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Doc to .cdr converter software in Title/Summary

MS Word Doc To Docx and Docx To Doc Batch Converter Software

MS Word Doc To Docx and Docx To Doc Batch Converter Software

Convert one or more MS Word files from 2000, 2002/XP and 2003 to 2007. Also, convert 2007 to 2000, 2002/XP and 2003. Word 2000 or higher required.

Doc To MP3 Converter Software

Doc To MP3 Converter Software

Doc To MP3 converter helps convert one or more MS Word files to MP3s. The user can set the desired volume and speech rate then select the voice to be used before starting the process. This software application can convert a file or even an entire folder.

  • Publisher: Sobolsoft
  • Home page: www.sobolsoft.com
  • Last updated: December 20th, 2014
ODT To Doc Converter Software

ODT To Doc Converter Software

This software offers a solution to users who want to convert one or more OpenOffice Writer (ODT) files into MS Word (DOC) format. The user can specify the files or an entire folder to be included before starting the conversion.

  • Publisher: Sobolsoft
  • Home page: www.sobolsoft.com
  • Last updated: November 17th, 2009

Doc to .cdr converter software in Description

Free DOCX To DOC Converter

Free DOCX To DOC Converter

The Free Docx to Doc Converter is a very useful piece of software. Microsoft word files with the docx extensions do not open on computers that do not have Microsoft 2007 or above installed. The disadvantage with docx extension files is that they are not compatible with any versions of Microsoft word released before 2007. The Free Docx to Doc Converter easily converts any docx file to a doc extension file, making it universally readable.

  • Publisher: Media Freeware
  • Last updated: September 21st, 2017
UniPDF PDF to Word

UniPDF PDF to Word

100% Free PDF to Word converter software to convert PDF to Word documents (doc, rtf), convert PDF to images (jpg, png, bmp, tif, gif, pcx, tga), convert PDF to HTML (html), or convert PDF to Text (txt) in batch mode.

  • Publisher: UniPDF.com
  • Last updated: March 26th, 2015
CDR Repair Kit

CDR Repair Kit

CorelDraw CDR Repair tool for restoring a CorelDraw projects after data corruption accidents of various types. The efficient repair of damaged Corel Draw CDR file data.

  • Publisher: Repair Kit, Inc.
  • Home page: www.cdr.repair
  • Last updated: November 21st, 2019
DOC to PDF Converter

DOC to PDF Converter

If you need to set more properties like Title, Subject, Author, Keywords, Security, Watermark, Viewer of PDF and Page Number to the targeted PDF in the converting process, the Doc to PDF software can help this task for you in seconds. Free 3DPageFlip Doc to PDF Converter is a good solution for converting TXT or RTF to PDF with easy-to-use interface and simple steps which can be handled by anyone.

  • Publisher: 3DPageFlip Solution
  • Home page: www.3dpageflip.com
  • Last updated: March 23rd, 2016
OneNote Converter Wizard

OneNote Converter Wizard

OneNote converter supports migration of .one, .onepkg files of OneNote to PDF, OneNote to DOC, OneNote to DOCX, OneNote to XLS, OneNote to HTML, OneNote to JPG, OneNote to GIF, OneNote to BMP, OneNote to PNG, OneNote to TIFF formats.

Additional Doc to .cdr converter software selection

English To Hindi and Hindi To English Converter Software

English To Hindi and Hindi To English Converter Software

This program uses Google Translate to convert texts from English to Hindi and vice versa. Its interface is intuitive, but I couldn't actually test the program because it needs a valid Google Translate API. I don't see the point of purchasing a program that uses a free service to work.

  • Publisher: Sobolsoft
  • Home page: www.sobolsoft.com
  • Last updated: December 24th, 2009
vCard VCF To CSV Converter Software

vCard VCF To CSV Converter Software

Quickly convert multiple VCFs to CSVs. Drag and drop VCF files into the software and then click a button to start the process. There are features to extract only names, addresses e-mails or phone numbers.

CSV To vCard VCF Converter Software

CSV To vCard VCF Converter Software

Convert a CSV file with contacts to VCFs. vCards are created using delimiting characters (like commas) in the CSV file as a separator.

VCF To Excel Converter Software

VCF To Excel Converter Software

As its name clearly suggests, the purpose of this tool is to help you convert VCF vCards to Excel spreadsheets. VCF To Excel Converter Software is a very simple utility that even complete beginners can use. It’s a straightforward utility that doesn’t come with any advanced features, complicated options, or sophisticated functions.

Excel To VCF Converter Software

Excel To VCF Converter Software

“Excel To VCF Converter Software” is a very small and simple tool that does exactly what its name suggests: it converts contacts’ data from Excel spreadsheets to VCF vCards. I like a lot about this simple tool the fact that it lets you specify a particular range of cells from the input Excel file from which to extract the data that you want to convert to VCF vCards.

  • Publisher: Sobolsoft
  • Last updated: May 28th, 2014
English To Arabic and Arabic To English Converter Software

English To Arabic and Arabic To English Converter Software

Convert English sentences to Arabic and vice versa.

  • Publisher: Sobolsoft
  • Last updated: December 26th, 2009
PDF To MP3 Converter Software

PDF To MP3 Converter Software

Create MP3s from PDFs. Volume, speed of speech and voices can be specified.

Photo To Cartoon Image Converter Software

Photo To Cartoon Image Converter Software

This software offers a solution to users who want to create multiple cartoons from picture files. This software will convert any digital image as long as it is in BMP, GIF or JPG file format.

Html to Word Doc Rtf Converter 3000

Html to Word Doc Rtf Converter 3000

Html to Word Doc Rtf Converter 3000 is a powerful and easy-to-use converter that is designed to convert HTML/Webpage of internet to Word, Excel, RTF, HTML, TEXT. Main features: - Support local HTML, HTM or URL. - Simultaneously convert massive different format files to PDF once to save time and energy. - Support delete the redundant blank line of document to convert to text.

  • Publisher: allimagetool
  • Last updated: September 14th, 2011
Text To MP3 Converter Software

Text To MP3 Converter Software

Convert multiple text files to MP3s.