Disk benchmark in Title/Summary

Disk Benchmark
The actual hard disk or SSD performance under Windows is determined not only by the speed of the drives rotation or memory chips, but several other factors also. Settings such as the mainboard chipset, controller drivers, SATA/AHCI mode and RAID configuration can all have an influence. Even CPU and RAM speeds play a very small part as well.
- Publisher: VOVSOFT
- Home page: vovsoft.com
- Last updated: October 5th, 2021

Is your new Palm handheld faster than the last one? Quartus Benchmark 3.0 will tell you just how much faster.
- Publisher: Quartus Handheld Software
- Home page: www.quartus.net
- Last updated: September 28th, 2008

tecChannel Benchmark Suite
TecChannel benchmark suite consists on three tests: tecHD and tecCD/DVD for hard disks and drives CD/DVD. TecMem measure the capacity between processor and different memory system levels (cache L1, L2, memory). All results are displayed in graphic and digital forms.
- Publisher: IDG Interactive GmbH
- Home page: xtreview.com
- Last updated: October 16th, 2009
Disk benchmark in Description

HARDiNFO Pro is a full-featured benchmark tool that provides you with information about the hardware and software installed on your computer. It only takes a few seconds for HARDiNFO Pro to provide you with exhaustive data about your system, devices, peripherals, laptop-specific info, system monitor, and network, as well as to benchmark them all against the app’s database.
- Home page: www.usro.net
- Last updated: June 11th, 2017

Wopti Utilities
System Information menu brings forward functions for checking out the entire computer components, both hardware and software, providing accurate details about the CPU, operating system version, user, BIOS version, motherboard, graphic card, RAM, network, etc, monitoring the heat level of the CPU . You can also perform a benchmark test in order to evaluate your computer's performance.
- Publisher: Wopti Technologies
- Last updated: March 1st, 2008

HD Tune
HD Tune Pro is a hard disk / SSD utility with many functions. It can be used to measure the drive's performance, scan for errors, check the health status (S.M.A.R.T.), securely erase all data and much more. HD Tune Pro is an extended version of HD Tune which includes many new features such as: write benchmark, secure erasing, etc.
- Publisher: EFD Software
- Home page: www.hdtune.com
- Last updated: July 31st, 2024

Fresh Diagnose is a utility designed to analyze and benchmark your computer system. It can analyze and benchmark many kinds of hardware, such as CPU performance, hard disk performance, video system information, mainboard / motherboard information, and much more...
- Publisher: FreshDevices, Corp.
- Home page: www.freshdevices.com
- Last updated: February 28th, 2013

BenchMe free benchmark software is designed to measure various performance characteristics of data storage devices. Based on the collected benchmark data you can evaluate performance of a particular storage device or compare different devices. BenchMe free benchmark tool allows to copy charts to a clipboard or just print the collected benchmark data.
- Publisher: reclaime
- Last updated: November 9th, 2011
Additional Disk benchmark selection

SeaTools for Windows
SeaTools for Windows is a free hard disk diagnostic utility. In addition to diagnostics tests, SeaTools also offers several features to help you manage your storage product. Seagate Instant Secure Erase is available for Self-Encrypting Drives (SED), providing U.S government accepted media sanitization.
- Publisher: Seagate Technology LLC
- Home page: www.seagate.com
- Last updated: August 1st, 2023

CrystalDiskMark is a disk benchmark software tool for Windows users. The program is easy to use, and it doesn't have many settings to customize. You can select settings to test the disk volume, the memory size in MB or GB, the repetition time, and more.
- Publisher: hiyohiyo
- Home page: crystalmark.info
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

USB Disk Security
USB Disk Security is a nice piece of software to block threats that can damage your PC or compromise your personal information via USB storage. USB Disk Security uses advanced proactive detection techniques, and closes the window of vulnerability left open by other reactive, signature-based responses.
- Publisher: Zbshareware Lab.
- Home page: www.zbshareware.com
- Last updated: May 21st, 2021

AIDA64 Extreme
AIDA64 Extreme is an industry-leading system information tool, loved by PC enthusiasts around the world, which not only provides extremely detailed information about both hardware and installed software, but also helps users diagnose issues and offers benchmarks to measure the performance of the computer.
- Publisher: FinalWire Ltd.
- Home page: www.aida64.com
- Last updated: December 27th, 2024

HD Tune Pro
HD Tune Pro is a hard disk / SSD utility with many functions. It can be used to measure the drive's performance, scan for errors, check the health status (S.M.A.R.T.), securely erase all data and much more. Main features: - Basic tests: added option for continuous testing - Erase: range can be specified - Monitor: transfer sizes of 128 KB to 2 MB added
- Publisher: EFD Software
- Home page: www.hdtune.com
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

Hard Disk Sentinel
Hard Disk Sentinel (HDSentinel) is a multi-OS SSD and HDD monitoring and analysis software. Its goal is to find, test, diagnose and repair hard disk drive problems, report and display SSD and HDD health, performance degradations and failures. Many different alerts and report options are available to ensure maximum safety of your valuable data.
- Publisher: H.D.S. Hungary
- Home page: www.hdsentinel.com
- Last updated: January 10th, 2025

Hard Disk Low Level Format Tool
This HDD Low Level Format utility is free for home use. It can erase and Low-Level Format a SATA, IDE, SAS, SCSI or SSD hard disk drive. It will also work with any USB and FIREWIRE external drive enclosures as well as SD, MMC, MemoryStick and CompactFlash media.
- Publisher: HDDGURU
- Last updated: November 29th, 2013

Wise Disk Cleaner
Wise Disk Cleaner is a user friendly, fast and easy to use application developed to free up disk space by deleting junk files.
- Publisher: WiseCleaner.com
- Home page: www.wisecleaner.com
- Last updated: December 27th, 2024

Advanced Disk Recovery
An ultimate data recovery solution to retrieve lost or deleted photos, videos, audios, documents & other files from your Hard Drive, USB & other storage media. Advanced Disk Recovery works quickly and efficiently to recover accidentally deleted or lost data from your Windows PC & other multiple external devices.
- Publisher: Systweak, Inc.
- Home page: www.systweak.com
- Last updated: July 30th, 2024

Win32 Disk Imager
Win32 Disk Imager is a utility for reading and writing a disk image file to an external storage device. The application is open source and free to use, so you can use the program for as long as you like, without any limitations whatsoever. The program works with various external storage devices (USB sticks, flash drives, etc.).
- Publisher: Tobin Davis
- Last updated: April 12th, 2022