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Dental implant stl files in Title/Summary



Implant-Assistant® software suite is designed for planning dental implant, oral and maxillofacial surgeries. The suite consists of three modules: Implant-Assistant Planner, Implant-Assistant CT, and Implant-Assistant Guide. Implant-Assistant CT is meant for preparing data required for surgery planning.

  • Publisher: CDI Soft
  • Last updated: November 28th, 2011


RedEye's proprietary viewer, Discover.STL, is an application used to validate STL files for our FDM technology. Use Discover.STL to view STL files for any faceting issues and you can generate slices to help evaluate errors in your STL file. This software will "slice" your STL file and look for any errors that might affect the integrity of your 3D print.

  • Publisher: RedEye
  • Last updated: November 24th, 2011
STL Exporter for Revit 2012

STL Exporter for Revit 2012

The STL Export Add-In for Revit is designed to produce a stereolithography file (STL) of your building model. The Revit team has developed a tool to export STL files from the Revit family of applications (Architecture, Structure, and MEP). STL is a popular file format for stereolithography used for rapid prototyping and computer aided manufacturing.

  • Publisher: Atul Khanzode, Flash, Lee Miller & Tau
  • Last updated: November 9th, 2011

Dental implant stl files in Description

DentalShaper x Rhino

DentalShaper x Rhino

Dental Shaper is a Rhinoceros™ plug-in able to import many CAD dental formats and to perform on the imported models some actions like: interface's insert on an implant, with axis and orientation definition, extraction of the dental stump and relative jaw's cavity starting from the Intra-oral mesh scan, dental crowns' creation and more.

  • Publisher: CIMsystem
  • Last updated: June 21st, 2011


With coDiagnostiX™ you can plan dental implant insertions precisely and easily. It also helps you to design drill guides to perform implant surgery in a fast, precise, and safe manner with predictable results. coDiagnostiX™ is distinguished by numerous measurement and planning functions, an implant database covering many well-known manufacturers, and precise analyzing capabilities.

Implant-Assistant Planner Free

Implant-Assistant Planner Free

After a CT scan has been processed in Implant-Assistant CT, the project is loaded into the next module Implant-Assistant Planner Free. This module is specially designed for planning of dental implant surgeries and makes it easy to solve a set of complex problems. The program allows the doctor to diagnose a clinical situation with high accuracy.

  • Publisher: CDI Soft
  • Last updated: January 24th, 2018
DevStl Tools

DevStl Tools

DevStl Tools is an application that allows you to create Molds and apply boolean functions to STL files. It includes a collection of tools for Stl files, like the creation of Molds and the boolean Union, Subtraction, and Intersection operations. You can open Stl files created by devFus Mold, Profili Pro (in the near future also from devWing Mold) or from other applications.

  • Publisher: DevCadTeam
  • Home page: www.devcad.com
  • Last updated: January 19th, 2017
SketchUp STL addin

SketchUp STL addin

This extension provides import/export functionality for STL files to and from SketchUp, so you can easily export SketchUp groups to STL, or import an STL design and manipulate it within SketchUp. With this plugin, you’ll find STL as a supported format within SketchUp’s Import command. STL files will be imported to SketchUp as a group.

Additional Dental implant stl files selection

MeshMagic 3D Modeling Software

MeshMagic 3D Modeling Software

MeshMagic 3D Modeling Software can help you create 3D models. You can create models from scratch or import them, even if they have been created with other tools. In this regard, it is good to know that various formats are supported, including 3DP, 3DS, 3MF, OBJ, PLY and STL.



MakerWare is a program that enables you to drive your MakerBot Replicator Desktop 3D Printer. The program lets you easily move, rotate and scale your 3D models. It is a powerful algorithm that slices your digital file into very thin layers to prepare it for 3D printing.

  • Publisher: MakerBot
  • Home page: www.makerbot.com
  • Last updated: January 27th, 2014
netfabb Basic

netfabb Basic

netfabb Basic is a freeware for stl-format files handling. This app is not just a viewer, it provides mesh edit, repair and analysis capabilities to everyone already being or aspiring to become part of this fantastic, growing, creative, high-tech industry called Additive Manufacturing, Rapid Prototyping or 3D Printing.

  • Publisher: NetFabb GmbH
  • Home page: www.netfabb.com
  • Last updated: June 16th, 2016


MiniMagics is an STL Viewer and Communication Tool. Main Features: -import and save .stl, .magics or .mgx files; -compress .stl files up to a factor of 20 (.mgx); -view parts and rotate, pan or zoom; -evaluate file quality: detect bad edges, flipped triangles and multiple shells; -cross-section view to inspect the inside of your parts; -make single point to point measurements;

  • Publisher: Materialise
  • Last updated: November 18th, 2015
The MetaCut Utilities

The MetaCut Utilities

MCU works directly with your toolpaths, using the same files you send to your CNC machine. MCU doesn't require any tedious setup, and most styles of toolpath are automatically recognized as they open. Each feature of MCU is arguably the best in class, but it's not the individual features that provide the real power.

  • Publisher: Northwood Designs, Inc.
  • Last updated: August 12th, 2008


DeskProto is a 3D CAM program (CAM = Computer Aided Manufacturing). It can import STL files from any 3D CAD program, calculate CNC toolpaths and then write NC program files for any CNC milling machine: 3-axis, 4-axis and 5-axis. DeskProto is aimed at designers for Rapid Prototyping.

  • Publisher: Delft Spline Systems
  • Home page: www.deskproto.com
  • Last updated: June 30th, 2014


ImplantViewer is a software developed to help you in the planning of a safer and efficient surgery allowing you to perform 3D implant simulation on your computer. The 3D simulated model can be exported to a STL file. The prototyping company can create an accurate prototype surgical guide with that file.

  • Publisher: Anne Solutions Ltda.
  • Last updated: March 1st, 2013
SimPlant View

SimPlant View

SimPlant View is free program that allows you to view dental images and take basic measurements. SimPlant View is a good way to communicate a treatment plan to the patient, clinical colleagues or a dental lab. It offers an interactive 3D image, zoom functions, multiple contrast settings, distance and angle measurement tools, 2D images at the implant locations.



Far from being a simple conversion tool, InStep is a full-featured professional graphics converter that transforms STL files into the STEP standard. Previously released as STL2STEP, InStep has become a fully-fledged conversion tool with a wide array of error correction and visualization features.

Gearotic Motion

Gearotic Motion

Gearotic Motion is primarily a Gear Template Generator. Its true purpose is to create DXF's for further processing by various CAD or CAM programs. It has capabilities far beyond just creating DXF's though, it can produce 1:1 scale printouts for scrollsaw gear cutting, STL files for 3D printing, 3d solids for various CAD usage, and finally G-Code for users of programs such as Mach3.

  • Publisher: Art Fenerty, Bob Landry
  • Home page: www.gearotic.com
  • Last updated: April 9th, 2013