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Dialup internet usage monitor in Title/Summary

Internet Usage Monitor

Internet Usage Monitor

Internet Usage Monitor monitors the time spent on the Internet and calculates the cost according to the local telephone charges as specified by the user. The program supports connection through modems only i.e. dial-up connections. SMS Alerts can only be sent if your Mobile Service Provider supports Email to Mobile facility.

  • Publisher: Gaurav Dhup
  • Last updated: March 16th, 2008
Internet Access Monitor

Internet Access Monitor

Internet Access Monitor is a product for monitoring the efficiency of the internet bandwidth usage by your company's employees. With Internet Access Monitor you can easily find out which employees load up the bandwidth most heavily, when and what exactly they download, how much time they spend online, and what data transfer traffic they create.

Bandwidth Usage Monitor

Bandwidth Usage Monitor

Bandwidth Usage Monitor is the latest offering, which keeps track of your broadband data usage.Features:- Simple Interface - Calculates usage upto Peta Bytes i.e 1 PB = 1,000,000,000,000,000 bytes (more than you will ever need) - Monthly/Yearly Reports

  • Publisher: Gaurav Dhup
  • Last updated: May 27th, 2020

Dialup internet usage monitor in Description

QuickLink Mobile

QuickLink Mobile

QuickLink Mobile is popular connectivity solution software. It is for people who are always on the go. Connect your laptop to your wireless phone, and in no time you'll be checking stock quotes and sports scores from anywhere, at any time. It provides wireless Internet connectivity from your laptop computer. QuickLink Mobile will quickly turn your mobile phone into a wireless modem.

  • Publisher: Smith Micro Software, Inc.
  • Home page: my.smithmicro.com
  • Last updated: August 31st, 2008
Broadband Download Monitor

Broadband Download Monitor

If your brother takes all your internet connection bandwith downloading music or your service provider gives you a limited download capacity monthly, Broadband Download Monitor is for you. Broadband Download Monitor, as his name explain, is a free internet traffic monitor that can limit the connection bandwith

  • Publisher: ConsumerChoices.co.uk
  • Last updated: October 8th, 2008
RAS Monitor

RAS Monitor

The modem bandwidth usage monitor utility. For user who always online internet and would like to keep track of online usage. Comes with a nice GUI and bandwidth graph monitor. AntiIdle, trayicon, easy to copy client IP to clipboard, play WAV sounds when connected and disconnected. Tiny one standalone execute file. RAS Monitor supports windows 98/ME/NT/2000/XP.

  • Publisher: Tong Software Inc.
  • Home page: www.naddalim.com
  • Last updated: February 25th, 2008
Free Process Traffic Monitor

Free Process Traffic Monitor

Free Process Traffic Monitor is both a network bandwidth usage monitor and a process analyzer. The program allows you to know the bandwidth rate currently being used by both the incoming and the outgoing network traffic. Besides, it also allows you to know the active processes that can generate network traffic and the resources usage level. All of that in a simple interface.

PaperCut Quota

PaperCut Quota

PaperCut Quota is a print and Internet charging, quota and/or monitoring system for Windowsnetworks. It was initially developed to meet the need in schools to minimize waste and promotethe responsible use of IT resources. It also has numerous applications within the corporateenvironment where there is a need to assign costs to projects, departments, or just simply monitor usage.

  • Publisher: PaperCut Software Pty Ltd
  • Home page: www.papercut.com
  • Last updated: May 26th, 2020

Additional Dialup internet usage monitor selection

DU Meter

DU Meter

DU Meter is a network utility that monitors your bandwidth usage from/to Internet as well as from/to your local network. The program offers you a visual indicator that allows you to know the incoming and outgoing network traffic rates in real time, plus a list of the programs that are receiving or sending information currently. Besides, you count on hourly, daily, weekly and monthly reports.

  • Publisher: Hagel Technologies Ltd.
  • Home page: www.hageltech.com
  • Last updated: February 29th, 2024
Printer Usage Monitor

Printer Usage Monitor

Printer Usage Monitor features centralized auditing of print activity on a network of Windows NT/2000 servers (shared printers only), built-in reporting tool with 43 reports provided, additional user reports can be added on fly and reports can be printed, exported or emailed.

  • Publisher: EZ Delphi
  • Home page: www.ez-delphi.com
  • Last updated: December 10th, 2009
Internet Connection Monitor

Internet Connection Monitor

Internet Connection Monitor is an open source program written with .NET 2.0 and packaged with InnoSetup that has tray-tips for alerting the user of any network change. The application is also capable of writing changes to a logfile so you can keep track of your network activity.

  • Publisher: CPDI
  • Last updated: June 27th, 2014
Usage Monitor

Usage Monitor

Main features: - Monitor Memory Usage, GDI Objects, USER Objects - Minimize to the system tray for uncluttered monitoring - Audible and visual alarm is triggered when a limit has been surpassed - Alarms can execute a file - Display all processes or only processes you are monitoring - Automatically have Usage Monitor generate a CSV output

  • Publisher: Veign
  • Last updated: March 28th, 2010
Internet Connectivity Monitor

Internet Connectivity Monitor

Internet Connectivity Monitor is a lightweight program that provides you with a way to monitor your internet connection uptime. It attempts to connect to an internet host of your choice every few seconds, and log whether it was successful or not. You can leave this running overnight, and then read the log in the morning to see if, when, and for how long your internet connection was down.

  • Publisher: Genc Alikaj
  • Home page: code.google.com
  • Last updated: November 8th, 2014
Internet Security Monitor

Internet Security Monitor

Internet Security Monitor prevents your sensitive information from being sent to the Internet in open, unencrypted format. Internet Security Monitor In 85% they will be sent in the flat text format over HTTP thus making them available for packet sniffers.

  • Publisher: SecuritySupervisor.com
  • Last updated: May 30th, 2011
Trend Micro Titanium Internet Security

Trend Micro Titanium Internet Security

This is an antivirus program with Internet security features. The program protects against viruses that can come through the Internet usage and also gives warnings about dangerous links shared through email, IM and web searches. The cloud-based protection ensures that the antivirus database is up-to-date and has better detection capabilities.



GlassWire is a Windows network monitoring tool that comes with a built-in firewall to boost up your protection. The program features a user-friendly interface, gives you access to real-time, accurate network data information, and detects and blocks malware threats or misbehaving utilities.

  • Publisher: GlassWire
  • Last updated: November 18th, 2024
GPU Monitor

GPU Monitor

Considering that it's actually only a simple little gadget, many users won't expect much of GPU Monitor either. But in fact, GPU Monitor is most likely the best tool of its kind, as it's lightweight, yet very feature-rich, customizable, and comprehensive. It will provide a lot of information about the monitored GPU, including real-time data about the clock speed, usage load, temperature, etc.

  • Publisher: Igor "Igogo" Bushin
  • Last updated: November 16th, 2020


NetLimiter gives you full network control over your computer. You will decide where your applications are allowed to connect and how fast these connections should be.

  • Publisher: Locktime Software
  • Home page: www.netlimiter.com
  • Last updated: October 23rd, 2024