Download workout trainer .jar in Title/Summary

My Workout Trainer
Software allows you to keep track of your weightlifting and cardio workouts. Choose from an extensive list of weightlifting and cardio exercises, or add your own custom exercises. Calculate your body fat percentage, BMI and BMR
- Publisher: Linear Software
- Last updated: January 18th, 2012

Timex Trainer
Timex Trainer, developed by the famous watch maker, is a free and easy-to-use application to keep track of your workout activities. This program allows you to set goals and then register the actual training, so that you can compare both records later on. It produces several graphical reports and supports Timex Data Recorder devices.
- Publisher: Timex
- Last updated: April 23rd, 2008

Hitonic JAR-Starter
If you often launch JAR (or JAD) files, and you need to executer these files in various environments, then Hitonic JAR-Starter is what you are looking for. That's right. You launch the file in the last installed environment. Hitonic JAR-Starter allows you select the environment on the fly. Hitonic JAR-Starter launches JAR and JAD files in various J2SE (JDK/JRE) and J2ME (emulators) environments.
- Publisher: Hitonic
- Home page:
- Last updated: July 3rd, 2017
Download workout trainer .jar in Description

i2Workout is a free personal training software tool designed to help you when working out with your treadmill, incline trainer, elliptical or exercise bicycle. The workouts can be generated randomly by the program or you can configure your own according to your needs. Either way, the workouts created can be stored easily as TXT files for its later use.
- Publisher: i2Workout
- Last updated: February 27th, 2012

GymGoal Lite
GymGoal Lite is a healthcare application for workout and take good care of your health, shape your body and mind to be free from stress and physical disorders. Finding a good gym and a good instructor is not the only way to stay fit if we have our own workout equipments and a very reliable pocket instructor in applications such as this great application.
- Publisher: Smaltek
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 22nd, 2008

Complete Brain Workout
Complete Brain Workout is a 46 game collection of all of the Brain Workout Games from 1, 2 and 3. It has 40 mentally stimulating activities to exercise the mind and help improve concentration and memory. The activities are split into five key areas of brain use: verbal, logical, spatial, numerical and memory.
- Publisher: Oak Systems
- Last updated: November 17th, 2009

Gym Trainer is a software that allows you to manage workout schedules. This is ideal for gym managers, personal trainers, etc. The main objective is to replace the manual activities for the creation of workout schedules that usually are not much productive. The program has 250 images of exercises of stretching, with handlebars or barbell, free or on benches, and on isotonic machines.
- Publisher: Delasoft
- Last updated: April 9th, 2011

Gym Trainer Tools
Gym Trainer is a software for personal computer that allows to manage workout schedules. It allows to create, customize, archive and print workout schedules based on exercises typically executed in fitness centres, gyms or whereas there is a minimal availability of fitness equipments, from just handlebars to a complete set of isotonic machines
- Publisher: GymSoftware
- Last updated: August 13th, 2011
Additional Download workout trainer .jar selection

The Xtrace tool navigates and analyzes an Oracle session trace file using a Graphical User Interface composed of three panes.First of all, download the xtrace.jar application.Then, make sure that the SUN JRE is correctly installed; its version must be at least Java 6 update 18.
- Publisher: Alberto Dell'Era

Internet Download Manager
Accelerate downloads by up to 10 times and easily organize your downloads with this tool. Schedule and resume broken downloads after errors. Download videos from from different steaming sites like YouTube. Supports all popular browsers and protocols.
- Publisher: Tonec Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 10th, 2025

HP SoftPaq Download Manager
HP SoftPaq Download Manager provides a simple way to download software updates for the HP client PC models in your environment. The program lists the updates available based on your search criteria on a single screen. You can easily find the updates that are most important to you and your users, avoid the cumbersome task of downloading updates individually, and more.
- Publisher: Hewlett-Packard Company
- Last updated: June 29th, 2020

Download Navigator
It is an application designed to update your Epson devices to the latest version. It support the next devices: - Epson Expression Home XP-102. - Epson Expression Home XP-103. - Epson Expression Home XP-202. - Epson Expression Home XP-203. - Epson Expression Home XP-207.
- Publisher: SEIKO EPSON Corporation
- Home page:
- Last updated: June 27th, 2013

Good Download Manager
Good Download Manager is absolutely free and comes with no restrictions, ads, or anything like that. You get a fully functional download manager capable of not only improving the speed of your downloads, but also downloading torrents and Flash videos, scheduling unattended downloads, previewing partially downloaded media files, and much more.
- Publisher: GoodDownloadManager Team
- Last updated: October 26th, 2022

MaxiGet Download Manager
MaxiGet Download Manager is a simple, neat and handy tool that lets you manage and organize your downloads, as well as increase their transfer speeds. This handy tool also lets you resume broken downloads from the point they were interrupted, or willingly pause them so that you can resume them at later times.
- Publisher: Maxiget Ltd.
- Last updated: April 20th, 2015

Chess Opening Trainer
Chess Opening Trainer 1.1 is a great program for those users who want to improve their chess skills. The application is very easy to use and it has got a nice and friendly graphical interface. With this Trainer, you will be able to practice your chess opening moves over and over until you learn and improve your game.
- Publisher: Chess Technologies
- Last updated: March 27th, 2013

Personal Trainer
Personal Trainer is designed to become your personal trainer - a graphical software for keeping a detailed log of your workouts and for creating a personalized schedule. It can be used for cycling, running, inline skating, nordic skiing, nordic walking or backcountry skiing.
- Publisher:
- Last updated: September 8th, 2012

Timex Device Agent
The Timex Device Agent connects your PC to your watch. This small but powerful application lets you easily download your watch data and even set all the watch settings! Periodically, Timex will update the programming for its Device Agents, to improve performance and add features. It’s important to make sure you have the latest update to get the best experience with your training tool.
- Publisher: Peaksware, LLC.
- Last updated: March 30th, 2012

Microsoft Download Manager
It was specifically designed to help users manage file downloads from supporting Microsoft Web sites. Once started, the Microsoft Download Manager’s easy-to-use interface displays the status of downloads and enables you to suspend active downloads or resume downloads that have failed.
- Publisher: Microsoft Corporation
- Last updated: July 4th, 2020