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Dosbox turbo manager in Title/Summary

MySQL Turbo Manager

MySQL Turbo Manager

Powerful tool for MySQL Database Server administration and development.

  • Publisher: Mentat Technologies
  • Last updated: March 28th, 2008
Turbo Pascal with DOSBox

Turbo Pascal with DOSBox

Turbo Pascal is a compiler and an integrated development environment (IDE) for the Pascal language that run on MS-DOS operating system. This program is a simpler solution by packaging software DOSBox Turbo Pascal 7.0 and 0.74 into a single installation file.

  • Publisher: Luu Nguyen Thien Hau
  • Last updated: August 30th, 2022


DOSBox has already been ported to many different platforms, such as Windows, BeOS, Linux, MacOS X...rnrnDOSBox also emulates CPU:286/386 realmode/protected mode, Directory FileSystem/XMS/EMS, Tandy/Hercules/CGA/EGA/VGA/VESA graphics, a SoundBlaster/Gravis Ultra Sound card for excellent sound compatibility with older games...

  • Publisher: The DOSBox Crew
  • Home page: www.dosbox.com
  • Last updated: October 19th, 2009

Dosbox turbo manager in Description

TurboC 7

TurboC 7

With this program, now you can run Turbo C in full screen any time. Features: -Automatic (no need to read and apply complicated tutorial to run C in full screen) -no need to write commands on DosBox every time -solved problem of "DosBox window close" when compile C programs with "ctrl+f9" -solved resolution problem in PC



XpConfigurator is a tiny Windows XP tweaker. Among functionalities, we can mention:- [Clear ProductID]: clears productID. - [Remove Windows Spy]: disables Windows registration wizard. - [Remove Zip File Support]: disables Windows Zip file support - useful when you have lots of zip files on your folders and you have you own zip manager.

  • Publisher: Hypergraphics-3D
  • Home page: www.ozone3d.net
  • Last updated: October 7th, 2009
Intel (R) Turbo Memory Driver

Intel (R) Turbo Memory Driver

It is a driver for Intel® Turbo Memory, a PC component that caches large amounts of frequently used data for faster access by the processor. This driver package will conditionally install both the Intel(R) Matrix Storage Manager and the Intel(R) Turbo Memory driver.

  • Publisher: Intel Corporation
  • Last updated: October 24th, 2011
D-Fend Reloaded

D-Fend Reloaded

This program uses the DOSBox emulator capabilities to make those games playable again, so you don't need a huge programming knowledge to enjoy those games. So dust off your old CD-ROMs or download those pixelled classics and enjoy them again as in the good ol' days using this free program.

DOSBox Frontend

DOSBox Frontend

DBFrontend is a new tool to make the approach to the excellent DOSBox project more comfortable and to manage your DOSBox projects. Additional languages may be plugged in via lang.ini and xml file. Reads configuration script to generate the visual configuration components on the fly.

  • Publisher: Peter Klauer
  • Last updated: April 27th, 2012

Additional Dosbox turbo manager selection

Internet Download Manager

Internet Download Manager

Accelerate downloads by up to 10 times and easily organize your downloads with this tool. Schedule and resume broken downloads after errors. Download videos from from different steaming sites like YouTube. Supports all popular browsers and protocols.

Advanced SystemCare

Advanced SystemCare

Advanced SystemCare can make a personalized plan for you to scan and clear tons of junk files, unnecessary logs, and caches, leftovers from the third-party tools, browsers, including your Windows 10 system. It always learns from your optimization habits and PC performance status. Find out your PC problems and errors, then fix them all. A daily click brings you a fresh PC.

  • Publisher: IObit
  • Home page: www.iobit.com
  • Last updated: December 27th, 2024
Turbo Browser

Turbo Browser

From editing or optimizing individual or groups of digital photos to managing all your PDF and Office Documents, this multiple award winning software lets you organize, group convert and optimize, create DVD/CD, slideshow, group rename, change file properties, print, compress, upload, download, publish Web sites, plus edit HTML, script, text, RTF, and HEX in its color coded editor.

Autodesk App Manager

Autodesk App Manager

Compatible with AutoCAD and most components of its suite of products (Electrical, Mechanical, Architecture, MEP, and Civil 3D), Autodesk App Manager is a free add-on that will help you manage all apps installed for your version of AutoCAD. It will tell you if the app is up to date or if a new version or update has become available. You can uninstall any App from here and even rate it, if you wish.

  • Publisher: Autodesk, Inc.
  • Last updated: February 13th, 2017
SugarSync Manager

SugarSync Manager

Automatically access and share your photos, videos, and files in any folder. Whether it’s to collaborate on team projects, distribute view-only files, or simply post links to documents on the cloud, you have complete control over how you share your files.

Motorola Device Manager

Motorola Device Manager

Motorola Device Manager contains USB drivers and software to connect your Motorola phone or tablet to your computer using a USB cable. For certain Android-powered devices, Motorola Device Manager can also update your software. Mac (Mac OS 10.5+) and Windows (XP+) versions of the app available to download.

HTC Sync Manager

HTC Sync Manager

HTC Sync Manager is a free application for your computer that makes it easy to sync all of your media to and from your PC with your HTC phone. You can also sync all of your contacts, calendar events, bookmarks and documents. Once synced, you can easily manage and organize the content.

  • Publisher: HTC Corporation
  • Last updated: May 20th, 2022
BitComet Turbo

BitComet Turbo

BitComet Turbo is a clean and free peer to peer file sharing program. It allows you to download any kind of media files and enables users to share any digital file including movies, images, audio, video, software, documents, etc. BitComet Turbo also reveals lots of data related to the downloading process, track and set the maximum upload and download speeds and more.

  • Publisher: ProSharing LLC
  • Last updated: January 19th, 2015
Easy Display Manager

Easy Display Manager

Easy Display manager has three primary functions: To display information related to the function keys, to set up hotkeys that control various features such as rotation and resolution, and to adjust the brightness using the function keys. For these features to work, Easy Display Manager must be installed and running.

Autodesk Network License Manager

Autodesk Network License Manager

These downloads include the FLEXlm Licensing Server Tools software for use with license servers running on Windows XP, Mac OS X, Linux, IRIX, HPUX or SUN Solaris. For each operating system, the download package contains the following components: - lmgrd - License Server Daemo - sgiawd - License Server Vendor Daemon - lmutil - General Licensing Utility