Dream wallpaper wood wallpaper in Title/Summary

Dream Wallpaper
Dream Wallpaper will give you 80,000 images to use as background for your desktop. It includes many different collections of topics that go from Movies, Nature, Animals, Cartoons, Art, and many more. The simple interface will show you thumbnails of each of them so you can easily choose the ones you like the most.
- Publisher: Dream Wallpaper International LLC
- Last updated: August 4th, 2008

Flash Wallpaper
Create and distribute Flash Wallpapers! Flash Wallpaper converts a Flash (.swf) file into an installable Wallpaper, for you can't 'right-click' and set a Flash file as Wallpaper. But in this process Flash Wallpaper brings the awesome potential of Flash programming to the desktop: Desktop Promotions, Syndication (using XML-RSS feeds), Gaming, Event Calendars to name a few.
- Publisher: Tenmiles Corporation
- Last updated: March 19th, 2008

Wallpaper Changer
Wallpaper Changer is a FREEWARE Windows 9x/NT/2000/XP wallpaper manager that can change your background images on every startup, once a day or at regular intervals. It features JPEG, PNG, GIF and BMP support. Several options are provided, including the ability to change your images in random order.
- Publisher: Frank Pleitz
- Home page: www.aivsoft.com
- Last updated: November 18th, 2009
Dream wallpaper wood wallpaper in Description

WallMaster Pro
WallMaster Pro offers you total and complete solution to manage all your wallpaper collections. With its simple and intuitive control panel interface, you will surely master your desktop wallpaper in just a few minutes!
- Publisher: Tropical Wares
- Last updated: March 6th, 2010

Video Wallpaper Animator
Video Wallpaper Animator is a tool capable of playing GIF and video files on your desktop as animated/video wallpaper.
- Publisher: Cubic Software Design
- Home page: www.bionixwallpaper.com
- Last updated: March 9th, 2018

Wallpaper Master
Wallpaper Master is an easy to use, yet powerful desktop wallpaper manager and changer to get rid of that boring static wallpaper on your desktop. You can change the wallpaper with a specific delay or at specific times. Wallpapers are easily managed in multi-level categories which can have time constraints to give your desktop a time or season dependent look.
- Publisher: James Garton
- Last updated: March 1st, 2008

AniPaper - Urban Celebration
“AniPaper – Urban Celebration” is one of the four animated wallpapers developed and commercialized by AniPaper.com. The wallpaper shows a night image of a business city, with tall skyscrapers with the lights on and up in the sky, beautiful fireworks shining and blowing away.
- Publisher: AniPaper.com
- Last updated: July 7th, 2008

Sunrise Wallpaper Changer
As its name suggests, Sunrise Wallpaper Changer helps you change your desktop wallpaper automatically at certain times scheduled by you. The wallpaper may include any image that you want, a proverb and a calendar. You can use any image that you have stored on your computer as a desktop wallpaper and customize the style (center, tile, stretch, etc), order of images, and change its frequency.
- Publisher: Sunrise Studio
- Last updated: August 16th, 2010
Additional Dream wallpaper wood wallpaper selection

EarthView is a dynamic desktop wallpaper and screen saver, which displays views of the earth with daylight and night shadows. It produces high resolution images for every screen resolution - even beyond 3840x2160. This program supports map and globe views, urban areas, city lights, atmospheric effects, clouds, weather information, and local time display.
- Publisher: DeskSoft
- Home page: www.desksoft.com
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

DWP Timer
Desktop Wallpaper Timer is a nice tool which has the ability to change your wallpaper automatically according to what you specify in a timer. You can include as many pictures as you want and they will be shown on your desktop as wallpaper and changed at regular intervals (hour, minutes, or seconds).
- Publisher: PAMO Software
- Home page: www.pamo-software.com
- Last updated: March 16th, 2008

Wallpapers Every Day
Wallpapers Every Day is a simple and straightforward application that offers a fast and easy manner of having your desktop background automatically changed using high quality images. It can also automatically download the new wallpapers that will be applied to the desktop background, so you will not be limited to a strict collection of images while using this tool.
- Publisher: WallpapersEveryday Team
- Home page: wallpaperseveryday.com
- Last updated: December 24th, 2015

Guppies Deluxe Aquarium
The Guppies Deluxe Aquarium app provides an animated wallpaper for your desktop with assorted Guppies in a well-planted aquarium with crystal clear water. The various forms of the Guppy, Fancy Guppy, or Millions fish are the best known and most popular aquarium fish. This species offers a large selection of colors and shapes with no two fish look exactly alike.
- Publisher: MAC N PC Software
- Home page: www.macnpcsoftware.com
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020

Stardust Wallpaper Control 2003
Stardust Wallpaper Control 2003 is a free taskbar accessory that lets you easily change and configure your desktop wallpaper. Change wallpaper with a single click, modify wallpaper settings, or set your system to automatically change wallpaper.
- Publisher: Stardust Software
- Last updated: August 2nd, 2022

Animated Aquarium Wallpaper
Animated Aquarium Wallpaper changes your desktop into an animated aquarium with various fish species. It features real live fish, different colors, shapes and sizes. Realistic effects and quality graphics will decorate your desktop and give you moments of joy and relaxation.
- Publisher: FullScreensavers
- Home page: www.fullscreensavers.com
- Last updated: January 17th, 2015

Starfield Desktop Wallpaper
Animated Desktop Wallpaper Starfield is an astronomy themed desktop background for Windows PCs that gives off the effect of a starry night sky.One nice thing about Animated Desktop Wallpaper Starfield is that you can change the underlying wallpaper while keeping the star animations. This allows you to create virtually endless combinations of desktop backgrounds with your animated stars.
- Publisher: Artdock
- Home page: www.artdocks.com
- Last updated: December 16th, 2017

Advanced Wallpaper Manager
Advanced Wallpaper Manager is a good utility that allows you to manage and change your wallpapers from your desktop. This program will help you configure your desktop wallpaper with a simple and intuitive control panel, and customize your desktop wallpaper conveniently.
- Publisher: PUSH Software
- Home page: www.push-software.com
- Last updated: February 13th, 2011

Any Wallpaper
Make your computer desktop more dynamic, interactive, useful, and fun. This amazing and free program allows your desktop wallpaper to change automatically. With Any Wallpaper, you can use any of your favorite images as your desktop wallpaper easily. Enjoy a beautiful and colorful desktop with Any Wallpaper, one of the finest wallpaper changers!
- Publisher: AnyUtils
- Last updated: March 11th, 2008

Serene Mountain Scape
Serene Mountain Scape is an animated wallpaper that includes a mountain with snow cap and a river running along its side. With this animated wallpaper you can bring nature right into your living room. It features multiple screen setting to meet your personal preference of screen display, options to set it to auto or run manually when you are on the mood, and more
- Publisher: MAC N PC Software
- Home page: macnpcsoftware.com
- Last updated: August 22nd, 2016