Design drawing packed tower in Title/Summary

Packed Column Calculator
The PackCol program performs hydraulic design and rating calculations for packed columns and towers. The design basis for new columns can be approach to flood, maximum capacity or pressure drop. The rating mode allows you calculate the pressure drop and approach to flood for existing columns.
- Publisher: Katmar Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 27th, 2016

Design - 2D Design V2
2D Design V2 offers thousands of exciting options for combining vector drawing with text, bitmaps, photographs or clip-art to create stunning graphic products. Comprehensive editing tools allow any image to be clipped to size and shape; bitmap images can be converted into a vector drawing;
- Publisher: TechSoft UK Ltd

Design Tools - 2D Design
2D Design V2 offers thousands of exciting options for combining vector drawing with text, bitmaps, photographs or clip-art to create stunning graphic products. Comprehensive editing tools allow any image to be clipped to size and shape; bitmap images can be converted into a vector drawing; individual font characters can be customised.
- Publisher: TechSoft UK Limited
- Last updated: November 11th, 2013
Design drawing packed tower in Description

Combined3D is a general purpose spread and combined (two load points on a single footing) foundation design software for use on many different types of foundation design projects.Whether you are designing foundations for your industrial, residential or other commercial projects, Combined3D will help you complete them in minutes.
- Publisher: Dimensional Solutions
- Last updated: December 27th, 2009

Ensoft Build-Master 2000
Build-Master is the flagship software of Ensoft. It is a complete package for RCC Building Analysis, Design, Drawing and Estimation. Data for building is entered floor wise, in the form of graphical sketch. Program will generate 3D frame model with earthquake and wind loads. It designs RCC beams & Slabs at all levels and also the columns and footings.
- Publisher: Ensoft India
- Home page:
- Last updated: April 26th, 2012

Olan 2011
Olan is a free software for the design, drawing and viewing of aerobatic sequences.The latest Olan version has many graphical features and mouse support. Even so, you should still be aware that Olan is not a graphics drawing tool. It draws sequences based on a sequence language notation.
- Publisher: Michael Golan
- Last updated: October 9th, 2012

DesconBrace is a steel connection design program for Braced Frame type structures. This program is a Windows based tool with a graphical user interface for defining the input data and for reviewing the design drawing and calculation report. Descon Brace creates and prints a scaled drawing showing the connection details.
- Publisher: Descon Plus
- Home page:
- Last updated: June 5th, 2014

CAD&PILLAR it’s a technical software devised for topographic survey, planning and management of civil engineering interventions. It includes a CAD engine fully compatible with AutoCAD 2008, thus solving every problem of design, drawing and survey sharing. For its versatility and power of processing its an essential instrument in technical office and in building site.
- Publisher: DIGICORP Ingegneria s.r.l.
- Last updated: July 4th, 2011
Additional Design drawing packed tower selection

Sothink Logo Maker Professional
Sothink Logo Maker Professional can help you create your own logos. With this application, you can create visually appealing logos, even if you have not received any type of formal training on visual design. The program has an attractive interface, similar to that of Microsoft Office 97. Moreover, you can personalize it with various styles.
- Publisher: SourceTec Software Co., LTD
- Last updated: July 14th, 2014

SEE Electrical
SEE Electrical is a program for companies running an electrical engineering business. It comes with user-friendly drawing functions that facilitate schematic entry. Rubber band function, for example, allows the moving of components horizontally or vertically, while wires remain connected.
- Publisher: IGE+XAO Group
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

CadTools is developed for Civil Engineers using AutoCAD. With CadTools you can create your own surface models based on objects in the drawing or import triangles from DWG (other civil software). You can create profiles and cross-sections of multiple surfaces, calculate volumes and plot contours.
- Publisher: Glamsen utveckling (Lars Karlsson)
- Last updated: January 25th, 2012

progeCAD 2011 Professional
It has a interface complete with an "AutoCAD Like" icon menu and "AutoCAD Like" commands. The general purpose of progeCAD Professional is 2D and 3D design. A useful software for CAD field & concept sketch, electrical schematics, building construction, AEC architectural, civil, structural, mechanical and industrial engineering.
- Publisher: progeCAD s.r.l.
- Home page:
- Last updated: June 17th, 2012

Label Artist
Label Artist is a free-of-charge label design software for Bixolon Label Printers. The app allows the user to create their own label design and is compatible with all label printer in our range. Providing RFID and database links with text, image, multi-text and barcode drawing features Label Artist provides perfect label customisation.
- Publisher: BIXOLON
- Last updated: December 30th, 2016

progeCAD 2014 Professional
progeCAD 2014 Professional is an AutoCAD compatible 2D/3D CAD application that works with AutoCAD DWG files from AutoCAD 2.5 through AutoCAD 2014. It offers very high compatibility with AutoCAD® and Direct Modeling in native .dwg. progeCAD lets you export drawing files to any previous AutoCAD versions, both in DWG and DXF formats.
- Publisher: progeCAD s.r.l.
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 25th, 2015

APM WinMachine
APM WinMachine is a High-End software system intended to perform design, optimization and documentation of variety of machines calculations, mechanisms, structures and full reverse engineering of equipment under development. The program was created on the basis of modern engineering design approaches, advanced numerical methods of mechanics, mathematics and modeling, and more.
- Publisher: APM Ltd.
- Home page:
- Last updated: April 11th, 2016

Foundation3D is a spread and combined footing analysis/design tool that completes soil or pile supported foundation with minimal input. This tool is perfect for designing foundations for industrial equipment such as horizontal exchangers and vessels, vertical vessels or towers, pipe racks and other plant supports.
- Publisher: Dimensional Solutions
- Last updated: July 13th, 2012

MTS TOPCAD is a powerful program that can be used for drawing sketches. It is a program designed for the interpretation and creation of technical drawings. It allows you the simulation of control specific programs on different virtual machines by setting up the target simulation machine.
- Publisher: MTS GmbH Berlin
- Last updated: June 25th, 2014

CAD&PILLAR it’s a technical software devised for topographic survey, planning and management of civil engineering interventions. It includes a CAD engine fully compatible with AutoCAD 2008, thus solving every problem of design, drawing and survey sharing. For its versatility and power of processing its an essential instrument in technical office and in building site.
- Publisher: Digicorp Ingegneria
- Last updated: July 4th, 2011