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Dreamer ro test server in Title/Summary

SomaDev Test Server

SomaDev Test Server

SomaDev Test Server is a software application designed for a new free mmorpg on the block – The Myth of Soma. The Myth of Soma is a 2d isometric free MMORPG in which 2 races battle to become the strongest race known to the lands of soma with weekly race wars. Also, Myth of Soma has an excellent guild system which gives great guild war PVP.

  • Publisher: Somadev
  • Last updated: February 26th, 2011
Protocol Test Harness

Protocol Test Harness

The 61850 Test Harness is a Windows application that edits Substation Configuration Language (SCL) files and simulates typical Client or Server devices. The 61850 Test Harness has the ability to create an arbitrary IEC 61850 Object Model, load the Object Model into a compliant IEC 61850 Server, and then connect to the Server using the built in IEC 61850 Client.

Time Dreamer

Time Dreamer

Time Dreamer is a hidden-object game with a very interesting theme. In this game you wake up from a coma with an extraordinary ability: you can travel back in time while you dream. Your goal is to collect clues that help you figure out what you should change in the past to save your father, who has been kidnapped, and even change the future for good.

Dreamer ro test server in Description



- Want to know who is or owns an ip address or domain? - Search worldwide for interesting domains. - Hear when a line breaks down/is up. - Know why you can not reach a domain. - Solve internet problems from your desk.

  • Publisher: dbSoft
  • Last updated: November 3rd, 2009


MizuManage is a program that allows you to learn more about the Mizutech VoIP softswitch if you don't have your own (test) server yet. You can watch out the admin interface (statistics, configurations), work with the remote management client with admin rights, make test calls and change any configuration settings.

Desktop Info

Desktop Info

Desktop Info displays system information on your desktop in a similar way to some other desktop information tools. Uses very little memory and nearly zero cpu. Perfect for quick identification and walk-by monitoring of production or test server farms. Everything is customisable including language.

Tachyon Project

Tachyon Project

Tachyon Project is a classic dual stick shooter game. Here, you take control of Ada, a software program that has taken conscience and that was designed to hack into the most secure servers on Earth. After some rather mysterious events, Ada is thrown out of the test server where it was living and out into the Internet, but when she tries to go back there she finds she's unable to.



A slicing software is required to process and interpret the 3D model into the language FFF 3D printers understand. The FlashPrint is the slicing software used for the FlashForge Dreamer. FlashPrint will slice the 3D model into numerous layers and output it as a .g file, which is the format read by the Dreamer. The file is then transferred to the Dreamer by USB cable, SD card, or Wi-Fi.

  • Publisher: FlashForge
  • Last updated: October 28th, 2016

Additional Dreamer ro test server selection

Adobe Dreamweaver CS5

Adobe Dreamweaver CS5

The first thing Dreamweaver CS5 had to do was make it simpler to start designing websites, and it makes a good start. Previously, you had to jump through a number of hoops to define a site; now, you need only set a name and directory to begin work. When you're ready to move on to the next stage - say, setting up a test server - Dreamweaver will prompt you for the additional information.

  • Publisher: Adobe Systems Incorporated
  • Last updated: October 4th, 2011
Triangle MicroWorks IEC 61850 Test Suite

Triangle MicroWorks IEC 61850 Test Suite

The IEC 61850 test Suite can generate Automatic Data Simulation: Generate simulation data automatically, manually, or table driven. Start changing data values automatically with the push of a button. Values are incremented by Step between Simulation Min and Simulation Max.

Test Mail Server Tool

Test Mail Server Tool

Test Mail Server Tool is a full featured mail server (SMTP) emulation to test mail sending capabilities of your web or desktop application and preview mail messages. Mail sent to this tool is automatically stored and opened with your mail client.

  • Publisher: ToolHeap
  • Last updated: March 1st, 2008
LAN Speed Test

LAN Speed Test

LAN Speed Test can measure file transfer, hard drive, USB Drive, and Local Area Network (LAN) speeds (wired & wireless). Using this tool is quite easy; simply pick a folder and click "Start Test". This folder can be on a local drive, USB drive, or any target location.

  • Publisher: Totusoft, Inc.
  • Home page: www.totusoft.com
  • Last updated: January 21st, 2019
VMware Server

VMware Server

Begin enjoying the benefits of server virtualization for free. VMware Server is a hosted virtualization platform that installs like an application on any existing server hardware and partitions a physical server into multiple virtual machines without any problems.

  • Publisher: VMware, Inc.
  • Last updated: September 29th, 2011
Microsoft SQL Server

Microsoft SQL Server

SQL Server 2022 is the most Azure-enabled release of SQL Server yet, with continued innovation in security, availability, and performance. Help ensure uptime with fully managed disaster recovery in the cloud through the link feature in Azure SQL Managed Instance. Continuously replicate data to and from the cloud.

Matrikon OPC Server for Simulation

Matrikon OPC Server for Simulation

MatrikonOPC Simulation Server is a free utility used to help test and troubleshoot OPC applications (clients) and connections. Testing applications on "live" OPC servers may result in loss of actual production data. The MatrikonOPC Simulation Server creates an simulated environment so that in the event of a problem, no real process data is lost.

UDP Test Tool

UDP Test Tool

Simple Com Tools UDP Test Tool is both a UDP packet generator and listening application in one. UDP Test Tool provides the ability to both create and capture UDP packets from any PC to or from any PC, server, or IP device. It provides a incredibly easy way to to debug UDP packet transfer and helps resolve issues that are unobtainable by most other network analysis tools.

  • Publisher: SimpleComTools
  • Last updated: October 29th, 2011
VMware Workstation

VMware Workstation

VMware Workstation lets you run multiple operating systems such as Windows, Linux, or BSD as Virtual Machines (VMs) on Windows desktop. After creating VMs, you can configure IPv4 and IPv6 virtual networks, with added network latency and bandwidth simulations to recreate real-world scenarios.

  • Publisher: VMware, Inc.
  • Home page: www.vmware.com
  • Last updated: March 19th, 2024
TCP Test Tool

TCP Test Tool

Simple Com Tools TCP Test Tool is a TCP testing application that provides the ability to both initiate and capture TCP packets from any PC to or from any PC, server, or IP device - providing a complete solution for debugging TCP session connectivity issues.

  • Publisher: SimpleComTools
  • Last updated: January 16th, 2012