Devexpress color picker color value in Title/Summary

Awesome Color Picker
Awesome Color Picker is a simple extension for Google Chrome created to allow you to quickly obtain the color code for any color on the screen. It’s a color picker that lets you retrieve color codes using a handy magnifying loupe that amplifies any area of the screen.
- Publisher: Benjamin Thomas
- Home page:
- Last updated: February 21st, 2015

OKSoft Color Picker
OKSoft Color Picker can pick any colors from your PC screen with 14 formats. The color value may be named string, hex value, long value, HTML format, RGB value, Visual Basic format, C++ format, Java format, Delphi format, etc.
- Publisher:
- Last updated: December 26th, 2009

RGB Color Picker
RGB Color Picker is a free program that allows you to pick your screen color. The program also enables you to edit the selected color, you can press and drag the buttons to track the color code at a specific point according to your preferences. It displays separate Red, Green and Blue values which will be in the range of 0 to 255.
- Publisher: Daanav Softwares
- Home page:
- Last updated: July 2nd, 2015
Devexpress color picker color value in Description

AI-Software SmartColor
AI-Software SmartColor is the ultimate color picker for windows. A color picker lets you select colors, and copy them to the clipboard. Many programs do not include any color picker, or a really lousy one, or just use windows' color picker (which is lousy). Especially who does some web design knows what a good color picker is worth.
- Publisher: Aaron Isotton
- Last updated: March 20th, 2008

AIColorPicker is a very easy-to-use color picking tool that may pick color from computer screen and copy the picked color code to clipboard. If starting a design project, AIColorPicker is an absolute gem. This color picker gets you up close with a built-in magnifier, grabbing palettes of up to 16 colors at once. Control it from the keyboard and grab up to 16 colors at once. See color in RGB and HSL and get websafe info. Consistantly the most popular free color picker on the web, this version offers more choices to easily and effectivly create color palettes. It can show Hue, Saturation and Brightness values.
- Publisher: BYAI company, Inc.
- Last updated: April 1st, 2008

Bullseye Color Picker
Bullseye Color Picker was made by a computer programmer and webmaster for computer programmers and webmasters. The result: a functional program that is easy to use and absolutely free!Main features:- Select colors from your screen or from a palette - Return color codes: RGB, HSL, Long, HTML Hex, Visual Basic Hex, Delphi Hex, & C++ Hex - Hide color code values you don't need etc.
- Publisher: Magnonic Software
- Last updated: March 31st, 2010

BastaPix is an integrated collection of screen tools including a magnifier, a gauge, a screen copier, a color picker, a desktop ruler and a clipboard viewer. A must-have app for web and graphics designers, engineers and hobbyists.
- Publisher: Basta Computing, Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: April 17th, 2020

ColorPic is a small but powerful free utility for Windows. This program has been designed to give people, working with colors (designers, artists, developers, etc.), an easy-to-use and helpful color picker tool. We can create and customize our own palette.
- Publisher: Iconico
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 21st, 2019
Additional Devexpress color picker color value selection

ColorSchemer Studio
ColorSchemer Studio is a professional graphic tool that may prove useful in a wide array of fields, from photo editing and web design to publishing business and scientific simulations. Its main purpose is to help you create appealing color schemes, but it also includes a large number of tools that will help you mix colors, test various color palettes, etc.
- Publisher: ColorSchemer
- Last updated: May 14th, 2010

Color Scheme Editor
With this program you can easily change the color of the maps on Tom Tom Navigator. It provides a number of colors and allows you to use them to change the color of each object on the maps and edit the schemes. Every color has an RGB color code. You can choose a color or a respective RGB code to select any particular color.
- Publisher: Post Productions
- Last updated: March 8th, 2008

Presto! ImageFolio
Presto! ImageFolio 4.5 is a multimedia processing program helpful in processing photographs, graphics, and drawings captured from devices like scanners, VCR's, laser discs, digital cameras etc. The tool can capture images from sources such as scanners, capture boxes, digital cameras etc.
- Publisher: NewSoft Technology Corporation
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 16th, 2009

Color Bee
A tool for designers, web developers. Make your own color palettes. Sample colors from the screen, color model, and test colors before you use it. It is a tool for both designer and web developer.
- Publisher: İZLENİM
- Last updated: December 16th, 2009

Never be curious about any color you see on your screen. With Pixeur you can easily view the color, RGB, Hex, and Long value of any color you see. Pixeur will also keep a history of all colors you have selected, so going back is as simple as choosing the color from the Color History list. The new Color Selector, Color Scheme, Advanced Color History tools, makes Pixeur a top in its class.
- Publisher: Veign
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

Peacock Color Picker
Peacock Color Picker allows you to retrieve the color of any pixel on your screen. It is the perfect color picking solution for professional graphic designers, webmasters and home users. Thanks to the revolutionary fade-out user interface you will be presented with an unobstructed view of your screen, and you can immediately start picking & mixing the color scheme of your choice.
- Publisher: Reohix
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

ColorWheel Harmony
ColorWheel Harmony is a program that allows you to use artists' color wheel and preset of classic color schemes to create harmonious combinations of color. You can control the amount of each color used in your palette by mean of special 60-30-10 decorating rule layout.
- Publisher: Valerii Skopich
- Last updated: October 30th, 2017

Absolute Color Picker
Absolute Color Picker is a powerful yet easy to use application for webmasters and web-designers that allows you to select and pick colors by means of various color models and convert them into HTML-based hexadecimal representation. This incredible program is based on Absolute Color Picker ActiveX Control and in a a great compact color designer.
- Publisher: Eltima Soft
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

Color Wheel Pro
Color Wheel Pro is a powerful yet easy to use application that allows you to you create harmonious color schemes based on color theory. Unlike other color utilities, this application allows you preview your color schemes on real examples such websites, logos, product packages, and not just on a row of ordinary color boxes.
- Publisher: QSX Software Group
- Last updated: March 1st, 2008

SilverFast HDR
SilverFast HDR enables the user to read and process 48-bit RAW files without being connected to a scanner. The program includes features such as: output size and resolution, auto-adjust of highlight/shadow, three-part histogram, gradation curves, selective color correction, unsharp masking, color cast removal slider, color separation and CMYK preview.
- Publisher: LaserSoft Imaging AG
- Last updated: September 8th, 2014