Download self player .exe in Title/Summary

Quick Flash Player
Quick Flash Player is a useful application that will let you play SWF files and get them converted to EXE. By right-clicking on any file you can advance to the next frame or simply zoom in or zoom out. The program supports full screen mode. Using this software, you can create your own playlist and watch all of your SWF files.
- Publisher: 123Renamer inc
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 24th, 2009

Berg Player & FlashPack
You can export your flash file into standalone EXE file and vice versa.You can choose EXE projector type between Macromedia Flash or Berg Player.You can control movie with using controller's buttons.(file are smaller in this case) With BergPlayer you can easily navigate trough Flash Movie.
- Publisher: Berg Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: July 17th, 2008

Rhapsody Player Engine
Rhapsody Player Engine is a browser plug-in that gives you access to RealNetwork's online music service. This incredible plug-in allows you to play up to 25 songs per month for free, select the songs you want from millions of songs in RealNetwork's music library and play 25 premium Rhapsody Channels without limit.
- Publisher: RealNetworks
- Home page:
- Last updated: February 27th, 2012
Download self player .exe in Description

WSSS Singapore FSX
The airport features custom made runways, terminal buildings rendered to 5cm per pixel scale, an interactive docking system to park you right on your mark, taxiways with highly realistic concrete textures, full airport taxiway and runway signage, 3D approach lighting and full ILS navigation.
- Publisher: Imagine Simulation
- Last updated: June 21st, 2011

SAP Tutor Player
SAP Tutor is SAP's solution for customized enduser training, documentation and simulation material. To access tutorials created with SAP Tutor (files with the extension .SIM), you need to install the SAP Tutor Player (EXE file, 14 MB, version 2.2 SP01 for Windows XP and Vista). This version of SAP Tutor Player is limited to playing tutorials made by SAP only. It is available free of charge
- Publisher: SAP AG
- Last updated: June 29th, 2012

MadCatz PSP Customizer
This application allows you to save an image as a template for printing and cutting out to place on your PSP faceplate. In order to use this application, you have to follow these steps : - Download software - Open .exe file - Select image from drive - Align image with scroll bars - Click Print - Cut Using clear acetate template provided in packaging for cutting guide
- Publisher: MadCatz Inc
- Last updated: February 18th, 2010

Unity Asset Server
Simply download the installer exe file and execute it to launch the installer. You have to have administrator privileges on the machine to install it.After installing, you should be able to fire up Unity and use it to create projects and users on the newly installed Asset Server.
- Publisher: Unity Technologies ApS
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 16th, 2010

DVD Player (Mac)
DVD Player is a very easy to use video player. It can be associated with your DVD(VOB) files so you just need to double click the file to play it. All basic functions like play, pause, seek, fullscreen are available. You can also make your own playlists, save them, edit them. If you have a large number of DVD files.
- Publisher: Vsevensoft
- Last updated: November 16th, 2011
Additional Download self player .exe selection

Flash Player Pro
Flash Player Pro is a handy flash tool kit designed as Adobe flash player and manager . It has several powerful flash tools: download flash movies from the Internet, preview and browse flash movie, capture flash image and set it as wallpaper, create flash screensaver with ease, make conversion between SWF and EXE flash movies etc.
- Publisher: FlashPlayerPro
- Home page:
- Last updated: July 18th, 2023

DivX is a professional software solution that provides you with the latest codecs. It includes the DivX Player, the DivX Web Player, the DivX Converter, and the DivX HEVC Plug-in. The included player supports various formats of audio and video: DivX, AVI, MKV, MP4, MOV. The DivX Converter allows you to create MKV videos and standard DivX video files.
- Publisher: DivX LLC.
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 22nd, 2024

Veoh Web Player
Veoh Web Player lets you watch Veoh videos on your web browser. It also installs a program that can download the videos for offline viewing. The program lets you play various video formats present in your computer, and organize them into playlists. You can even upload your videos using this application.
- Publisher: Veoh Networks, Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 24th, 2014

Save Flash Player
Save Flash Player 1.0 is an efficient application that enables you to download and play flash movies. The program comes with a lot of great flash tools that will allow you to perform different actions. Using this software, you will be able to download Flash files on any website.
- Publisher:
- Last updated: March 8th, 2008

Power Flashview
Power Flashview is a powerful tool to browse,search,manage,play, preview,filter,catch,save,convert (swf to exe, exe to swf, swf to screen saver,swf to desktop) flash movies easily and conveniently!
- Publisher: ILikeSoft Orgnization
- Last updated: November 30th, 2010

Drive HD Player
Drive HD Player lets you view your dash cam footage along with GPS and G-Sensor data. Please download the player for your specific Drive HD dash cam model. Video, GPS info, and G-Sensor data may not display correctly if you use a player from another model.
- Publisher: Cobra
- Home page:
- Last updated: September 13th, 2015

VLC SubtitlesFinder
VLC SubtitlesFinder was created on the basis of a nice VLC script for adding subtitles to any video. That script crawls the OpenSubtitles website looking for the matching movie (no osdb hash function involved) and adds the subtitle into the VLC media player. Now, this script was modified and allows the subtitle downloading for an off-line usage.
- Publisher: ThePanz
- Last updated: May 17th, 2012

Flash Packager
Flash Packager is a tool developed to pack in a single file pictures, SWF or Mp3s if you need to play them sequentially. You can collect some SWF movies and set them in prearranged play order as well. You can pack the Flash album with external photos which need to load into a single EXE file.
- Publisher: GozTun
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

Sharetastic is a straightforward, solid file sharing program that provides features such as ghost ratings, a completely user-configurable queue area, and multinetwork. You’ll get quick search results and the possibility to preview files as they download due to an integrated media player for common audio and video formats.
- Publisher: GoForSharing LLC
- Last updated: June 5th, 2015

Belkin Flash Media Reader-Writer
If you have a Belkin Media Reader/Writer with a black serial number on the bottom of it, download the original driver file. If you have a reader without the black serial number please download the Belkin_Media_ReaderWriter.exe file. The software will only work with Media readers that do not have a Black serial number on the bottom.
- Publisher: Belkin International, Inc.
- Last updated: March 17th, 2008