Display outlook tasks desktop in Title/Summary

Central Desktop for Outlook
With this program, you can synchronize your tasks and calendar events in Outlook and vice versa. The Central Desktop for Outlook add-on provides a 2-way sync for tasks and calendar events between Microsoft Outlook and Central Desktop. It works on Microsoft Windows: 2000, XP, Vista, or Windows 7, Microsoft Outlook: 2000, 2003, 2007, or 2010.
- Publisher: Central Desktop
- Last updated: January 11th, 2012

WebIS Desktop Sync: Outlook
Syncs Events, Tasks, Notes between Outlook to Pocket Informant 2.0 via network - Supports local WiFi Bonjour Syncing with little configuration - Supports user-configured port connection allowing for sync over WAN - Syncs Event Categories as Calendars or Tags - Syncs Task Categories as Calendars, Tags, Projects, or Contexts
- Publisher: Web Information Solutions, Inc.
- Last updated: November 28th, 2011

Desktop Album Display
A small desktop utility for your viewing and hearing pleasure. A program that allows you to place the covers of your favorite music albums on your desktop, and use them to launch your favorite media player. Media Player Support: - Winamp Player - Windows Media Player - Foobar 2000 Player - Apple iTunes - Media Monkey - musikCube Player (requires the playlist plugin)
- Publisher: JGaudencio
- Last updated: October 10th, 2009
Display outlook tasks desktop in Description

NoMoreDupes for Outlook
You have each Outlook contact suddenly twice after a synchronization with your handheld? Or you wanted to download your emails and Outlook loaded all the emails you already have again? Whenever you have the same content twice or more times in your Outlook then you need a tool to remove Outlook duplicates.
- Publisher: Wisco
- Last updated: June 10th, 2019

SysTools Outlook Duplicates Remover
Key Features of Outlook Duplicate Remover - Remove duplicate Outlook Emails - Remove duplicate Outlook Contacts - Remove duplicate Outlook Calendars - Remove duplicate Outlook Notes - Remove duplicate Outlook tasks - Remove duplicate Outlook Journals
- Publisher: SysTools Software
- Home page: www.systoolsgroup.com
- Last updated: October 23rd, 2020

Messageware OWA Desktop
OWA Desktop brings OWA webmail functionality to the user’s desktop, mirroring the desktop Outlook experience, but with the added benefit of a thin client. No more need for a log-on every time a user would like to view or send a message or access their calendar. New mail and appointment alerts, with one-click access to advanced features, are provided to the user in real time.
- Publisher: Messageware Incorporated
- Home page: www.messageware.com
- Last updated: June 4th, 2012

SymTasks Outlook Sync
SymTasks Outlook Sync is a Windows based application that is required to sync your Microsoft Outlook Tasks to SymTasks on Android device. This program allows you to synchronize your SymTasks on the Android device with MS Outlook tasks on your computer over secure and encrypted Wi-Fi connection. The Android device and the computer must be connected to the same WiFi network.
- Publisher: Symbiotic Technologies
- Last updated: June 10th, 2014

OL-CSV Converter
OL-CSV Converter lets you convert information between Outlook and CSV (comma separated value) files. OL-CSV Converter works with Outlook Contacts, Outlook Calendar, Outlook Tasks and Outlook Notes information. You may convert this information to CSV files or convert information from CSV files to Outlook.
- Publisher: LivePIM Software Inc.
- Home page: www.livepim.com
- Last updated: March 30th, 2018
Additional Display outlook tasks desktop selection

As the magnitude of data increases, it is more crucial than ever for business professionals to efficiently manage their system’s desktop environment. Using NVIDIA® nView® Desktop Management Software, professionals have maximum flexibility and unprecedented control of a single or multiple display environments.
- Publisher: NVIDIA Corporation
- Last updated: June 24th, 2020

PlainSight Desktop Calendar
PlainSight Desktop Calendar is a great looking desktop calendar which can be fully integrated with wallpaper. It stays on your desktop and shows the days of the current month. It can display Microsoft® Outlook® data, which you can directly manipulate, and weather forecasts from weather information servers. It also uses high-quality fonts, looks pretty, and has lots of skins.
- Publisher: Desksware
- Home page: www.desksware.com
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

DYMO LabelWriter Drivers
DYMO Label Software includes many features that make it flexible and easy to use. The software now contains two editors: Label Editor and Tape Editor. The Label Editor is much the same as previous versions of the software, allowing you to design and print DYMO die-cut labels.
- Publisher: DYMO Corporation
- Last updated: February 5th, 2013

Hitman: Codename 47
HitMan is a Windows desktop console for users of Hit2count web counters. HitMan let you easily create counters and revise the status of your website's and/or downloads in a simple interface. You don't need any programing skills nor any computing experience other than the basics to run a program and to use the mouse and keyboard.
- Publisher: IO Interactive
- Home page: store.steampowered.com
- Last updated: June 12th, 2017

Cloudmark Desktop for Microsoft Outlook
Cloudmark Desktop is an award-winning spam-blocker which adds 6 functional buttons only to your Microsoft Outlook interface. By using this small add-on you can say goodbye to spam, phishing, and email-borne viruses. It installs in moments and begin working instantly. It is also simple and it locks most spam automatically.
- Publisher: Cloudmark, Inc
- Last updated: March 1st, 2008

Currency Converter
Currency Converter is a great widget developed by Opera which will prove very useful to all those working in sales, finance or who are required in their activity to make use of currency conversion. You have to select the desired currencies you need to convert and this converter will display on your desktop the exact exchange ratio based on daily rates.
- Publisher: gadgets-archive
- Last updated: June 2nd, 2012

TaskToCal for Outlook
TaskToCal for Outlook is a program that displays your tasks automatically in your Outlook calendar. This Outlook add-in integrates completely in your Outlook 2013/2010/2007/2003/XP/2002/2000. Every time you create a new task then a new appoinment will be created in your calendar.
- Publisher: Wisco
- Home page: www.tasktocal.com
- Last updated: June 23rd, 2015

CodeTwo Public Folders
CodeTwo Public Folders is a program that will let you share Outlook calendars, contacts, tasks, email and Windows files with other users, computers and mobile devices both across your local network and through the Internet. Your data is protected from loss and unauthorized access as it is always stored only on your PCs.
- Publisher: CodeTwo
- Last updated: June 10th, 2019

SyncRoid PC Client
SyncRoid is designed to sync your Android phone with Microsoft Outlook on Windows PC via Bluetooth and WiFi. You have to simply connect your phone with the computer and choose content to sync. You can choose between your contacts, tasks and calendars.
- Publisher: Drizzle Apps
- Last updated: February 27th, 2015

BB10 PC Outlook Sync
BB10 PC Outlook Sync is a program that allows you to keep Microsoft Outlook synchronized with BlackBerry 10 devices. The program enables you to sync Outlook Contacts to BB10 Hub Contacts, Outlook Calendar to BB10 Hub Calendar, Outlook Tasks to BB10 Remember app and Outlook Notes to BB10 Hub Remember app.
- Publisher: BB10OutlookSync
- Last updated: April 3rd, 2015