Dreamscene satellite tracking wmv in Title/Summary

Windows 7 DreamScene Activator
Dreamscene Activator is a portable app that will activate DreamScene in Windows 7. It will let you use this feature by copying the appropriate components to the right directories. You will need to run Dreamscene Activator as an Administrator, otherwise it will not be able to copy files to the system´s folders. The program has two buttons, one to enable DreamScene and the other one to disable it.
- Publisher: Kishan Bagaria
- Home page: www.thewindowsclub.com
- Last updated: July 5th, 2010

DreamScene Activator
DreamScene Activator is a freeware application from door2windows that allows you to activate DreamScene in all editions of Windows 7 and Vista. DreamScene is a feature that allows users to set any video in WMV and MPG format as the desktop wallpaper.
- Publisher: door2windows
- Home page: www.door2windows.com
- Last updated: July 17th, 2014

DreamScene XP
With DreamScene XP, you can use a video as your desktop background, the same way you would have used a regular picture. DreamScene XP is designed for Windows XP customers to extend Windows features to make using your computer more fun. Change your desktop background to a video movie, which runs in a continuous loop to make your desktop come to life.
- Publisher: Dreamscenexp
- Last updated: March 4th, 2011
Dreamscene satellite tracking wmv in Description

The EQMODLX is a LX200 Emulator program that accepts satellite tracking issued by a LX200 Compatible Satellite Tracking Software.This configuration allows you to track the satellite continuously instead of the the "Leap Frog" fashion as made available to the old nextstar protocol. This software application can also converts the satellite tracks to EQ custom tracking rate commands.
- Publisher: chrisshillito, eqmodarchie, sarmientomon
- Last updated: February 28th, 2012

JSatTrak is a Satellite tracking program written in Java. It allows you to predict the position of any satellite in real time or in the past or future. It uses advanced SGP4/SDP4 algorithms developed by NASA/NORAD or customizable high precision solvers to propagate satellite orbits. The program also allows for easy updating of current satellite tracking data via CelesTrak.com
- Publisher: Shawn Gano
- Last updated: April 17th, 2012

Orbitron 3.71is a satellite tracking system for radio amateur and observing purposes. The program can be also used by weather professionals, satellite communication users, astronomers, UFO hobbyist and astrologers. The program shows the positions of satellites at any moment (in real or simulated time).
- Publisher: Sebastian Stoff
- Home page: www.stoff.pl
- Last updated: March 5th, 2008

NovaGPS provides manual or automatic setting of time and location from consumer-grade (or better) GPS receivers. NovaGPS is not the same as Dr. Tom Clark's Totally Accurate Clock because NovaGPS does not require a specialized GPS receiver or modification to other GPS receivers.
- Publisher: Northern Lights Software Associates
- Last updated: February 17th, 2010

Home Planet
Home Planet is a comprehensive astronomy / space / satellite-tracking package. It allows you to view an earth map, showing day and night regions, location of the Moon and current phase, and position of a selected earth satellite. You also see a panel showing detailed position and phase data for the Sun and Moon.
- Publisher: Fourmilab
- Last updated: November 15th, 2009
Additional Dreamscene satellite tracking wmv selection

Ham Radio Deluxe
Ham Radio Deluxe provides a customizable interface to control your amateur transceiver using its built-in computer aided control interface.Main features: - Supports most CAT capable radios. - Supported Radios (click here). - Allows total station control. - BandScope. - Favorites provide memories for all radios.
- Publisher: Ham Radio Deluxe, LLC.
- Last updated: August 10th, 2023

PreviSat is a satellite tracking program designed for observing purposes. It shows positions of artificial satellites in real-time or manual mode. The program is able to make predictions of their passes and also predictions of Iridium flares. Also, it shows satellites in a world map view or in a sky map view and is able to calculate all passes of satellites for any location in the world.
- Publisher: Astropedia
- Home page: previsat.sourceforge.net
- Last updated: July 18th, 2023

Nova for Windows
Nova for Windows provides you with real-time tracking information of numerous Earth-orbiting satellites. It can control antennas such as "PrimeSat" and "NovaComm I" through a wide variety of PC-interfaces. You can also control antennas with a computer joystick/keyboard.
- Publisher: Northern Lights Software Associates
- Last updated: August 6th, 2010

IndigoTrack system is developed to give total security of your aircraft's information. Using the IndigoTrack software, you have the possibility to choose who can have access to which aircraft and what information they can view. IndigoTrack information is mirrored in different locations around the globe, and guarantees a 99.99% up time.
- Publisher: IndigoSat
- Last updated: April 18th, 2012

pTrack is a satellite tracking program. Primary features of pTrack: Track any number of satellites; Satellites ordered in order of next acquisition; World map able to track a single satellite; List of passes for the next 24 hours; Next AOS times at up to 8 groundstations.
- Publisher: Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd
- Last updated: May 24th, 2012

DreamScene Seven
DreamScene Seven allows you to set video wallpaper in .wmv or .mpeg format as a desktop background in Windows 7. After the program is installed, a new item "Set as Desktop Background" will appear in the Video File Context Menu, with the help of which it can be set as a desktop background.
- Home page: www.dreamsceneseven.com
- Last updated: April 16th, 2013

Tracking The Eye.NET
The Tracking The Eye's extended Internet service will send you real-time satellite images, storm coordinates, tropical weather outlook, tropical weather discussion, strike probabilities, public advisories, and forecasts directly to Tracking The Eye.
- Publisher: GenCode Systems, Inc.
- Home page: www.hurricanesoftware.com
- Last updated: September 5th, 2013

My Screen Recorder Pro
My Screen Recorder Pro is a Windows utility designed to help you create video tutorials, game walkthroughs, Skype conferences, etc. The program also enables you to make audio recordings, convert video files, share movies online, and so much more. Yet, it's missing a built-in screen capturing tool.
- Publisher: DeskShare Incorporated
- Home page: www.deskshare.com
- Last updated: March 30th, 2022

Kinovea is a player, editor and capturing video tool. It includes several features for the analysis, measurement, comparison, and motion observation of videos. You can slow down the playback speed, specify a working zone, and focus on any detail or action. You can view the playback screens and make comparative analysis. You can track objects, measure time and distance, and capture video.
- Publisher: Joan Charmant & Contrib.
- Last updated: June 10th, 2017

FLV to AVI MPEG WMV MP4 iPod Converter
FLV to AVI MPEG WMV 3GP MP4 iPod Converter offers you a versatile tool to transform those FLV files into formats that your tablet, smart phone, or computer can play. With support for batch conversion and easy-to-apply templates for the most common devices and the most common video and audio codecs, you can now convert any number of FLV videos easily and in one single operation.
- Publisher: Aone Software
- Last updated: April 24th, 2017