Digital book arcgis in Title/Summary

ArcGIS for Desktop Digital Globe GeoEye MetadataProduct Layout Patch
Desktop Digital Globe GeoEye Metadata/Product Layout Patch for ArcGIS addresses issues when working with GeoEye images which are delivered using the updated Digital Globe metadata format (IMD) and product layout. After installing this update GeoEye images images can be used in a Mosaic Dataset.
- Publisher: Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc.
- Last updated: August 31st, 2017

Digital Fake Book
Jazz and rock musicians often play from chord and lyric sheets instead of sheet music. I wrote this simple Windows program to replace the printed chord sheets I used to use during practice, and decided to make it available for anyone else who may find it useful. Digital Fake Book displays chords and lyrics in plain text format on 1 or 2 sheets. It is not able to display standard music notation.
- Publisher: M. Warren
- Last updated: June 13th, 2011

Book Wizard Reader
Book Wizard Reader is a program to read digital talking books as outlined in the specifications designed and approved by the National Information Standards Organization (NISO) and the Digital Audio Information System (DAISY) consortium. The program adheres to the DAISY definitions and provides you with enhanced ability to control and navigate through both structured and unstructured audio files.
- Publisher: American Printing House for the Blind, Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 2nd, 2010
Digital book arcgis in Description

JMReader is a simple but handy application that allows users to read a digital book like if they were reading a real book. The program simulates a real book, separating the book in pages and dividing it in paragraph intelligently. Users can read the book in full screen and set it to show 1 or to pages at the same time.
- Publisher: JimiSoft
- Last updated: March 17th, 2008

Boxoft Free Flip Page Creator
Boxoft Flip Page Creator, a simple but useful freeware will help you do so! It is a document converter to create a digital book with page-flipping effect. It will help you to transfer simple text documents to vivid interactive flipping book with a personalized layout which can be designed by you!
- Publisher: Boxoft Co., Ltd
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 31st, 2018

HumanWare Companion
The HumanWare Companion is a Windows program used in conjunction with the Victor Reader Stream, Victor Reader Stratus or ClassMate Reader digital book players to manage your books, music, podcasts, voice notes, text notes and text files. Use the HumanWare Companion to copy your books, music, podcasts and text files to your player’s storage card.
- Publisher: HumanWare Group
- Last updated: March 31st, 2015

MyScribe takes reading to the next level. Easily take and share notes on any PDF or MyScribe digital book. Think your PDF will be valuable to someone else? Publish it to CaféScribe and begin sharing notes with other scribes…all for free. Come on, don’t be shy - download MyScribe, import a few PDF files and start sharing notes with your buddies.
- Publisher: Follett Software Company
- Last updated: September 2nd, 2010

Real English 1 Catalan Whiteboard
Real English 1 Catalan Whiteboard is the perfect guide in learning catalan. This digital book can be very helpful for students and teachers. It has plenty of useful features that will lead you to a catalan speaker. You can try this tool before buying it.
- Publisher: Burlington Books
- Last updated: July 1st, 2011
Additional Digital book arcgis selection

Zinio Reader
Zinio’s growing suite of applications makes reading digital magazines and books easier than ever, with access to more publications, improved core functionality, and a host of new features. Built in Adobe AIR, our fastest, lightest application to date features clipping, bookmarks, customizable zoom and access to new, enhanced content.
- Publisher: Zinio Systems, Inc.
- Last updated: October 19th, 2023
- Publisher: Aurora Digital Imaging
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 19th, 2021

Obi enables you to create digital talking books, which conform to DAISY 3, Accessible EPUB 3, and DAISY 2.02 standards. It provides a flexible workflow, with a recording process that can be configured for both expert and moderately skilled users. You can also automate book production from pre-recorded audio files.
- Publisher: DAISY Consortium
- Last updated: November 19th, 2019

eBook Publisher
ETI’s eBook Publisher is a content publishing tool that allows you to create XML-based documents following the Open eBook standard (ODF). Then, it will wrap it up into an OEBFF container (EPUB) that you can later upload to any device supporting this e-book standard. You can create your own EPUB publications from any Word, Powerpoint, or RTF file, and even add an interactive glossary to them.
- Publisher: eBook Technologies
- Home page:
- Last updated: December 25th, 2009

GCSE Modern World History
GCSE Modern World History provides complete support for your GCSE Modern World History candidates with best-selling digital resources and books from a trusted author. It offers time saving tools to streamline your planning, outstanding content and lessons for your VLE, a simple way to integrate the trusted resources you've already created, and more.
- Publisher: Ben Walsh, Esther Arnott
- Last updated: February 28th, 2013

MyJad Flipbook Maker
Myjad Flipbook Maker can convert PDF files into page-flipping brochures, catalogs, and eBooks. You can also add music, sounds, and animations to your flipbook. A wide variety of templates, themes, backgrounds, and plugins are pre-installed in Myjad Flipbook Maker program for you to decorate the booklet.
- Publisher: MyJad Solution
- Home page:
- Last updated: August 27th, 2019

eClipseReader is IRTI's industry-leading DAISY digital Talking Book reading and studying application. It will read DAISY 2.02, DAISY 3 and DAISY / NISO 2005 talking books as well as text files. This is a completely self-voicing application with built-in hot-key commands and instruction manual for ease of use.
- Publisher: Innovative Rehabilitation Technologies, Inc.
- Last updated: March 12th, 2010

Real English Catalan Student Version
Download the digital book for your Burlington Books coursebook. The files may take some time to download - please be patient. After downloading, double-click the file. Follow the instructions of the Installer. After the installation is completed, a shortcut named "DigitalBook" will appear on your desktop. Double-click it to open the Login screen.
- Publisher: Burlington Books
- Home page:
- Last updated: October 19th, 2011

Adobe Digital Editions
Adobe Digital Editions is a free-to-use ebook reader for Windows OS. Use it to download and purchase digital content, which can be read both online and offline. Access your eBook across multiple file-formats including EPUB, EPUB3, and PDF. Modify text and document size on different formats.
- Publisher: Adobe Systems Incorporated
- Last updated: December 27th, 2024
- Publisher: TOSHIBA
- Last updated: July 2nd, 2020