Dr.web cureit in Title/Summary

Dr.Web CureIT
Dr.Web CureIt is a non-installation antivirufor curing computers running MS Windows 8/7/Vista/XP/Server 2003/2008/2012 (32-/64-bit systems). Dr.Web CureIt detects and neutralizes viruses, rootkits, Trojan horses, spyware, and other malicious objects
- Publisher: Doctor Web
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

DrWeb AntiVirus Link Checker
Dr.Web LinkCheckers is a free extension for checking web pages and files downloaded from the Internet. It scans web pages before they are opened, warns users of social networking websites about following links to other sites and scans the linked content, detects and checks malformed links, scans downloadable Internet files, and more.
- Publisher: Doctor Web
- Home page: www.freedrweb.com
- Last updated: June 28th, 2015
Dr.web cureit in Description

Blue Spider for Dr.Web
Blue Spider for Dr.Web is the alternative program for updating of Dr.Web virus database. The current version works with Dr.Web version 4.33, 4.44, 5.0 and 6.0. The automatic updating utility requires a connection to the Internet. The virus database is updated from official site that guarantees the actuality of the database.
- Publisher: LAVResearch (c)
- Home page: lavresearch.com
- Last updated: April 27th, 2011

Dr.Web Security Space
Comprehensive anti-virus security solution for your Windows PC. Real time protection. Installation and operation in an infected system and exceptional resistance to viruses. Efficient detection and neutralization of all types of threats.
- Publisher: Doctor Web
- Home page: products.drweb.com
- Last updated: March 13th, 2024

Dr.Web AV-Desk
Dr.Web AV-Desk is an Internet service that provides a package of IT security services to protect an unlimited number of subscriber computers from viruses and spam. It allows providers to deliver information security services to their customers. It also allows you to organize protected hosts into groups and create separate security policies for each groups matching current business demands.
- Publisher: Doctor Web
- Home page: ru.av-desk.com
- Last updated: July 3rd, 2013

Dr.Web KATANA - Kills Active Threats And New Attacks. A non-signature anti-virus. Combats threats that are brand-new and unknown to your anti-virus: encryption ransomware, blockers, and web injectors. Does not conflict with third-party anti-viruses.
- Publisher: Doctor Web
- Home page: products.drweb.com
- Last updated: February 18th, 2024
Additional Dr.web cureit selection

Dr.Web Anti-virus
It's a reliable anti-virus protection tool for Windows (anti-virus and firewall only). It blocks viruses and malware from accessing the protected system and will cure the malignant programs that have already penetrated it. The firewall makes it an impenetrable barrier to hackers attempting to break into your system.
- Publisher: Doctor Web
- Home page: products.drweb.com
- Last updated: September 8th, 2014

Dr.Web Anti-Virus Link Checker
Dr.Web LinkChecker is a browser plug-in that allows you to scan web pages and files downloaded from the Internet for malware. To use the plug-in, right-click on the link you want to check, select “Scan with Dr.Web.,” and wait while the linked content is being checked.
- Publisher: Doctor Web, Ltd.
- Last updated: February 11th, 2015

The celebrated antivirus and security tool used in Russia by Russian Central Bank and the Russian Ministry of Defense!
- Publisher: ADinf Development Team
- Last updated: June 16th, 2021

Dr.Web® Enterprise Suite Server
Dr.Web Enterprise Security Suite is a unique product for a centrally managed protection of Windows workstations, Windows file servers, as well as Unix mail servers in a corporate network of any size. Components of the anti-virus license: anti-virus, anti-rootkit, anti-spy.
- Publisher: Doctor Web
- Home page: www.drweb.ru