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Dev php ide in Title/Summary



Dev-PHP is an IDE for PHP. It provides you with the ability to write and edit multiple PHP files and debug them and preview the result of execution. The program's editor has syntax color coding and a nice class browser. The program has 14 language files.

  • Publisher: Leonardo García
  • Last updated: December 30th, 2008


Dev-PHP is a well-featured integrated development environment (IDE). You'll be able to create scripts and applications using the PHP scripting language and the PHP-GTK library (both included in the "PHP Package"). Dev-PHP is free software under the GNU General Public License, which means you can freely modify or use the source code under the terms of the license.

  • Publisher: Dev-PHP
  • Last updated: March 7th, 2012
VS.Php Standalone Edition

VS.Php Standalone Edition

VS.Php lets you build, edit, debug and deploy php applications. Allowing leverage all the features Visual Studio 2005 provides.

Dev php ide in Description

VS.Php for Visual Studio 2005

VS.Php for Visual Studio 2005

VS.Php lets you build, edit, debug and deploy php applications from within Visual Studio 2005. Allowing leverage all the features Visual Studio 2005 provides.

  • Publisher: Jcx.Software Corp
  • Last updated: May 26th, 2020
Rapid PHP

Rapid PHP

Rapid PHP editor is a faster and more powerful PHP editor for Windows combining features of a fully-packed PHP IDE with the speed of the Notepad. Rapid PHP is the most complete all-in-one software for coding PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript and other web development languages with tools for debugging, validating, reusing, navigating and formatting your code.



phpDesigner 8 it is a full-featured HTML5-, CSS3 - and JavaScript editor boosted with features to increase your productivity -- for both beginners and professional developers. phpDesigner 8 assists you with everything from editing, analyzing, debugging to publishing websites powered by PHP, HTML5, CSS3 to JavaScript and other languages.

  • Publisher: MPSOFTWARE
  • Last updated: August 20th, 2012
Zend Studio

Zend Studio

Zend Studio is an integrated development environment (IDE) for PHP 5.5 and newer versions. It provides features such as intelligent code editing, debugging and profiling, and cross-platform mobile app development. You can debug PHP using Xdebug, Zend Debugger, and Z-Ray in Zend Server.

  • Publisher: Zend Technologies
  • Last updated: October 13th, 2015


PHPEdit is an advanced IDE (Integrated Development Environment) tool that allows you to deploy and manage PHP projects. This program comes with additional components, such as extensions for debugging, FTP related tools, a framework and detailed documentation for PHP, MYSQL and CSS. It is also available in 16 languages.

  • Publisher: WaterProof SARL
  • Last updated: October 12th, 2012

Additional Dev php ide selection

Aptana Studio

Aptana Studio

Aptana Studio is an open-source program that allows you to develop and test your entire web application. It aids in authoring of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP and Ruby, it supports multiple protocols including FTP, SFTP, FTPS and Capistrano, you can set breakpoints, inspect variables and control execution.

  • Publisher: Appcelerator, Inc.
  • Home page: gopro.com
  • Last updated: August 27th, 2019
JetBrains PhpStorm

JetBrains PhpStorm

PhpStorm is an Integrated Development Environment for the PHP developers, built on top of IntelliJ IDEA platform. PhpStorm inherits all the web-related functionality of IntelliJ IDEA for editing PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, XML, working with VCS, SQL, plus adds advanced support for the other tools specific to web development.

  • Publisher: JetBrains s.r.o
  • Home page: www.jetbrains.com
  • Last updated: January 22nd, 2015
PHP Designer

PHP Designer

phpDesigner 7 is more than just a powerful and lightning fast PHP IDE and PHP EDITOR - it's also a full-featured HTML-, CSS- and JavaScript editor boosted with features so you can get your work done -- for both beginners and professional developers!

  • Publisher: MPSOFTWARE
  • Last updated: March 19th, 2021
php-5.2.5 for NuSphere PhpED

php-5.2.5 for NuSphere PhpED

PhpED is the Integrated Development Environment for PHP (PHP IDE), HTML, CSS, XML, SMARTY, XHTML and other. Balanced combination of advanced code editor, reliable dbg debugger, productive database connectivity client and fast and secure deployment abilities make PhpED a complete solution for most sophisticated developer needs.

  • Publisher: NuSphere Corp.
  • Home page: www.nusphere.com
  • Last updated: April 26th, 2012
phpDesigner 2008

phpDesigner 2008

phpDesigner is more than just a powerful and lightning fast PHP IDE and PHP EDITOR - it's also a full-featured HTML-, CSS- and JavaScript editor boosted with features so you can get your work done -- for both beginners and professional developers..

  • Publisher: MPSOFTWARE
  • Last updated: September 21st, 2011
PHP Coder

PHP Coder

PHPCoder enables you to encode your PHP scripts and applications into non reversible byte-code, thus preventing users of your programs from viewing or altering the source code while having full functionality. Another excellent use for PHPCoder is to encode your applications PHP configuration files, that way someone viewing your source code does not see your database login and password information.

  • Publisher: Idaho Image Works
  • Last updated: April 1st, 2011
PostgreSQL PHP Generator

PostgreSQL PHP Generator

PostgreSQL PHP Generator lets you build a website from your SQL database without any programming. The created web application allows authorized users to view, edit, add, and delete database records. It includes master-detail presentations, data protection with application, page, and record level security, and professionally designed page templates, among other functions.

  • Publisher: SQL Maestro Group
  • Home page: www.sqlmaestro.com
  • Last updated: April 29th, 2015
VS.Php for Visual Studio 2013

VS.Php for Visual Studio 2013

This is a PHP development environment that can be installed as an addon for Visual Studio 2013. You can use any source control system supported by Visual Studio including Subversion, Git, and Team Server for your PHP projects. You can also deploy your code to the cloud using FTP, FTP/S or SFTP.

  • Publisher: Jcx.Software Corp.
  • Last updated: July 31st, 2015
Inspyder InSite

Inspyder InSite

InSite is a website spell checker and link validation tool. InSite is affordable, feature rich and can check your entire site in seconds. It's easy to use, yet powerful enough to handle complex sites. This program allows you to create your own automatic email reports in PDF, Excel and CSV formats.

  • Publisher: Inspyder Software Inc.
  • Home page: www.inspyder.com
  • Last updated: May 26th, 2020


KDevelop is a cross-platform IDE for C, C++, Python, JavaScript and PHP. Main features: - Free to reorder, enable or disable any buttons in the menu bar. - Arbitrary split views. - Arbitrary layout of tool views inside the main window. - Freely configurable color scheme, separately for application and editor.