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Design master hvac reviews in Title/Summary

Design Master HVAC

Design Master HVAC

Design Master HVAC is an integrated HVAC building design and drafting program for AutoCAD. Features include 2D and 3D ductwork drafting, ductwork sizing, pressure drop calculations, and building load calculations.

  • Publisher: Design Master Software, Inc.
  • Last updated: May 26th, 2020
Design Master Electrical

Design Master Electrical

Features : One-line Riser Diagrams Panel Schedules Homeruns and Loops Light Fixtures Receptacles Equipment Switching Interior Lighting Calculations Site Lighting Calculations Fault Calculations Voltage Drop Calculations Cost Estimating

  • Publisher: Design Master Software, Inc.
  • Last updated: May 26th, 2020
Face Design Master 10 Beta

Face Design Master 10 Beta

Create a new model morphing more faces from FIFA 10. It is very useful to have a reference picture. Select a white player, and load the texture checking the “Show Textures” box and clicking the refresh button, this texture will be merged later. Load it in “FIFA 08 Texture Conversion”. Now the button “Export to FIFA 10” becomes enabled.

Design master hvac reviews in Description

Block Load

Block Load

Carrier's Block Load program is a powerful, fully featured HVAC load estimating program suitable for commercial buildings of any size. Block Load is a tool for consulting engineers, design/build contractors, HVAC contractors, facility engineers and other professionals involved in the design, analysis or installation of commercial building HVAC systems.

Design Master Electrical RT

Design Master Electrical RT

Design Master Electrical RT is an add-in for Revit that adds electrical calculations to your existing Revit model. The program can automatically generate a one-line riser diagram, size feeders automatically based upon the overcurrent protection, size branch circuit breakers and wires based upon connected load, calculate voltage drop using the selected wire sizes, and more.

  • Publisher: Design Master Software, Inc.
  • Home page: www.designmaster.biz
  • Last updated: September 23rd, 2017
HVAC Solution - Steam DesignPro

HVAC Solution - Steam DesignPro

HVAC Solution software is a dynamic interactive systems building software for HVAC systems design. The program enables you to design steam generation, steam distribution, steam utilization and condensate-handling systems. It takes you from the end of your building loads to the end of your HVAC design project by selecting and scheduling your equipment.

Adobe Version Cue

Adobe Version Cue

With Version Cue, you can centrally manage shared project files, work in parallel with others using an intuitive version control system, track file status with comments, use Adobe Bridge to find files visually, search for XMP metadata, and host Adobe PDF reviews.

  • Publisher: Adobe
  • Last updated: May 29th, 2010


HVAC Tools program allows the quick calculation of 13 common HVAC design tasks. These tasks include duct sizing, wire sizing, three way coil interpolation, mixed air and state point psychrometrics, fan curve and cost analysis, U-Factor calculations, natural gas pipe sizing, refrigeration line sizing, general pipe sizing, hot/chilled water pipe analysis..

  • Publisher: Elite Software Development, Inc.
  • Home page: www.elitesoft.com
  • Last updated: January 28th, 2013

Additional Design master hvac reviews selection

Kit-Design Master Release

Kit-Design Master Release

KDM 10 is a tool for the quick development of kits to be used in FIFA 10. To use it is very simple: load a kit similar to the kit you need, change its colours using the colour mapping tools, add logos and that's all. This tool will make the kit design easy for everybody. If you already are an expert kit maker, I hope you can benefit from this tool and increase your productivity.

Mechanical Clock 3D Screensaver

Mechanical Clock 3D Screensaver

Ever wondered how a clock works? If you want to see all the "internals" just get this magnificent, realistic Mechanical Clock 3D screensaver wich will satisfy you'r passion for clock's. All mechanisms work in perfect sync. The clock shows real computer clock time.

Clean Master

Clean Master

Clean Master for PC provides you the most powerful junk cleaning and privacy protection and makes your computer run like brand new. Say good-bye to system lagging. With one click, you can stop unnecessary startup programs, speed up boot time, and intelligently optimize system and network settings.

Adobe Bridge CC

Adobe Bridge CC

Adobe Bridge CC 2017 gives you centralized access to all the files and assets you need for your creative projects. You can organize personal and team assets, batch edit, add watermarks, set centralized color preferences, and even upload your photos to Adobe Stock.

  • Publisher: Adobe Systems Incorporated
  • Last updated: December 23rd, 2016
Software Informer

Software Informer

For this new version, Software Informer has taken a small step back to make a giant leap forward. It has recovered the more compact and smaller interface we all knew and loved without compromising any of its many features and functions. All the updates for your apps and drivers, all the free programs, recommendations, and reviews are still there – they just take less space on your desktop now.

  • Publisher: Informer Technologies, Inc.
  • Last updated: January 10th, 2025
Style Master

Style Master

Style Master is an advanced CSS editor with many features. It contains an internal preview panel and debugger, as well as detailed on-screen help. Advanced properties and ready-made statements are available to be automatically inserted. Stylesheets can be made through a step-by-step wizard.

  • Publisher: western civilisation
  • Last updated: March 7th, 2008
HVAC Solution - Taco Hydronic System Solutions

HVAC Solution - Taco Hydronic System Solutions

Taco Hydronic System Solutions is a set of tools for hydronic system design. It can be used to design and compare HVAC systems, eliminate recalculation time for changes, calculate plant total loads and flows, size pipe and equipment, select and schedule equipment, and make design changes quickly.

  • Publisher: Taco Inc.
  • Last updated: October 8th, 2018
CUTOK Master

CUTOK Master

The Cutok Master developed by GuoMinTech Co. is an intuitive graphics design application that gives designers a more enjoyable work experience. It is built and designed to meet the demands of today's working designer to create ads or collateral for print or for the Web.

  • Publisher: GuoMinTech Co.
  • Home page: www.cutok.com
  • Last updated: June 7th, 2008
Typing Master

Typing Master

TypingMaster helps you learn and improve your typing skills. It provides over 10 hours of customized exercises to guide you step by step to professional keyboarding.Training is adjusted to your personal progress every step of the way. TypingMaster pinpoints your weak spots and eliminates them with personalized exercises.

Master Your CDC

Master Your CDC

Master Your CDC is a program that provides all the Self-Test Questions and Unit Review Exercises from your CDC(s). You can test your knowledge with 7 study games and 3 trivia games, highlight key points, add notes and flag questions for review and track your progress visually through your CDCs.

  • Publisher: McMillan Study Guides, Inc.
  • Last updated: September 4th, 2014