Download 8 ball ruler 1.2 in Title/Summary

On-screen Ruler
This lightweight, free, semi-transparent ruler began as a simple project to teach a child about computers, usability and the software development process. However, once John released a version with shortcuts, it quickly evolved into a tool used by thousands of people worldwide, and has been translated into several languages by an enthusiastic user community.
- Publisher: John Kummailil
- Last updated: May 13th, 2010

WonderWebWare Screen Ruler
Measure anything on your screen with this free Screen Ruler tool. Measure the distance between two points on your screen, get the exact location and size of an element on a web page that and so much more with this free tool just for you to download and try.
- Publisher: wonderwebware
- Home page:
- Last updated: December 13th, 2010

The ruler can be resized using the mouse and is highly configurable. You can change the ruler units using a mouse wheel instead of the menu. The last settings you used are saved in the same directory as the executable. You can check the dimensions of any expression by dragging and dropping units onto the work area. You can also check the dimensions of just the numerator or just the denominator.
- Publisher: Dr. John Kummailil
- Last updated: July 14th, 2011
Download 8 ball ruler 1.2 in Description

Ball Breakout Game
Ball Breakout Game is a free breakout game in which you let a ball bounce on a moving bar on the bottom of the screen.
- Publisher: 3dfishgame
- Last updated: March 12th, 2014

Window Ruler
Ideal for developers! Window Ruler allows you to measure windows and make screen captures in a simple and fast way. Adjust the measure units (inches, points, centimeters, milimeters and pixels) and the size of the captures. Nothing is easier to run than Window Ruler.
- Publisher: Lorenzi Davide
- Last updated: June 5th, 2010

Rival Ball
Rival Ball 1.5.6 is a block-bursting game, like Arkanoid or Ricochet. The object of the game is to destroy every brick on the screen, by hitting it with a ball, which you will have to deflect with a paddle. You'll have to hit the ball with the paddle, to prevent it from falling down.
- Publisher: Longbow Digital Arts
- Last updated: April 1st, 2008

3D Moving Ball Screensaver
3D Moving Ball Screensaver is a very beautiful screensaver that brings colorful balls bouncing on your desktop screen.
- Publisher: CustomAquariumScr
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020

A Ruler for Windows
Measuring the pixels of objects on your screen is not an easy task. If you need to find out the exact dimensions in pixels of any object on your screen or website, A Ruler for Windows offers you a free and attractive alternative. The program displays an image of a traditional ruler for you to take accurate pixel measurements of anything on your screen, magnifying your desktop up to 4x if needed.
- Publisher: Rob Latour
- Last updated: July 13th, 2022
Additional Download 8 ball ruler 1.2 selection

This is a application that will help you in aiming and doing reflections on Pool Live tour. The only change in this version is that you can decrease and increase the ball size a little bit more than before. In order to use reflector you must have 8BallRuler 1.1.
- Publisher: 8BallRuler
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 21st, 2012

Inca Ball
nca Ball is a clone of Luxor with the make up of an Azthec ambientation. For those who don't know Luxor this game is a ball breaking game. In each stage there will be coloured balls that appear in a row and follow a chanel which is different in each stage. If the balls get to the end of the chanel you'll lose a life. To avoid this you can move from left to right and shoot coloured balls.
- Publisher: Playrix Entertainment
- Last updated: January 4th, 2012

Star ball
Star Ball is a space brick-busting game, similar to Arkanoid or Ricochet. You pilot a spaceship, that must bounce a ball to destroy bricks, in order to get the ancient artifact Star Ball. As in thousands of similar games, you control the bat (or spaceship) with the right and left cursor movement keys. Every other action is done pressing the spacebar.
- Publisher: Media Contact LLC
- Home page:
- Last updated: July 26th, 2008

Internet Download Manager
Accelerate downloads by up to 10 times and easily organize your downloads with this tool. Schedule and resume broken downloads after errors. Download videos from from different steaming sites like YouTube. Supports all popular browsers and protocols.
- Publisher: Tonec Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 10th, 2025

J-Ball 1.0 is a game in which you´ll have to trap atom on the board into smaller spaces. This game is a sequel to the original game Jezzball. The story tells that a very strange atom was discovered in a very far world. the J-Atom. They pay for you for every atom collected. The smaller the carrier, the better for you, cause the atoms preserve best their energy, and you will be better paid.
- Publisher: Media Contact LLC
- Last updated: March 10th, 2008

The levels are also unique with some features that have never been seen. Some obstacles steer your ball wildly like a fan, some warp your ball to other parts of the screen, others speed up your ball in certain directions. Break through all 20 levels in the FREE version and 150 unique levels in the full version! Full 3D hardware rendered graphics for ultra-smooth gameplay.
- Publisher: Retro64 Computer Games
- Last updated: April 6th, 2008

HP SoftPaq Download Manager
HP SoftPaq Download Manager provides a simple way to download software updates for the HP client PC models in your environment. The program lists the updates available based on your search criteria on a single screen. You can easily find the updates that are most important to you and your users, avoid the cumbersome task of downloading updates individually, and more.
- Publisher: Hewlett-Packard Company
- Last updated: June 29th, 2020

Download Navigator
It is an application designed to update your Epson devices to the latest version. It support the next devices: - Epson Expression Home XP-102. - Epson Expression Home XP-103. - Epson Expression Home XP-202. - Epson Expression Home XP-203. - Epson Expression Home XP-207.
- Publisher: SEIKO EPSON Corporation
- Home page:
- Last updated: June 27th, 2013

Good Download Manager
Good Download Manager is absolutely free and comes with no restrictions, ads, or anything like that. You get a fully functional download manager capable of not only improving the speed of your downloads, but also downloading torrents and Flash videos, scheduling unattended downloads, previewing partially downloaded media files, and much more.
- Publisher: GoodDownloadManager Team
- Last updated: October 26th, 2022

MaxiGet Download Manager
MaxiGet Download Manager is a simple, neat and handy tool that lets you manage and organize your downloads, as well as increase their transfer speeds. This handy tool also lets you resume broken downloads from the point they were interrupted, or willingly pause them so that you can resume them at later times.
- Publisher: Maxiget Ltd.
- Last updated: April 20th, 2015