Dictionary widget in Title/Summary

Leo Dictionary Widget
Leo Dictionary Widget is a Google Chrome extension that allows you to find definitions of words in a web page, without leaving the page. Just select a word or phrase in the web page and press the shortcut keys. The default keyboard shortcut is Alt + W, but this can be changed in the plugin settings.
- Publisher: Jakob Buchgraber
- Home page: chrome.google.com
- Last updated: March 16th, 2015

Free Dictionary Widget
This is an application designed for all your literary needs. This application widget doesn't work on Opera mobile/mini. The main claimed advantage of widgets is that they are meant to be platform-independent. Dictionary closes if you hit the enter key. We have to click on the go button using the mouse for the definitions to be displayed.
- Publisher: Opera widgets
- Home page: widgets.opera.com
- Last updated: September 20th, 2011

Tutorial Widget
This widget tells you about the basics of using an Opera Widget and how you can use them. This is an application that you can use a lot if you are new in using Opera Browser. It is a very simple tutorial, but it does what it says and it does great. Clean, straightforward, and covers all the basics.
- Publisher: Opera widgets
- Last updated: January 10th, 2012
Dictionary widget in Description

Colourful Glowing Clock
After the installation has finished, you can open the widget at any time by clicking the widget icon located either on your desktop or in your applications menu. Starting with Opera 10.50, Opera Widgets have the same status as regular desktop applications. They run apart from Opera, and appear in the applications menu. They continue running even if the Opera browser is closed.
- Publisher: Opera widgets
- Home page: widgets.opera.com
- Last updated: March 12th, 2010

Adobe Dreamweaver Widget Browser
The Adobe Dreamweaver Widget Browser is an Adobe AIR application that lets you preview and configure widgets using a visual interface. The Widget Browser solves the problem of having to work with confusing or obscure CSS and JavaScript by providing designers with a tool for editing widget properties to suit their needs.
- Publisher: Adobe Systems Incorporated
- Last updated: June 24th, 2020

Yahoo! Widgets
Yahoo! Widgets are small, specific applications that you can run on your Windows or Mac OS desktop. The Yahoo! Widgets application is a desktop program that you need in order to run Yahoo! Widgets. The Widget Dock is a handy at-a-glance way of keeping on top of the information or entertainment the Widget handles
- Publisher: Yahoo! Inc.
- Last updated: September 29th, 2011

Amnesty Hypercube
Hypercube is more than just a new desktop widget platform. It's also the easiest way to collect, manage, share and publish "web widgets" – snippets of code meant for your blog, home page or social networking profile. Effortlessly move web widgets, games, and videos out of your browser and onto your desktop.
- Publisher: Mesa Dynamics, LLC
- Last updated: December 6th, 2009

Bill4Time Widget
With the Bill4Time Widget, it's even easier to track time. Just open the widget, select your client and project, and hit play. Entering expenses is also just a click away. Even if you're offline, the widget gives you quick access to your active clients, open projects, and current activities.
- Publisher: Pogopixels Ltd.
- Home page: www.bill4time.com
- Last updated: June 23rd, 2011
Additional Dictionary widget selection

Shipra's Dictionary
It has a great image of popularity among Indians. The reason behind its popularity is its bilingual capability. Yes, its very well know English to Hindi dictionary. You can find the Hindi meaning of any commonly used word of English from its large database of more then 22600 English words with Multiple Hindi meanings.
- Publisher: Shipra Compulogies
- Home page: shipracompulogies.blogspot.com
- Last updated: September 5th, 2011

MADHURA Dictionary
This is a great piece of software that can help you translate words and whole sentences from English to Sinhala language and vice versa. Whenever you copy a word or a sentence from a text in English it will automatically be translated to Sinhala language. This is by far the best English to Sinhala translator because it has a large number of words that cover every possible domain.
- Publisher: Madura Kulatunga
- Last updated: October 31st, 2011

Every site needs a dictionary... for all the special terms and words which are unique to your own industry. Easy to set up and manage, your users will love having access to those hard to understand terms. This is a great way to get repeat visitors! Upload a text file with your words and definitions along with the script and soon you'll have a searchable dictionary.
- Publisher: Jason Silver
- Last updated: July 26th, 2017

Sheel's Dictionary
This free program is a Hindi-English-Hindi dictionary. You can search for words in Hindi or English and their equivalents in the opposite language. The program can be updated by adding new words and modifying the existing ones. Also, the program is absolutely free to download and use.
- Publisher: Sheelnidhi Gupta
- Home page: www.sheelgupta.blogspot.com
- Last updated: July 18th, 2017

Oxford English Explanatory Dictionary
The program includes the eleventh edition of The Concise Oxford English Dictionary and The Concise Oxford English Thesaurus. The dictionary contains 240,000 words, phrases, and concise definitions, with over 1,800 brand new words from Oxford's new word research.
- Publisher: Paragon Software
- Home page: www.penreader.com
- Last updated: March 5th, 2008

WeatherBar is a small and simple freeware that displays the weather forecast for your location in a very convenient manner, right on your desktop. Unlike the many other similar weather forecast displaying tools that require you to access their main windows in order to see the weather data, this one provides a different approach. It can display the weather info right on the taskbar.
- Publisher: DennisDelimarsky
- Last updated: September 10th, 2013

English Malayalam Dictionary
Malayalam is one of the four major Dravidian languages of southern India. It is one of the 22 scheduled languages of India with official language status in the state of Kerala and the union territories of Lakshadweep and Mahé. This extension will show the meaning of English word in Malayalam.
- Publisher: MindVision Software
- Last updated: May 12th, 2008

Free Medical Dictionary
Free Medical Dictionary is a program that offers you information and definitions covering almost all specialties and fields of medicine. You can get information regarding pharmaceutical drugs, healthcare equipment, medical abbreviations and medical terminology.
- Publisher: Free-Medical-Dictionary
- Home page: www.free-medical-dictionary.com
- Last updated: February 7th, 2013

Cleantouch Urdu Dictionary
As its name implies, this program is an English-Urdu, Urdu-English dictionary. It is really easy to use. You only need to type the English word whose Urdu translation you are looking for, and press Enter or click on the magnifier button. It also has am Irdu-English function that works exactly as the Urdu-English one.
- Publisher: Cleantouch Software Corp.
- Last updated: November 14th, 2010

Shoshi English to Bangla Dictionary
Shoshi English to Bangla Dictionary is a complete dictionary software with all the current words.
- Publisher: PicoTech
- Last updated: December 8th, 2014