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Dpc latency checker sourceforge in Title/Summary

DPC Latency Checker

DPC Latency Checker

Thesycon’s DPC Latency Checker is a Windows tool that analyses the capabilities of a computer system to handle real-time data streams properly. It may help to find the cause for interruptions in real-time audio and video streams, also known as drop-outs.

  • Publisher: Thesycon GmbH
  • Last updated: July 27th, 2022
MSI DPC Latency Tuner

MSI DPC Latency Tuner

DPC Latency Tuner is a convenient tool that helps you optimize your PC settings to get a smooth audio/video playback experience and a faster responsive system. You can regulate the CPU, iGPU ratio, and DRAM frequency easily when playing different games. A higher frequency multiplication can bring good image resolution.

  • Publisher: MSI
  • Last updated: October 5th, 2018
DPC Manager

DPC Manager

DPC Manager is a program used to update the MFC 4100 and MFC 4150 HART communicators and MFT 4000 series calibrator/communicators to the latest firmware and DOF files for HART communication. The program estimates and displays the time required to update the connected handheld and uses tree view of HART devices to manage the handheld memory.

  • Publisher: Meriam Process Technologies
  • Last updated: November 29th, 2014

Dpc latency checker sourceforge in Description



LatencyMon is a precise application meant to allow the analysis and auditing of a system in order to determine if it's suitable for processing real-time audio-related tasks. Though it comes with a simple and straightforward interface, LatencyMon is not an application for the casual, inexperienced users.

  • Publisher: Resplendence Software Projects Sp.
  • Home page: www.resplendence.com
  • Last updated: December 8th, 2021
Voxengo Latency Delay

Voxengo Latency Delay

Latency Delay is an auxiliary AAX, AU and VST plugin which allows you to compensate latency produced by any audio plugins, instruments and processes which produce latency but do not try to report it to the host audio application. Latency Delay introduces 10000 samples latency.

  • Publisher: Voxengo
  • Last updated: November 14th, 2016
Fast Link Checker

Fast Link Checker

An advanced tool to find broken links on web sites. It begins checking from the starting page and goes through all pages one by one until it checks all links on the site.

  • Publisher: WebTweakTools.com
  • Home page: webtweaktools.com
  • Last updated: July 13th, 2022
VKernel StorageVIEW

VKernel StorageVIEW

StorageVIEW provides nearly instant analysis of VM infrastructure path latency, including: top five host/datastore paths with the highest latency, listing of the associated VMs for these high latency paths, throughput information for each VM in the high latency path, aggregated results for the remaining datastore/host pairs and support for NFS, iSCSI, and Fibre Channel.

  • Publisher: VKernel
  • Last updated: July 15th, 2011
meltingSquare Checker

meltingSquare Checker

meltingSquare Checker checks the content of your files, data tables or emails according to your own validation rules. Save valuable time to your teams and guarantee the quality of their work with this simple and scalable solution.

  • Publisher: meltingSoft
  • Last updated: January 18th, 2017

Additional Dpc latency checker sourceforge selection

Juniper Networks Host Checker

Juniper Networks Host Checker

You can use Host Checker to perform checks on endpoint computers that connect to the IC Series device to make sure the endpoints meet certain security requirements. For example, you can make sure that a certain process or application is running on an endpoint before allowing a user to sign in to the Infranet Enforcer and access protected resources.

  • Publisher: Pulse Secure, LLC
  • Last updated: April 28th, 2011
Plagiarism Checker X

Plagiarism Checker X

Plagiarism Checker X scans the similarity within your content for free. Whether you are a student, a teacher, a blogger, or a website owner; Plagiarism Checker X can help you deal with all content similarity concerns.

Desktop Plagiarism Checker

Desktop Plagiarism Checker

This free program lets you check the writings submitted by your students or employees to verify their originality. It is really easy to use, and it can obtain results from different services such as Google, Yahoo, Google Books and Google Scholar. Very useful for checking the originality of texts submitted by students or employees.

  • Publisher: Plagiarisma.Net
  • Home page: plagiarisma.net
  • Last updated: November 18th, 2024
Easy Credit Card Checker

Easy Credit Card Checker

Far from being a random combination of digits, credit card numbers follow a strict logic that needs to verify against the “Luhn formula” to be considered valid. Easy Credit Card Checker can tell you if a credit card number is valid or not in just one click, verifying its validity by applying the LUHN10 algorithm to it. It works with all the most widely used credit card types and some defunct ones.

  • Publisher: Ashkon Software L.L.C.
  • Home page: www.ashkon.com
  • Last updated: December 9th, 2012
DirectX Version Checker

DirectX Version Checker

DirectX Version Checker is a simple, neat, and small application created with a single purpose: to help you quickly find out data about the DirectX version installed on your system. It will display not only the DirectX version, but also some additional data, including the DirectShow Filters, the DirectInput Devices, the DirectX Debug Levels, and the installed video and audio compressors.

  • Publisher: directxupdate.com
  • Last updated: January 11th, 2014
Disk Checker

Disk Checker

Disk Checker is a hard drive monitoring/repairing tool for Windows. It is even more of a suite of tools that allow you to scan your hard disks for errors. Disc Checker will even tell you what files are located on sectors with errors, so you can delete or maybe save them. Furthermore, the application has the ability to create disc images in an array of formats.

  • Publisher: RS Software Lab
  • Last updated: January 5th, 2009
Soft4Boost Update Checker

Soft4Boost Update Checker

Soft4Boost Update Checker can find updates for all third-party software applications installed on your Windows computer. Its unique scanning algorithm quickly analyzes the data about any outdated software on your PC and immediately displays the the list of programs to be updated.

  • Publisher: Sorentio Systems Ltd.
  • Home page: sorentioapps.com
  • Last updated: July 30th, 2022
Clone Files Checker

Clone Files Checker

Clone Files Checker is a Windows tool that enables you to identify and delete duplicates from your local directories or drives, external storage devices as well as Cloud storage accounts. The program is packed with a straightforward interface, lets you preview the found duplicates, and immediately completes any given task.

Socks Proxy Checker

Socks Proxy Checker

Socks proxy is a powerful and easy-to-use application that supports https and high anonymity naturally, so you can use socks proxy to access all ( http/https ) websites such as craigslist, youtube and facebook. Read more about how to use socks proxy.

  • Publisher: My-Proxy
  • Last updated: March 30th, 2022
Ursa Spell Checker

Ursa Spell Checker

This program checks your spelling while you are chatting in Skype. If you make any mistake, the program will underline the misspelled word in red. If you press the right button of your mouse while pointing to that word, the program will show you a list of alternative words.

  • Publisher: Ursa Soft
  • Last updated: July 31st, 2012