Download hindi songs wav format in Title/Summary

Download Hindi Song Toolbar
Download Hindi Song Toolbar delivers you the freshest content from Download Hindi Song Community directly to your browser, no matter where you are on the Web. Choose from thousands of free apps for your browser and search the Web and get a wide choice of useful search engines. Also you can listen to radio stations or stay connected with your friends on Facebook.
- Publisher: Download Hindi Song
- Last updated: July 31st, 2012

Song Download Manager
Song Download Manager is a helpful windows tool that enables you to search, buy and download karaoke songs instantly from CAVS website and saving your time from typing checkout information by using User Profile. Also you can rename song filename according to its title and redownload songs from the last order.
- Publisher: CAVS USA Inc.
- Last updated: January 23rd, 2010

Wav Combiner
WAV Combiner is a tool used to join files with wav format. The tool uses its inbuilt features to merge more than one wav file. The tool is powerful enough to join the wav files irrespective of the input wav formats, sample frequency, channels or bits per sample.
- Publisher: DigitByte Studio
- Last updated: July 14th, 2012
Download hindi songs wav format in Description

MP3 to WAV Converter
When it comes to digital music, sometimes you may want the compactness of the MP3s, and other times you want the quality of a CD. MP3 to WAV Converter Pro makes it easy to have both of them. MP3 to WAV Converter Pro converts .wav music files to .mp3 format to reduce the size of the files by roughly a factor of 10, and it changes MP3s to .wav files for playback on standard CD players.
- Publisher: MP3 to WAV Converter
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 1st, 2010

WMA WAV MP3 to Audio CD Maker
WMA WAV MP3 to Audio CD Maker is an powerful and simple-to-use application that allows you to create standard Audio CDs from existing audio files. Burn your favorite WMA MP3 WAV and OGG songs to create customized audio CD for your listening pleasure.
- Publisher: Allok Soft Inc.
- Last updated: March 28th, 2012

MP3 To WAV Converter Software
MP3 To WAV Converter Software allows you to convert one or more MP3 audio files into WAV format. You can manually add individual songs or specify the folder where MP3 files are located. This program can handle any number of input files. You can also specify the format of output WAV file.
- Publisher: Sobolsoft
- Home page:
- Last updated: July 24th, 2018

Band Minus One
Band Minus One allows users to create accompaniments for songs. It can be used not only by professional singers and musicians but by amateurs as well. This program has a user-friendly interface, which makes no difficulties in using the program. With the help of this program you can record wave audio and even your solo, if you have a microphone.
- Publisher: Jos Maas
- Home page:
- Last updated: June 10th, 2019

Aniosoft iTunes Assistant
Aniosoft iTunes Assistant is a tools for iPod iPhone user. It can help you to play APE or WAV music on iPhone iPad iPod.Other function: Import music folder into iTunes and auto create a playlist name. Clear invalid tracks in iTunes library. Convert APE and WAV format music files. Add to iTunes library.
- Publisher: Aniosoft, Inc.
- Last updated: October 31st, 2011
Additional Download hindi songs wav format selection

WAV MP3 Converter
WAV MP3 Converter supports converting batches of audio formats MP3 WAV WMA and OGG from one to another directly on-the-fly and sopports Normaolizing. It can support MP3 files to WAV files for burning on an audio CD.
- Publisher: Audio Tools Factory
- Last updated: March 18th, 2010

MP3 Converter
MP3 Converter can convert video and audio files to MP3. It provides a simple interface where you can add any number of source files; you can also add a folder containing videos and songs. After adding files, you can select the output format, bitrate (Kbps), sample rate (Hz), audio channels (mono/stereo), and the target folder.
- Publisher: MP3 Softwares Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: July 27th, 2017

Audials Tunebite
Tunebite is a multimedia file converter, recorder and organizer. Its main function is to help you obtain media files of the needed formats in a simple and convenient manner. Tunebite comes with comprehensive recording and capturing functions, for both audio and video content.
- Publisher: Audials AG
- Last updated: September 17th, 2014

MP3 WAV Converter
MP3 WAV Converter converts .wav music files to .mp3 format to reduce the size of the files by roughly a factor of 10, and it changes MP3s to .wav files for playback on standard CD players. It also doubles as an audio player, minus the fancy skins and light shows most players have these days.
- Publisher: American Shareware Technologies Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

Power Mp3 Cutter (Mp3 Sound Cutter)
Power MP3 Cutter is a one of the fundamental tools when you feel “creative” workin with your sound files. Think of this application just as a sharp digital scissors that will cut your sound tracks as simple as you were cutting a sheet of paper. Its interface offers you two different modes: Power MP3 Cutter Professional and Classic Power MP3 Cutter.
- Publisher: CoolSoft Inc.
- Last updated: September 29th, 2011

MP3 Sound Cutter
Power MP3 Cutter (MP3 Sound Cutter) is an app that can cut smaller sound pieces from big MP3 or WAV format files directly. You can add fade-in and fade-out effect to the exported audio easily. You can also choose to cut selected audio or unselected audio.
- Publisher: CooolSoft
- Last updated: July 6th, 2018

TwelveKeys Music Transcription Software
This program claims to make it easier to transcribe a music piece. You only need to load the song or melody you want to transcribe, and the program will show you the frequencies being played in the form of a diagram. The program is not very easy to use, and you need time to get accustomed to its functions.
- Publisher: NCH Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: December 8th, 2012

Free CD Ripper
With this program you can to extract audio tracks from your CDs to some of the most popular formats and keep them in your hard drive. You can also create an image of your CD in your drive and burn it to keep security copies of your audio CDs. Free CD Ripper works on Windows platform.
- Publisher: Koyote Soft
- Last updated: October 25th, 2008

DSD Direct
DSD Direct is a tool that enables users to convert music files in WAV format (*.wav) to high-quality DSD data. This application also allows you to create music files in DSD format (*.dsf). Users can create DSD files just by adding WAV files to a list and clicking a button.
- Publisher: Sony Electronics Asia Pacific Pte Ltd.
- Last updated: February 16th, 2008

Scramby scrambles your microphone voice, making you sound like different characters. This distorted voice can be send out through an IP telephone, Instant Messengers or online games. You can use any of the three pre-selected voices, but you can change them all going to the options menu.
- Publisher: Rapid Solution Software AG
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 1st, 2008