Disk checkers definition in Title/Summary

Real Checkers
Real Checkers 1.0 is the traditional checkers game for the PC, with a 3D Board. Checkers is a board game played between two players, who alternate moves. The object of the game is to capture all the enemy pieces, or block them. The pieces move only over the dark squares, diagonally, one square at a time and always forward, for common pieces. The Kings can move backwards, too.
- Publisher: Media Contact LLC
- Home page: www.gametop.com
- Last updated: March 3rd, 2008

Checkers King
Checkers King is a fun and interesting 3D checkers. It is a simple but nicely done game it has two video modes and six difficulty levels. It is very simple to play: just click on the piece you want to move and then click where you want it to move, the pieces can move only forward, just when they are 'kinged' they can move backwards. You can even play it over the internet or LAN.
- Publisher: Outrider Games
- Last updated: July 17th, 2018

Aros Magic Checkers
Stunningly beautiful 3D graphics are combined with ease of use in this classic board game of Checkers. The better your display system, the prettier it looks. Supports many languages.
- Publisher: Aros Magic
- Last updated: December 26th, 2007
Disk checkers definition in Description

jCheckers is a Java checkers program, based on my Java Checkers Engine that is also used in Checkers Tutor for Android.Main features: -Powerful Java checkers engine based on Cake, one of the world's best checkers programs -Four different types of playing levels: A beginner level, where jCheckers will try to give you a strong position
- Publisher: Sun Microsystems Inc.
- Last updated: June 22nd, 2011

Checkers EFG
Play the classic game of Checkers against either another player or the computer. The difficulty of the computer opponent can be customized which allows the player to alter the difficulty of the game according to their own skill. The game of checkers is also known by other names.
- Publisher: Exotic Flash Games
- Last updated: March 31st, 2011

Amusive Checkers
The checkers simulator will help you to master your playing skills, to train your intellectual capacity and, above all, give you lots of entertainment. The game includes three version of checkers: Russian, English and give away.
- Publisher: MyPlayCity.com
- Home page: www.myplaycity.com
- Last updated: March 11th, 2008

PicaLoader is a unique application that can help you to download thousands of images and wallpapers from any website very easily. The program just needs the URL of the website with wallpapers and a few settings, and you will get all your favorite wallpapers downloaded to your PC automatically.
- Publisher: VOWSoft,Ltd.
- Last updated: April 21st, 2009

CheckerBoard is a fully featured free windows interface to checkers programs. You can play against different checkers engines, enter and replay games, choose the level of play of the computer opponent, set up positions for the computer to analyze, and more.
- Publisher: Martin Fierz
- Home page: www.fierz.ch
- Last updated: September 21st, 2012
Additional Disk checkers definition selection

Realtek High Definition Audio Driver
Realtek High Definition Audio Driver 6 is one of the best for Windows Vista Desktop and mobile PC. As it meets performance requirements for Microsoft WLP 3.08 Vista premium and mobile PCs, it is heavily used and popular amongst Vista and Mobile PC users.
- Publisher: REALTEK Semiconductor Corp.
- Last updated: March 1st, 2017

USB Disk Security
USB Disk Security is a nice piece of software to block threats that can damage your PC or compromise your personal information via USB storage. USB Disk Security uses advanced proactive detection techniques, and closes the window of vulnerability left open by other reactive, signature-based responses.
- Publisher: Zbshareware Lab.
- Home page: www.zbshareware.com
- Last updated: May 21st, 2021

Many of us have ever desired to enjoy our favorite videos on our TV sets, but this is usually not possible because of the limited compatibility and number of supported formats of our home DVD players. Fortunately, today we can use software tools like ConvertXtoDVD to convert one or more videos into a standard DVD movie with customized menus and subtitles.
- Publisher: VSO Software
- Home page: www.vso-software.fr
- Last updated: August 1st, 2023

ProgDVB is a powerful program designed for watching digital TV and listening to radio channels. It provides support for digital tuners such as DVB-S (satellite), DVB-S2, DVB-C (cable), DVB-T, DVB-T2, ATSC, ISDB-T. It also provides a 10 Bands equalizer, TV and Radio channels recording and playback from disk based files.
- Publisher: Prog
- Home page: www.progdvb.com
- Last updated: January 9th, 2025

Hard Disk Sentinel
Hard Disk Sentinel (HDSentinel) is a multi-OS SSD and HDD monitoring and analysis software. Its goal is to find, test, diagnose and repair hard disk drive problems, report and display SSD and HDD health, performance degradations and failures. Many different alerts and report options are available to ensure maximum safety of your valuable data.
- Publisher: H.D.S. Hungary
- Home page: www.hdsentinel.com
- Last updated: January 10th, 2025

Hard Disk Low Level Format Tool
This HDD Low Level Format utility is free for home use. It can erase and Low-Level Format a SATA, IDE, SAS, SCSI or SSD hard disk drive. It will also work with any USB and FIREWIRE external drive enclosures as well as SD, MMC, MemoryStick and CompactFlash media.
- Publisher: HDDGURU
- Last updated: November 29th, 2013

Wise Disk Cleaner
Wise Disk Cleaner is a user friendly, fast and easy to use application developed to free up disk space by deleting junk files.
- Publisher: WiseCleaner.com
- Home page: www.wisecleaner.com
- Last updated: December 27th, 2024

Advanced Disk Recovery
An ultimate data recovery solution to retrieve lost or deleted photos, videos, audios, documents & other files from your Hard Drive, USB & other storage media. Advanced Disk Recovery works quickly and efficiently to recover accidentally deleted or lost data from your Windows PC & other multiple external devices.
- Publisher: Systweak, Inc.
- Home page: www.systweak.com
- Last updated: July 30th, 2024

Win32 Disk Imager
Win32 Disk Imager is a utility for reading and writing a disk image file to an external storage device. The application is open source and free to use, so you can use the program for as long as you like, without any limitations whatsoever. The program works with various external storage devices (USB sticks, flash drives, etc.).
- Publisher: Tobin Davis
- Last updated: April 12th, 2022

USB Disk Storage Format Tool
USB Disc Storage Format Tool is a program for formatting external USB flash drives and storage. It can be used for fixing common USB storage errors such as bad sectors, virus infection and file system type changing. It supports four file systems: FAT, FAT32, NTFS and EXFAT.
- Publisher: Authorsoft Corporation
- Home page: www.authorsoft.com
- Last updated: September 5th, 2013