Differential equation solver online in Title/Summary

Engineering Equation Solver
ES (pronounced 'ease') is a general equation-solving program that can numerically solve thousands of coupled non-linear algebraic and differential equations. The program can also be used to solve differential and integral equations, do optimization, provide uncertainty analyses
- Publisher: F-Chart Software, LLC.
- Home page: www.fchart.com
- Last updated: November 27th, 2017

EES (64 bit) Engineering Equation Solver
EES (pronounced 'ease') is a general equation-solving program that can numerically solve thousands of coupled non-linear algebraic and differential equations. The program can also be used to solve differential and integral equations, do optimization, provide uncertainty analyses, perform linear and non-linear regression, convert units.
- Publisher: F-Chart Software
- Home page: fchart.com
- Last updated: May 24th, 2018

Free Universal Algebra Equation Solver
Free Universal Algebra Equation Solver is dedicated to high-school and college students and also to math teachers. It comes as a well-designed program that offers solutions to a wide range of mathematical equations. The program solves problems from math areas like: arithmetic, algebra, calculus, etc.
- Publisher: Severny Ochag International
- Last updated: May 13th, 2017
Differential equation solver online in Description

It is an application designed for technical plotting and data analysis. It has a powerful scientific spreadsheet for data analysis, and an object-oriented on screen graphics editor that makes it easy to design and modify graphs. Main Features; - powerful scientific spreadsheet. - data import from Excel, ASCII, CSV, Access, DBase, etc.
- Publisher: Poly Software International, Inc.
- Home page: www.polysoftware.com
- Last updated: April 23rd, 2013

Berkeley Madonna
Berkeley Madonna is arguably the fastest, most convenient, general purpose differential equation solver available today. It is relatively inexpensive and runs on both Windows and Mac OS. Developed on the Berkeley campus under the sponsorship of NSF and NIH, it is currently used by academic and commercial institutions for constructing mathematical models for research and teaching.
- Publisher: Berkeley Madoona, Inc.
- Home page: www.berkeleymadonna.com
- Last updated: March 17th, 2010

eCalc Scientific
eCalc Scientific is a very advanced scientific calculator that offers you all the functions to suit your mathematical needs, from the most simple to the most sophisticated, such as trigonometric, logarithmic, and angular functions, fractions, unit conversions, and more. It also includes math helping tools, such as a constant descriptor and an equation solver.
- Publisher: eCalc.com
- Last updated: August 29th, 2022

Easy Equation Solver
Easy Equation Solver is a simple and easy to use program for solving equations. You can save equations and solutions to a text file. Also, you can create the list of equations and generate a report. The report can be printed and exported to a PDF, HTML and RTF file.
- Publisher: Goran Nikolovski
- Last updated: July 14th, 2014

DeadLine solves equations graphically and numerically. The freeware finds the real roots of an equation, evaluates functions and the first two derivatives extremely fast and accurately, finds extrema of the function.
- Publisher: Ionut Alex. Chitu
- Home page: deadline.3x.ro
- Last updated: February 14th, 2008
Additional Differential equation solver online selection
- Publisher: Golden K star Private Ltd
- Last updated: September 30th, 2011

Calendar Magic
Regardless of the nature of their interest in calendars and dates, every user will surely have a reason to regard Calendar Magic as a curious, interesting, or even an indispensable tool. With 26 historic and current calendars to choose from, compare, and convert between, this feature-rich free tool will solve all your doubts about dates, years, festivals, etc.
- Publisher: EuroSoft
- Last updated: February 20th, 2018

The Math-o-mir is a tool designed to write and edit mathematical equations. It is designed to act as your personal math notepad where you can write down your quick and informal calculations. In Math-o-mir you can touch expressions and expression elements and then, by mouse click, copy them around your mathematical document and insert them into other equations.
- Publisher: Danijel Gorupec
- Last updated: May 1st, 2016

LPILE is a special-purpose program based on rational procedures for analyzing a pile under lateral loading using the p-y method. LPILE solves the differential equation for a beam-column using nonlinear lateral load-transfer (p-y) curves. The program computes deflection, bending moment, shear force and soil response over the length of the pile.
- Publisher: Ensoft, Inc.
- Last updated: May 31st, 2012

Casio ClassPad Manager
Features: -Computer Algebra System -Laplace Transforms/ Fourier Transforms -Differential Equation Application -Financial Function -e-Activity function -eActivity copy and paste into a word processor for editing. -Geometric Graphing -Spreadsheet Application -Data communication with ClassPad series
- Home page: edu.casio.com
- Last updated: March 27th, 2012

ODEcalc (tm): An Ordinary Differential Equation (ODE) Calculator! Nonlinear ODEs. State your equation, boundary/initial value conditions & it solves your problem. Plots solution y & derivative ydot versus x. Calculus Programming demo application.
- Publisher: Optimal Designs Enterprise
- Last updated: June 23rd, 2015

Calculates the weights of specific substances needed to arrive at specified concentrations of different elements. Powerful open source linear equation solver provided by AlgLib. Easy-to-use interface for the addition, edition and assignation of substances to calculations.
- Publisher: Science in Hydroponics
- Last updated: June 11th, 2011

Math Tablet
Advanced Numerical Analysis for Applied Science, Mathematics and Engineering. Main Features: - RPN or Algebraic Input - Matrix and complex number support - Hundreds of scientific and statistical functions - Integrated equation graphing - Solver for user formulas - Simultaneous nonlinear equation solver - Numerical integration and differentiation - Differential equation solvers
- Publisher: StatsNOW
- Home page: statsnow.net
- Last updated: June 13th, 2009

ChemRate is a program that contains databases containing experimental results on unimolecular reactions, information pertaining to transition state and molecular structures necessary for the calculation of high pressure rate constants and thermal functions respectively.
- Publisher: Mokrushin Software
- Last updated: October 26th, 2011

uCalc Graphing Calculator
If you are a student who wants to plot those equations the teacher gave for math assignment, or an engineer looking for a great scientific calculator, or a home user who wants to convert between units of measure, or you want to compute the number of mortgage payments that are left by simply filling in the blanks, then this multi-purpose calculator is for you.
- Publisher: Daniel Corbier
- Home page: www.ucalc.com
- Last updated: January 9th, 2010