic equilibrium calculations inside SciLab.
- Publisher: AmsterCHEM
- Last updated: October 6th, 2015
- Publisher: Ilya Schepikhin
- Last updated: September 28th, 2008
Additional Density functional theory scilab selection

Spartan '16
The latest Spartan'16 release continues collaboration with Q-Chem, and provides a full range of computational models, spanning Molecular Mechanics, Semi-Empirical models, Hartree-Fock Molecular Orbital models, post-Hartree-Fock models including Density Functional and Moller Plesset approaches, as well as Thermochemistry recipes.
- Publisher: Wavefunction, INC
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 16th, 2017

Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Chaos Theory
Splinter Cell Chaos Theory is the third game in the Splinter Cell franchise. Picking up where the previous game left off, Chaos Theory takes on the features that made its predecessor a great game. The visuals are stunning for a 2005 game. The lightning effects are probably the best. The game is all about stealth.
- Publisher: Ubisoft Montreal
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 1st, 2008

EarthView is a dynamic desktop wallpaper and screen saver, which displays views of the earth with daylight and night shadows. It produces high resolution images for every screen resolution - even beyond 3840x2160. This program supports map and globe views, urban areas, city lights, atmospheric effects, clouds, weather information, and local time display.
- Publisher: DeskSoft
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

The Official DSA Theory Test for Car Drivers
Prepare to pass your theory test first time with this fully revised edition of the best-selling theory test software. The Official DSA Theory Test for Car Drivers includes every official theory test revision question and answer with the full DSA explanations to help you fully understand the theory behind each answer.
- Publisher: Learnerstuff
- Last updated: January 27th, 2012

Driving Theory Test Express
Passing driving theory test is an important step toward throwing away your L-plates. It is necessary to pass driving theory test before applying for practical test. If you are preparing for your driving theory test, it is important that you study all the latest official revision theory test questions published by DSA.
- Publisher: Oasis Softwares Ltd.
- Last updated: March 31st, 2012

Driving Theory Test
Features: -Latest official DSA driving theory test 2010/11 questions with case study style questions -Practice all official DSA car and motorcycle questions from which actual exam questions are chosen -Unlimited random mock theory tests -Fully interactive over 70 hazard perception clips -The highway code - complete digital version with road signs and markings
- Publisher: Oasis Softwares Ltd.
- Last updated: September 22nd, 2011

LDC Theory Test Complete
14 new mock Theory Tests specially designed to cover just the key official questions or unlimited randomly generated tests to make absolutly certain you are ready for this part of the test. Looks and feels just like the real test with a properly balanced set of Official DSA questions.
- Publisher: Teaching Driving Ltd
- Home page:
- Last updated: February 3rd, 2016

ATC for Splinter Cell Chaos Theory
The Advanced Tactical Center now comes included in the game. You will be able to design new strategies, discuss them with your team and have them available. Take full advantage of all the tools provided, the strategic areal views will help your team to plan ahead.
- Publisher: Foolish Entertainment AB
- Last updated: March 1st, 2008

Functional Ear Trainer - Basic
Functional Ear Trainer - Basic is a simple, yet powerful ear training application to help you unlock your inner ear. Its concept is different from traditional ear training programs that let you guess intervals or pretend to teach you perfect pitch. The program will play a chord sequence to establishes the key or tonality.
- Publisher: Alain Benbassat
- Last updated: May 9th, 2008

Internet Download Manager
Accelerate downloads by up to 10 times and easily organize your downloads with this tool. Schedule and resume broken downloads after errors. Download videos from from different steaming sites like YouTube. Supports all popular browsers and protocols.
- Publisher: Tonec Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 10th, 2025